Socially awkward moments. Volume 2

went to a high school play with my ex-girl whos still in high school, i brought her there to make another high school girl jealous.....i show up see her dont say anything (knows she sees me) than cops came and pulled me up and asked if i had been drinking (i was gone) and then i said i had one beer the officer then let me go....i sit down by myself the ex is getting concession stand food...the cop comes back and makes me talk to my old vice principal (im still gone, saying the dumb ##+%) she kicks me out and the girl im trying to make jealous is looking right at me getting tossed.....she text me talking about you came i didnt see you...

thats the most emberassing awkward thing thats ever happened to me

im high also bare with my writing
Wow hahahaah this thread is so ironic. I tab over to my buddylist and some guy I haven't talked to in 5 years just messaged me, "So yeah I need two additional references, mailing address and job title. Btw, she totally was not that bad. Next line, "oops..*@*#, wrong box" Hahahah...msging the wrong person on aim can be deadly..gotta keep a careful eye on those tabs!
- when presenting a project and u start to shake... lmfao i cant do that. i rather take the F.
- when u walk into a party that u dont kno any single person in there and everyone looking at you like %$! who this.
- when ur trying to walk and someone is walking as well in the opposite direction and u go to the left and they go to your left as well than u try to go right and they go right and it goes back and forth like your dancing.
- when dancing with a girl and u getting into it and she just stops.
when you are leaving a building  and you stop to have a convo with a person.  when the convo is over both are like "alright well ill catch up with you" and yall eventually end up in the same elevator or same area in general

ive also told people on my way out/or their way out "aight well have a good night" at like 4pm.  meaning to say have a good evening.

showing up to the wrong class on the first week of classes b/c you didn't go the first day with the handouts and you are completely zoned out on what the prof is saying.  i sat through an entire lecture high as a kite not realizing i was in the wrong class until midway through.  just posted up till it was over

being caught very subtly doing a dance on the slide you normally would never do in public: the dougie, jerk, or some gay omarion type ishhh

taking a dump in some super obscure place and seeing someone there you know

i wont say its awkward, but I hate when I try to speed up to pass a car but for whatever reason i end up riding alongside the same driver i was before i sped up. 
When your at a party and you dont know anyone their and you start drinking like its running out of style to try and fit in/have nothing else to do
When someone asks you "How was your day today?" and you respond "You too", thinking that they were going to say something like "Have a good day".
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by Cali2Memphis

Originally Posted by AiRodney23

This is one I always fall victim of.

At a restaurant or something

Server: That'll be 9$.
Me: No problem.
Server: Enjoy your meal.
Me: Thanks, you too.

I always get a stoneface for that.
I do the same all the time. It's just a instinct.
Making eye contact with the person next you at a stoplight, then you both end up doing a double take at the same time a couple seconds later.
Im guilty of the "Thanks, you too" response sometimes too.

Most recently -

(At the Airport)

Employee- Have a good flight
Me- Thanks, you too.

I caught myself & just walked away shaking my head.
what i hate is when you see somebody that you met once or twice before and kindaknow, but dont know that well. do you go out of your way to greet them, or do you just keep your head down and keep walking like you didnt see?

and if you keep walking but didnt do it smooth enough to convince them that you didnt actually see them, they'll think you were snubbing them. so you'll be like "damn, she/he probably thinks im snobby, lemme say wassup next time".. then next time when you go to greet them, THEY snub you
DajonDondo wrote:
- when u walk into a party that u dont kno any single person in there and everyone looking at you like %$! who this.

this is by far the worse. you just sit on the couch next to the other random people who barely know people
DajonDondo wrote:
- when dancing with a girl and u getting into it and she just stops.
this has happened to me a couple times..

oh and about dapping the group of dudes and you know like 3 of them..

its even more awkward when youre the only one in the group that doesn't get the dap. had me looking like

I had a job interview at sears and it was probably the worst interview in the history of interviews


before he takes me into the office to interview me he asks me for my social security number and I said " hold on let me get it out of my wallet because I don't know it off the top of my back..."
what I meant to say what "I don't know it off the top of my head" but I was real nervous and messed up


he takes me to the room to interview me and he says just take a seat because he has to go get something, so I sit down thinking about how stupid I am for what I just did, then he comes back and he is just looking around puzzled and then BAM! it hit me....I WAS SITTING AT HIS COMPUTER DESK AND IN HIS CHAIR
then I realized I just +#***! up again and then moved to the other chair across from his desk.

I was like
for the rest of the interview cuz I +#***! up so badly.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

DajonDondo wrote:

when u walk into a party that u dont kno any single person in there and everyone looking at you like %$! who this.
this is by far the worse. you just sit on the couch next to the other random people who barely know people

like this

Originally Posted by Alan Garner

I had a job interview at sears and it was probably the worst interview in the history of interviews


before he takes me into the office to interview me he asks me for my social security number and I said " hold on let me get it out of my wallet because I don't know it off the top of my back..."
what I meant to say what "I don't know it off the top of my head" but I was real nervous and messed up


he takes me to the room to interview me and he says just take a seat because he has to go get something, so I sit down thinking about how stupid I am for what I just did, then he comes back and he is just looking around puzzled and then BAM! it hit me....I WAS SITTING AT HIS COMPUTER DESK AND IN HIS CHAIR
then I realized I just +#***! up again and then moved to the other chair across from his desk.

I was like
for the rest of the interview cuz I +#***! up so badly.

Did you end up getting the job ?
-This one time I was going in for an interview for this law firm.  I really wanted this job so I prepped myself up really nicely, even copped some non prescription glasses from China (Ebay) to wear so that I could look smarter.  The day of the interview comes, I take a seat opposite him, the whole interview is going nicely.  Then he asks a question that got me all excited for some reason and I nodded my head like a puppy and BAM, the left lens fell right out of the damn frame.  Right when the lens popped out, there was dead silence between me and him and then the awkward sound of the lens dropping on his desk.  I kind of just gave him the 
 "damn Walmart glasses" response.  I didn't get the job.  
-So I go on a date with this girl.  It was a cold night and she was looking real fine wearing a pea coat.  Anyway, we were headed to a semi-nice dinner place, so I was wearing a sophisticated looking coat too.  Anyway, as we took our seats at the restaurant, we talk and have a good convo etc etc and she excuses herself to the restroom.  It was getting hot in the restaurant so I went ahead and took my coat off.  She comes back from the restroom and she took her peacoat off as well.  Turns out we were wearing the same bright blue checkered plaid shirt....

Something like this:

Needless to say, I did not smash that night.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

when you are leaving a building  and you stop to have a convo with a person.  when the convo is over both are like "alright well ill catch up with you" and yall eventually end up in the same elevator or same area in general

ive also told people on my way out/or their way out "aight well have a good night" at like 4pm.  meaning to say have a good evening.

showing up to the wrong class on the first week of classes b/c you didn't go the first day with the handouts and you are completely zoned out on what the prof is saying.  i sat through an entire lecture high as a kite not realizing i was in the wrong class until midway through.  just posted up till it was over

being caught very subtly doing a dance on the slide you normally would never do in public: the dougie, jerk, or some gay omarion type ishhh

taking a dump in some super obscure place and seeing someone there you know

i wont say its awkward, but I hate when I try to speed up to pass a car but for whatever reason i end up riding alongside the same driver i was before i sped up. 


Its all about knowing the right situation for certain daps

the shoulder tap thing is when you havent seen one of your closest homeboys in a min

the hand dap is regular. When you'll be able to talk for a second or at least say "whats good/nothin boss u?/nothin headin to class/peace"

quick fist dap is on the move and getting out of the car kinda thing.

Too many situations to list em all, but from what ive experienced i think its pretty safe to say when you consider it like this you're less likely to have an awkward moment with it. could be different with every crew though still.
How about when you just finished agood convo with a girl you just met, and as your walking out you try to catch apeak at "dat mass" and get caught.  My friend had a really awkwardmoment once, with a girl he hadn't seen since high school. He was like"hey how you doing?, and then he was like "oh your expecting"and she was like no....   
Originally Posted by AiRodney23

This is one I always fall victim of.

At a restaurant or something

Server: That'll be 9$.
Me: No problem.
Server: Enjoy your meal.
Me: Thanks, you too.

I always get a stoneface for that.
I always do this. And I'm a waitress too so people always do it to me and I HAVE to laugh
. People just get so rattled and upset w themselves.

  • At the gym when you ask someone how many sets they have left, and they have a couple to go. Afterward I always feel like we're making way more eye contact than necessary. I'm keeping an eye out for the machine and he feels awkward like he needs to hurry so he keeps looking at me.
  • On the bus when someone makes small talk w you so you take your headphones out, but then the convo kinda ends, and you're unsure about whether it's appropriate to put your music back in or not. I usually just turn my back to end communication then get the earbuds back in
  • Saying something weird/offensive and then desperately trying to backpedal but then it just gets worse and worse until you have no choice but to flee the scene to preserve your dignity.
  • Lately for no reason at all, I've been handshaking totally weird. I'm a 20 year old white female and instead of normal handshakes I keep shaking older people's hands with the one where you kinda wrap  your hand around their thumb? And then it's just instinct to go for the pull-in/back pat, and then once you're halfway there it's like oh nooooes what am I doing? But there's no going back.
  • Edit: Oh yeah! And when you get somewhere before all your friends and you're sitting alone at a table for like 8 looking  like the biggest tool. And then if your friends are running late the waitresses pity you bc they think you're being stood up.
i never *feel* awkward or care really but i think i am a pro at either making others feel really uncomfortable or diffusing awkward situations. whenever an awkward situation arises i either say a joke & that usually heightens the tension or breaks it depending on the other person

or i just say "well, this is awkward" and laugh/walk away / look away

i swear being awkward in an awkward situation is like a double negative... turns out positive in the end

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