Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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How does everyone interpret this picture?

this picture
man |l
ok so few months ago my 3 year old daughter had a fever
me and my wife
my inlaws
and my other kids tried everything we could
to get her to take the tylenol for her fever
but she wouldnt
so i said **** it lets hold her down and give it to her
we all holding her down she crying struggling
we tryna give her the medicine
she spitting it out
then she says
"daddy daddy please
im so sorry
im so so sorry"
with tears streaming down her face
**** hurt my heart
i picked her up
held her and told her she had nothing to be sorry about
and that im sorry
and that i love u
and she took the medicine after
this pic reminds me of that
i love that lil girl man
i love all my kids
but man
ive spoken on it before
but man that lil girl is a miracle
this picture
man |l
ok so few months ago my 3 year old daughter had a fever
me and my wife
my inlaws
and my other kids tried everything we could
to get her to take the tylenol for her fever
but she wouldnt
so i said **** it lets hold her down and give it to her
we all holding her down she crying struggling
we tryna give her the medicine
she spitting it out
then she says
"daddy daddy please
im so sorry
im so so sorry"
with tears streaming down her face
**** hurt my heart
i picked her up
held her and told her she had nothing to be sorry about
and that im sorry
and that i love u
and she took the medicine after
this pic reminds me of that
i love that lil girl man
i love all my kids
but man
ive spoken on it before
but man that lil girl is a miracle

Thanks for that man. After watchin that video I was a lil shook but after readin your story helped remove that. Thanks man
this picture
man |l
ok so few months ago my 3 year old daughter had a fever
me and my wife
my inlaws
and my other kids tried everything we could
to get her to take the tylenol for her fever
but she wouldnt
so i said **** it lets hold her down and give it to her
we all holding her down she crying struggling
we tryna give her the medicine
she spitting it out
then she says
"daddy daddy please
im so sorry
im so so sorry"
with tears streaming down her face
**** hurt my heart
i picked her up
held her and told her she had nothing to be sorry about
and that im sorry
and that i love u
and she took the medicine after
this pic reminds me of that
i love that lil girl man
i love all my kids
but man
ive spoken on it before
but man that lil girl is a miracle

So what about the actual picture? :lol:

THIS **** GOTTA STOP!!!! It’s the people on tv you all are voting for who are responsible.

That footage of the shower got me :angry: right now. Who recorded that footage and how did it get out?

But check this.... That news anchor that talked about pizzagate etc? His name is Ben Swann. That was a show/segment he ran called "Reality Check".
I was just curious to see if he was still employed after running that segment. He covered a lot with the 5min & 45sec spot he used.

"CBS46 has fired Ben Swann, the evening anchor three days after the station discovered he had tried to revive his Reality Check news reports without their knowledge.

The station's general manager Lyle Banks released a brief press release today: "Ben Swann is no longer an employee of WGCL-TV, effective immediately. We thank Ben for his contributions and wish him well."

His Reality Check reports over the years have often veered into alt-right conspiracy theories. His last one focused on PizzaGate, which aired on CBS46 a year ago, led to his first suspension and removal of his Truth in Media website and most of his social media platforms."

This is why news outlets don't cover any of this type of stuff (at least in as much detail as he did). You talk about it and you get axed. Simple as that.

But still shout out to Ben because he risked his Job/Career to expose this stuff :pimp:
That footage of the shower got me :angry: right now. Who recorded that footage and how did it get out?
That footage is on YOUTUBE, hidden deep.
It's John Podesta. It came about during that whole PIZZAGATE thing during that HRC email leak that tied all those fools to PEDO and SEX Trafficking back in like 2016. Media covered it up, even had Alafantis(owner of COMET PINGPONG) on CNN and never asked him one question about his "code words" and wierd speak about having children rented for parties while they SPIRIT COOKED and all kinds of evil ****.

That is only the tip of the ICEBERG, that child in the SHOWER screaming.
ALl of that ish in on tape, and these guys are walking around FREE, while I have a friend doing 25 for a third strike with DRUGS with intent to distribute.
Wikipedia has pizzagate listed as “debunked” :smh:
The only punishment fitting of these crimes is death. And even that is humane considering what they’re doing
First video I've watched on COVID19, and my Mother forced me to view it.
"everything they've done so far is completely the opposite of what you should do to treat a Pandemic of this kind"
-Every Doctor in the video
Said wearing masks is bad for the Healthy, and could promote sickiness because it keeps out the microbes and bacteria your body needs to build your immune system.
Hospitals get 13k for every COVID patient, and 39k for every COVID patient on a ventillator?
Holy ****, misdiagnosis has probably killed tons of people simply because they were ventillated when they didn't need be?

There is no profit in the CURE.

They take him out so they can slide in their own vaccine when they're ready to give it to the people.

I'm telling all my fam not to get that ****.

So sad.
I wonder if it crosses their mind that they could be killed for their brilliance instead of praised for it.
His Family has to be beside themselves right know they’re confused about going from celebrating his near breakthrough and cheering him to Victory, to preparing a funeral.
Wow man, wow.
I normally would but have to watch this one. Here’s a shorter version

So, uhm, what exactly is the expected timeline on this?

GIF 5-7-2020 1-32-16 PM.gif

I'm asking because June 11, 2020 is fast approaching. So what gives?
Did Hillary summon a demon horde to prevent it?

NYPD members have totally seen the video and it's sick and horrific! Good thing the NYPD doesn't lie. Good thing the NYPD have a sterling reputation. Now I know it's true!

Wikipedia has pizzagate listed as “debunked” :smh:
The only punishment fitting of these crimes is death. And even that is humane considering what they’re doing

Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl echo chamber were behind Pizza Gate & Seth Rich. Today, Wohl gets further exposed DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

Y’all should check this out, btw. Sinister stuff these people did to the Seth rich family, to float a conspiracy theory to help conservatives. Real sick.

Hilariously, the Jack Burkman dude got shot in the butt, by a crazy marine. And now walks with a limp :lol:




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