Some of these teacher salaries are INSANELY low...

It’s because libtards are taking more and more Jesus out of schools. Less bible=worse grades. It’s GOD bless America. Schools that don’t sing the pledge of allegiance are also why education is going to crap.

Oh yes. Education is down becuase there is no boarderwall and woman are beginning to cut their hair short!
50k is doable in most places across the country. But factor in kids and such and 50k isn't alot at all...

I make about 70k here in nyc and I do t think I'd be able to do it alone with my kids unless I sold my whip and bought cheap groceries...
Yet again

How can you expect me to provide proof when such data doesnt exist. I purely base this on human nature. To say "I cant survive on 50k" is just a stupid statement. Cut back on your spending and expenses and you will survive. But no, people wanna live a lifestyle they cant afford and thats where you get statements like that.
50k is doable in most places across the country. But factor in kids and such and 50k isn't alot at all...
Really isn’t. Kids are expensive. Throw in gas, food, utilities and California rent. And last, you’re probably going to be under baseline for general assistance.
How can you expect me to provide proof when such data doesnt exist. I purely base this on human nature. To say "I cant survive on 50k" is just a stupid statement. Cut back on your spending and expenses and you will survive. But no, people wanna live a lifestyle they cant afford and thats where you get statements like that.

Idk where y'all are getting this 50k from but that's not the case for most teachers. In NC the starting teacher salary is 39k BEFORE taxes. After taxes that 39k is more like 29K-30K. Most teachers in NC get paid monthly not bi-weekly so that's around 2,500 for a fresh out of college grad has to pay student loans, rent , utilities, car note, food, travel expenses, etc. After all of that you might have a little over a stack leftover if you're tight with your money.

Most single teachers I know work second jobs, I for one flip cars on the side and the occasional sneaker if I get lucky. My family owns a car dealership so I have a license and badge to into any dealer only auto auction across the country. If it wasn't for that second income, and my girlfriend being the real one she is by volunteering to split rent with me I'd have to live back home and work. But I'm a lucky one.
My mom makes 50k out here in Cali and is doing fine. It's possible. More than possible.
How can you expect me to provide proof when such data doesnt exist. I purely base this on human nature. To say "I cant survive on 50k" is just a stupid statement. Cut back on your spending and expenses and you will survive. But no, people wanna live a lifestyle they cant afford and thats where you get statements like that.
I am as frugal as they come but I can't co-sign this.

It isn't as simple as, "stop spending, blah blah blah."

Some folks might have outstanding debt.
Some folks might be the only true breadwinner in their blood family.
Some folks might have kids.
Some folks might have health issues they have to use out of pocket monies on.

It is nowhere near as simple as you are making it out to be man.

Please be respectful.
I get that its a thankless job but saying they cant get by on 50k is and having to work 2 or 3 jobs just to survive is just lying. Or they must have crazy expenses as in 3 car leases, bigger mortgage than they can handle.............people be like that. Ooooooh I cant live off that 50k paycheck........goes and spends 500$ on sunglasses then 500$ on shoes next week :rolleyes
Student loans?
How can you expect me to provide proof when such data doesnt exist. I purely base this on human nature. To say "I cant survive on 50k" is just a stupid statement. Cut back on your spending and expenses and you will survive. But no, people wanna live a lifestyle they cant afford and thats where you get statements like that.
Again, prove to me this is the cause of people not having enough money in the teaching field. You can’t. What life style is too much? Why is it a given that these people need to live like college kids? Your statement is stupid. There just is no way around that and that’s with you trying to tone it down as is to save face
I don't disagree that you should be able to live off of $50k, but it all depends on the circumstances. Single income, living in SF on $50k? Not gonna cut it. Family of 4-5 living on $50k? Not gonna cut it. Single and living in a "normal" Cost of Living area on $50k - definitely doable. Sharing a house with roommates can help cut costs. I also agree that a ton of people live outside of their means and do not have the financial aptitude to not go into debt.

That said, many teachers don't even make $50k. My sister is a teacher in Florida, and has been for almost a decade... and I think she makes like $45k now. That's including an extra $1500 to run the debate team (of which she has to travel with the team, and doesn't get paid anything more than the $1500 for the course of the year, etc.). I think right out of college, she was making $36k at her first teaching job.

There are people wanting/getting $15/hr to work at McDonald's. That's $30k a year, and you don't need anything except a GED. No degree required, like there is for Teaching. You get paid hourly, and don't have to stay late / work on your free time either.

There is an obvious gap between what Teachers, who are basically molding future generations of America, get paid versus what they should get paid. You can deny it all you want, claim that they get the summers off and all that - but again, teaching is a vital part of our country's future. This isn't some retail job or fast food job - this is literally America's future. The US is slowly dropping in world rankings for education, while other nations are empowering teachers and students to get ahead. I know someone who moved to South Korea for a few years to teach English at their schools, and she got paid like $20k more than my sister.
To all of you folks that are in the teaching profession . Kudos to you all man. I know it's a lot of work that goes into it
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