da meat got more money than da school
now this is funny...

other joke was corn
The check is from QC Music, not from the Migos...

As a matter of fact, there were other artists from that label present during that check presentation...

Migos are the labels biggest artists. Them posing front and center all stupid like that is what's funny...

The assumptions and pocket counting in this thread are comical...

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I'm sorry but I wouldn't even accept it if I was the principal. I'm not sure what was discussed before hand, but they won't be using my school for that bs photo op. They have the nerve to be decked out in Mr. T gold chains, fresh Jays, and god only knows what brand of clothing and the best they could pool together was a G?

:smh: :x
UAs funny as it is look at the check tho its from the label and u see og maco in the pic
Pocket watching blah blah blah

It's the fact that these dudes dressed flashy, have people gathered in a gymnasium and are literally presenting a huge check with a small amount of money on it. That's the funny.

So it's funny that I donated under $50 to the reading charity Meth donated even though my kicks were $200?

That's the logic we're following?
So it's funny that I donated under $50 to the reading charity Meth donated even though my kicks were $200?

That's the logic we're following?

But are you presenting a giant ******* check? This is the type of loot you donate in silence.

People out there donating millions in silence but QC brings out their biggest rappers to donate a (nonrecent) college graduates weekly salary?
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So it's funny that I donated under $50 to the reading charity Meth donated even though my kicks were $200?

That's the logic we're following?

Do you brag about being handsome and wealthy
did you tell us you make 50k a show
do you even post on instagram that your giving back while tryin to get a pat on the back (like some celebrities ) for doing so
I bet you print out a big Edd McMahon public clearing hose check nah homie you cant compare yourself fam
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Reminds me of an episode of The Office.

And even if most dudes haven't donated or given back doesn't mean they can't criticize. These dudes are making a show of the donation, hyping it up as if it's a big deal.

And clearly it's far from that

wouldve been funny as hell if the check was made out to "education" 
I gotta say, ya'll gotta realize how silly you sound talking about "counting the next mans pockets" when all these cats talk about is their pockets. We get that the check was from the label, blah, blah, blah, but the whole production is just silly.
Ppl claim rappers dont do nothing for the community but when they promote the donation ppl quick to judge

If jay-z or 50 donated 10k dudes would be like "you one of the top rappers on forbes & 10k is all you can do"
Lame ****
Ppl claim rappers dont do nothing for the community but when they promote the donation ppl quick to judge

If jay-z or 50 donated 10k dudes would be like "you one of the top rappers on forbes & 10k is all you can do"
Lame ****[/quote

Nobody does that when that happens though fam at all
you couldnt even be a rapper bragging about throwing a stack in the strip club without being clowned by the dancers but yet we need to let it slide when it comes to education ok
you never heard of a celebrity being that stingy with a donation ever especially when they put it out for display stop it
It's $1000 the school got for free. The school probably wanted them to take the pic because they are famous and the kids look up to them. Why should they dress differently in a school or all of the sudden act like someone they aren't?

I'm lost at what's funny besides that huge 1k fake check. But again kids like that stuff too.

Yea. I hate how judgmental people are...

A donation should be judged by the act, not by the amount...
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