(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

I assume red priestesses will be with them.

Not really a plot hole. They just weren't shown in the finale.
I still can't stop thinking about this moment:



Jon Targaryen
Azor Ahai Reborn
A Song of Ice And Fire
The Prince That Was Promised
Ughhh going to have to suffer the next year with all u r+l guys thinking that was 100% confirmation
So you're one of them that thinks aerys raped her and he also raped tywin's wife? So jon and tyrion are half bros?

I don't either rhaegar or tywin would've let that slide and would've cut that fool in half.
When i get home ill see if i can dig up my old post ( at work using mobile now so dont feel like typing it up)
But yes.
It's within the kings rights. On top of those fools weren't bour that king slaying life.

I also don't understand how the people who believe in the dragon has a 3 heads prophecy . And believe dany is 1. Tyrion is 2 both fathered by aerys ( tyrion possibly) then how do you not think jon wpuldnt have the same father.

Only other outcome i can think of is if young griff is real...
And jon is possibly meant for the ice dragon theory.
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Guess i'm more of a personal revenge guy. Jaime was the one who got to gut him but his motivation was different. I would've been heated I wasn't the one to murk him.
When i get home ill see if i can dig up my old post ( at work using mobile now so dont feel like typing it up)
But yes.
It's within the kings rights. On top of those fools weren't bour that king slaying life.

I also don't understand how the people who believe in the dragon has a 3 heads prophecy . And believe dany is 1. Tyrion is 2 both fathered by aerys ( tyrion possibly) then how do you not think jon wpuldnt have the same father.

Only other outcome i can think of is if young griff is real...
And jon is possibly meant for the ice dragon theory.

Raping wasn't within the Kings rights. The first men had "rite of first night" but I don't think that would apply to either Joanna Lannister or Lyanna Stark. Also I think in the history of ice and fire they made it clear that wasn't the accepted practice anymore.

Tdogg until the book confirms it I agree with you that people gotta wait a little before declaring anything definitive, but even you have to admit that D&D are stating very clearly that George told them it's R+L. There isn't even any ambiguity in who they're saying took Lyanna to the TOJ, why she was there, and you can hear her say "you know he will! You know it! You have to protect him Ned. Promise me." The inference that is to be drawn from all the info the show has given us is that Jon is her love child with Rhaegar.

Any non R+L conclusion you're making at this point is not from show information. It's from outside book info and suppositions. But D&D have made it pretty clear this is what they believe and we know GRRM told them that they're right.

Truth be told if in the books it's anything but R+L, for instance A+L it'll make little sense and seem like a dirty trick. George knows that leaving all these clues pointing at one thing then being like "a ha! But you missed this one sentence in book 1 that could have sort have meant what I was alluding to the whole time and I lied to the show makers to lead you all off the scent!" Would be stupid and would have the opposite effect of a well earned pay off. It'd probably even cost him some writing integrity and would 100% be reactionary to how the show reveal is treated/received.
Aerys raping Tywin's wife would perfectly explain why he basically hates Tyrion similar to Cat hating Jon.

If course Tyson keeps it quiet and then does nothing to help then goes against the Mad king.

It's a shame finding this out is gonna rely on more Bran flashbacks for the show next year.

Jon being Dany's brother not nephew is better theamtically.

As far as the show goes to me it seems like going with R+L=J is somewhat of a reach given they haven't even shown Rhaegar on the show at all. Tv watchers are getting all of that from book reader theories.
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I was so happy about R+L=J and then this thread crushes my dream :lol:

Technically you guys are correct

They didn't officially say Rhager was the father
When they first got there Arthur Dayne specifically says that the Prince ( Rhaegar ) wanted him there and that's why they weren't at the Fork

Dude is jus going against the grain ..it's no other reason to brush off the tons of foreshadowing
When they first got there Arthur Dayne specifically says that the Prince ( Rhaegar ) wanted him there and that's why they weren't at the Fork

You cant tell me im going against the grain just to go when im speaking purely book facts. And what we know is that only the KING controls the king guard. And taking orders from rhaegar instead of the king would be hints to treason /usurping which would prove another point ive made in here also.

Youre mixing show and book details. And im not doing that. According to the show dayne and whent werent kg but soldiers of targareyon and dayne weilded 2 swords (which we can safely assume was not the deal in the book)

How ridiculous is to be like "well d&f said they guessed jon snow parents correctly so they got to direct the show...." everyone who has read the first book put 1 and 1 together how is that some magical feat that D&D did and no one else who wanted to direct the show could guess????

Do you really think it was that easy.???

Im assuming you guys havent read many of grrms other books. It isnt hard at all to see him doing A+L over R+L due to other hints. Other than the "obvious" hints he has for R+L

This is why I've always said. Damn if he does damn if he doesnt.
If he makes it R+l. Everyone will give themselves a big pat on the back for "figuring out it was him"
But if its A+L. He switched it up to throw people off intentionally blah blah blah.

So a ton of butt hurt people because they were wrong or refused to read deeper in to it. Which is grrms style.
I'm just sick of the stupid algebra equations. We know who his mama is. Make it an immaculate conception so no one can get props for choosing the right equation.
Aerys raping Tywin's wife would perfectly explain why he basically hates Tyrion similar to Cat hating Jon.

If course Tyson keeps it quiet and then does nothing to help then goes against the Mad king.

It's a shame finding this out is gonna rely on more Bran flashbacks for the show next year.

Jon being Dany's brother not nephew is better theamtically.

As far as the show goes to me it seems like going with R+L=J is somewhat of a reach given they haven't even shown Rhaegar on the show at all. Tv watchers are getting all of that from book reader theories.

Nah they explicitly talk about Rhaegar and Lyanna a lot on the show. Hey haven't shown him but they always discuss him. Just last season Sanss said "Rhaegar kidnapped and raped my aunt Lyanna" and Littlefinger was like "did he? Are you sure? [emoji]128527[/emoji]"

No one has ever mentioned Aerys's name in the same sentence as Lyanna's. Always as the fallout of Rhaegar's actions towards Lyanna.

Honestly we don't even have show evidence that Aerys and Lyanna have ever spoken a word to each other.
When they first got there Arthur Dayne specifically says that the Prince ( Rhaegar ) wanted him there and that's why they weren't at the Fork

You cant tell me im going against the grain just to go when im speaking purely book facts. And what we know is that only the KING controls the king guard. And taking orders from rhaegar instead of the king would be hints to treason /usurping which would prove another point ive made in here also.

Youre mixing show and book details. And im not doing that. According to the show dayne and whent werent kg but soldiers of targareyon and dayne weilded 2 swords (which we can safely assume was not the deal in the book)

How ridiculous is to be like "well d&f said they guessed jon snow parents correctly so they got to direct the show...." everyone who has read the first book put 1 and 1 together how is that some magical feat that D&D did and no one else who wanted to direct the show could guess????

Do you really think it was that easy.???

Im assuming you guys havent read many of grrms other books. It isnt hard at all to see him doing A+L over R+L due to other hints. Other than the "obvious" hints he has for R+L

This is why I've always said. Damn if he does damn if he doesnt.
If he makes it R+l. Everyone will give themselves a big pat on the back for "figuring out it was him"
But if its A+L. He switched it up to throw people off intentionally blah blah blah.

So a ton of butt hurt people because they were wrong or refused to read deeper in to it. Which is grrms style.

But we have show and book evidence of Ser Robert Strong, a member of the Kingsguard, taking orders from and shadowing the queen mother.

If there's anything you should take from this season of he show its that the simplest answer is usually the right one.
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Tommen is allowed to assign a kg to protect his queen mother. As far as the book goesm tommen is listening to qyburn so were not sure how this will work out. We also know he loves and misses his mom. Hes not getting the yambs from margery like he did in the show. She gave him a literal cat.

We also know not all 12 OG is always with the king they do it in shifts on top of war time being used to disperse them and have them lead war marches
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So you basically just said, "there are circumstances and situations where 3 kingsguard being assigned to follow Rhaegar out of the capitol and to follow his orders would make sense."
Im not a conformist and ivr read deeper

So you basically just said, "there are circumstances and situations where 3 kingsguard being assigned to follow Rhaegar out of the capitol and to follow his orders would make sense."

If the king gives leave for them too.
And why during war would the king give leave to his KG lord commander, best fighters and another strong warrior?
Im not a conformist and ivr read deeper
If the king gives leave for them too.
And why during war would the king give leave to his KG lord commander, best fighters and another strong warrior?
I don't remember all the details to the Aerys + Lyanna theory, so why did Aerys send the KG to the tower? Also why did they stay there after Kings Landing fell and Aery's died? In regards to the theory.
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Didn't rhaegar give her flowers or whatever at a jousting tournament and we were supposed to assume that meant he showed interest in her? How did we go from that to his dad impregnating her? He's always talked about highly, letting his dad get with the woman he likes and knocking her up isn't nice.
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