Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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So, uhm, what exactly is the expected timeline on this?

GIF 5-7-2020 1-32-16 PM.gif

I'm asking because June 11, 2020 is fast approaching. So what gives?
Did Hillary summon a demon horde to prevent it?

NYPD members have totally seen the video and it's sick and horrific! Good thing the NYPD doesn't lie. Good thing the NYPD have a sterling reputation. Now I know it's true!

so it’s all a lie case closed nothing else to see? Because the NYPD has a bad reputation. That would be convenient. Good thing you’re not an investigator. The tape exists. If its not who they claim on the footage then an investigation needs to take place to find out who it is.
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That's not what I said. I'm looking for the follow up.

You posted the video yesterday, but it's a year old.

What happened? What's John Miranda had to say in the 331 since this video was published?
That's not what I said. I'm looking for the follow up.

You posted the video yesterday, but it's a year old.

What happened?

my bad, I have no idea because I couldn’t find any recent info i think it’s something that’s ongoing as we speak under wraps
Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl echo chamber were behind Pizza Gate & Seth Rich. Today, Wohl gets further exposed DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

Y’all should check this out, btw. Sinister stuff these people did to the Seth rich family, to float a conspiracy theory to help conservatives. Real sick.

Hilariously, the Jack Burkman dude got shot in the butt, by a crazy marine. And now walks with a limp :lol:




I appreciate the info but I’m not buying it. Not of enough solid evidence to debunk or negate what so many other stories and information that’s been around for millennia corroborate. Also do some research on yahoo news
I appreciate the info but I’m not buying it. Not of enough solid evidence to debunk or negate what so many other stories and information that’s been around for millennia corroborate. Also do some research on yahoo news

I’m not saying conspiracies and **** don’t exist :lol:. Two things can be true. I’m saying specifically...the Pizza Gate & Seth Rich conspiracy aren’t “it”.

Now there for sure are sex rings and all other ****, with powerful people etc. It just seems a lil more normal, and almost in plain site.

But the architects and dudes behind the Pizzagate and Seth Rich **** are pure hucksters, preying on people...hurting families and also...comically failing and doing **** like getting shot in the *** :lol:. It’s a lot.

And the source is verified anywhere. Yahoo just ran the story for their pod. But it’s legit.
So you’re saying pizzagate isn’t “it”? In other words there’s no validity or truth to anything that surfaced because of it?
Wohl is just a Grade A Troll.
Giving him credit for being "behind Pizzagate" is odd.
I don't think he's ever had a successful Smear Campaign.
I don't think he's ever had a W until today when he was credited for Pizzagate.

Pizzagate was behind Pizzagate.
So you’re saying pizzagate isn’t “it”? In other words there’s no validity or truth to anything that surfaced because of it?

Listen....Alt-Right, racist provocateurs started that **** :lol:. If you take validity in some white supremacist folks...spreading conspiracy theories...that’s on you. I strongly urge you to look into the origins and who started that bs. It’s some Turner diaries, white genocide circle of people. The line is easy to draw. That’s said,I always black people...we should be 10000% skeptical of a lot of things in this country......

But when you see who, and spreading the ****, and playing on our RIGHTFUL when it gets weird. This conspiracy ain’t it bruh. I’m sorry :lol:.

You can point to a lot of others that really drive to the core. And they are for more in plain site, and “ordinary” than we realize.
see here’s my problem, some EVIDENCE was presented that STILL nobody has refuted and you’re talking about pizzagate being an alt right facade and that insinuates that it’s an isolated incident and there’s no validity to anything that came from it. You do understand that information is information regardless of where it comes from right? I’ll say it again The things you’ve pointed out don’t negate any of the child abuse claims nor does it make that footage not real. I’m focusing on the problem and you seem to be worried about something that only deflects from getting to the truth. For example The Whole q anon **** got real life idiots saying jfk jr is alive :rolleyes that doesn’t negate some of the information that they bring forward. This **** is NOT complex like that if you’re familiar with the background of this country and the occult. **** pizzagate all together. This child abuse has been happening. Stop deflecting from the issue which is that, Occult ritual sacrifice of children.

if anybody wants to continue to turn a blind eye to that then **** you with all due respect. I’m not here to argue semantics and I don’t play when it comes to people preying on innocent children most of which happen to be children of color coming from Haiti and Africa
see here’s my problem, some EVIDENCE was presented that STILL nobody has refuted and you’re talking about pizzagate being an alt right facade and that insinuates that it’s an isolated incident and there’s no validity to anything that came from it. You do understand that information is information regardless of where it comes from right? I’ll say it again The things you’ve pointed out don’t negate any of the child abuse claims nor does it make that footage not real. I’m focusing on the problem and you seem to be worried about something that only deflects from getting to the truth. For example The Whole q anon **** got real life idiots saying jfk jr is alive :rolleyes that doesn’t negate some of the information that they bring forward. This **** is NOT complex like that if you’re familiar with the background of this country and the occult. **** pizzagate all together. This child abuse has been happening. Stop deflecting from the issue which is that, Occult ritual sacrifice of children.

if anybody wants to continue to turn a blind eye to that then **** you with all due respect. I’m not here to argue semantics and I don’t play when it comes to people preying on innocent children most of which happen to be children of color coming from Haiti and Africa

Quote me. But again....I never said child sex abuse and politics to not exist :lol:. All I said was....Pizza giant...aint THAT.

Really simple dawg.
Why not? You don't think the owner of comet pizza is a pedophile?

I don’t. He could be tho. But that’s not the center of what’s going on. Feel like some of y’all...willfully just putting blinders up, or willfully staying uninformed :lol:. I know wsup with you tho dawg. You on another type of time. Just take the info in.

I’m just here to pass along well informed thoughts. What y’all do with them....y’all do with them.

It is what it is. Just don’t fall for the doke on the okie doke.
I don’t. He could be tho. But that’s not the center of what’s going on. Feel like some of y’all...willfully just putting blinders up, or willfully staying uninformed :lol:. I know wsup with you tho dawg. You on another type of time. Just take the info in.

I don't know what that's supposed to mean. I'm just interested in the way people 'think', for lack of a better word.
I don’t. He could be tho. But that’s not the center of what’s going on. Feel like some of y’all...willfully just putting blinders up, or willfully staying uninformed :lol:. I know wsup with you tho dawg. You on another type of time. Just take the info in.

I’m just here to pass along well informed thoughts. What y’all do with them....y’all do with them.

It is what it is. Just don’t fall for the doke on the okie doke.
Some are Willfully putting blinders up?
You don’t think James Alefantis is a Pedo? “But he could be though”
“I’m just here to pass along well informed thoughts”

Curious which thoughts would you consider well informed? That Comet PingPong isn’t the center of what’s going on? That the information you’re claiming others follow comes from Alt-right racist white supremacist?
James Alefantis is most definitely at the Center most Center of the Child Sex trafficking. He’s as guilty as any of them. If that’s not the “center of what’s going on”.....I’m not sure you guys are discussing the same topic...
Who posted the video that was saying James Alefantis was a Rothschi ld?
That's crazy how they traced that back like that and put THAT out there.....DId you find something stating it wasn't True......
It was THE END OF THE WORLD: THE FALL OF THE CABAL video that claimed that...
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I don’t. He could be tho. But that’s not the center of what’s going on. Feel like some of y’all...willfully just putting blinders up, or willfully staying uninformed :lol:. I know wsup with you tho dawg. You on another type of time. Just take the info in.

I’m just here to pass along well informed thoughts. What y’all do with them....y’all do with them.

It is what it is. Just don’t fall for the doke on the okie doke.

I gave you all the claims you made. I never said any of it wasn’t true. that said, you didn’t debunk any of the claims I was pointing out about child sex trafficking. Also you definitely haven’t researched the James alefantis given your response. You need to look more into it before you come to conclusions on dismissing it all together.
Out of the thousands of conspiracy theories that have circulated, how many have been proven to be true?

Seems like a very poor field goal percentage
It would be cool to have a discussion without the personal comments tho. I made a thread about 5g and purposely didn't even say anything, just quoting various articles and scientists but somehow the convo still turned to me. wavycrocket wavycrocket why don't you think Alefantis is involved in this? Based on what info? You've addressed the source but not the information itself
Out of the thousands of conspiracy theories that have circulated, how many have been proven to be true?

Seems like a very poor field goal percentage

The big fish of the “conspiracy theories” is literally unfolding as we speak for the world to see and it’s happening to a t lol. I can’t speak for any misinformation you may be referring to cuz there’s a million stories out there so not sure what you’re considering to be poor field goal percentage? For bs misinformation claims, I’ll give you that. Absolutely. That’s what they’re there for. Pizzagate could 100% a right wing psyop BUT, with it came some receipts that we still have no answers for and those receipts corroborate with past transgressions of American politicians involved in occult ritual practices as well as pedophilia.
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