Socially awkward moments. Volume 2

how about when you see your friend in the hallways after passing them two times.

Do I dap, or just walk by?
Originally Posted by Mako28

I sharted in Biology 2 in college, one of those classes with over 100 students. Was funny until it blossomed......smelled like a body washed up at low tide.


I remember i went to this party when the semester just started and i seen some dude that was in my class(never met him prior to this). I walk in then i see him talking to some girl then he straight blows her off for a quick min. and asks me loudly "ay did you do the homework" as he said this he proceeded to give me dap. I said "nah" gave him dap since i didnt want to make him feel salty in front of the girl.
I hate small talk so much.
The problem with that is I know a lot of people, so I'm always running into somebody. LOL

So one time I was shopping for food at the store, and I see a friend of one of my friends that I'm cool with and he's with his girl. I didn't feel like talk so I ran up an isle and got away, so this could started searching for me. LOL when they found me it was the weakest most akwardest talk ever, I knew it was going to be that way & that's why I didn't want to talk to them in the first place.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

I remember in the 10th grade I got a boner in class, and I had sweats on....I made it lighter on myself by lettin' everyone know beforehand. There was this girl I was talkin' to at the time, and I was over on her side of the room [alphabetical seatin' order last name starts with B, her's W] and we were talkin' and flirtin' and what not....not payin' attention in class. I knew blood was pumpin' down ther

I started dyin' just on the first sentence..............
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

I hate small talk so much.
The problem with that is I know a lot of people, so I'm always running into somebody. LOL

So one time I was shopping for food at the store, and I see a friend of one of my friends that I'm cool with and he's with his girl. I didn't feel like talk so I ran up an isle and got away, so this could started searching for me. LOL when they found me it was the weakest most akwardest talk ever, I knew it was going to be that way & that's why I didn't want to talk to them in the first place.

You are weird
I swear I was about to make thread on this, not moments just awkward conversation.

Every time I see someone I know that I haven't seen in awhile, I have no idea what to say to them after I say hi.

Goes like this

Me: Hey

Them: wassup

Me: Iight yo I'll catch you later

The pounds are inevitable, every1 has their own fking way of doing it.. and i absolutely hate the "shoulder touch" after the pound.

Past few days at class I haven't been able to eat a decent breakfast in time, and at 12o'clock my stomach all of a sudden goes bananas with the growling from being so hungry. Happened 2 days in a row in the same class
Lady at work: hey, how are you?
Me: Im doing well, and you?
Lady at work: Good, how are you?

The hell?
-The most common one I have is the damn guy in the urinal who always wants to hold a conversation while I'm tryna piss.

- when someone you know sees you coming out of the toilet stall knowing you just took a dump

- the elevator ride with a co-worker you're not really fond of
- driving past someone you know on the bus stop and making eye contact with them
I do this too often
- when I was younger seeing my teachers outside of school was always awkward
- the "who farted?" awkward silence around people you don't know. You know for a fact that they can smell it too but you don't wanna be the first to say something
Originally Posted by SC415

how about when you see your friend in the hallways after passing them two times.

Do I dap, or just walk by?
I've mastered the art of ignoring people once I dap them and I happen to pass them again, usually I act like Im in a hurry to go somewhere or look at my phone
Originally Posted by eeibaby

I swear I was about to make thread on this, not moments just awkward conversation.

Every time I see someone I know that I haven't seen in awhile, I have no idea what to say to them after I say hi.

Goes like this

Me: Hey

Them: wassup

Me: Iight yo I'll catch you later

^ that seems kinda regular to me.

36hypno: what the hell lol

For me its when you deal with those people that say wasup to you SOMETIMES. Like they SEE you and you SEE them but they dont wanna say wassup like in a party or whatever. So I just ignore it. But then when the time comes when they actually wassup to you and they wanna act like its all regular, I feel all awkward and I'm like "oh.. sup". kind of hard to explain
Originally Posted by McRaptor

Originally Posted by SC415

how about when you see your friend in the hallways after passing them two times.

Do I dap, or just walk by?
I've mastered the art of ignoring people once I dap them and I happen to pass them again, usually I act like Im in a hurry to go somewhere or look at my phone
  or the fake phone call. 'yo my girl callin'
How about when u see somebody u haven't spoken 2 in forever or dont wanna speak 2 on the quick chat on facebook. Your like, i hope they dont start a convo, i hope they dont start a...%$#@, they started a convo. My response is the x button in the upper right corner...yeah its mean, but sorry dont have time 2 chat.
I remember I had a stalemate dap. Like the OP said usually the two ppl keep changing from open hand to pound but when I did it I was like let me avoid that so I kept my hand open but homey kept his fist closed. Mad seconds passed which felt like minutes.

Looked like we was playing Rock, Paper, Scissors
..... and I was winning.
I know exactly what your saying gatorad3...i usually just give them a head nod even when they try 2 dap
The dap thing happens every other day to me. I usually put my hand down and intruct them to either open their hand or close it.
I remember back when I was in HS... I was in a math class taking a scan tron test... My pencil fell on the floor so i leaned over to pick it up while in my seat and a fart crept out... the fart was amplified by the classrooms dead silence... i had to try and play it off with a double cough and a jerk of the seat to make a desk screech sound lol... It aint work tho
it was weight-training class last semester and my spotting partner was holding my feet as i was doing ab crunches. unfortunately it is hard as hell to hold in your farts while your abs are constantly constricting and i let out a silent bomb that could easily have been mistaken for bio-terrorism. dude didn't say anything but the face he made was priceless
Originally Posted by kuNASTY88

it was weight-training class last semester and my spotting partner was holding my feet as i was doing ab crunches. unfortunately it is hard as hell to hold in your farts while your abs are constantly constricting and i let out a silent bomb that could easily have been mistaken for bio-terrorism. dude didn't say anything but the face he made was priceless

I didn't know my homey Danny was a germophobe so he only does a pound,this lead to MANY awkward hand shakes....sometimes it's open and sometimes it's closed....when it's open he doesn't finish the dap he just...kinda low fives you....Last time he did it I put a finished the dap and he just looked at me gave a awkward smile and STUFFED his hand in his pocket on some "This dude just didn't!" $@#+.

and then I know some people who prefer to dap and you in for the unnecessary hug 

And then one time I didn't know my homegirl wanted one of those long "I've had a bad day" hugs and when I was moving away my hand went down and grabbed her !*#....I didn't what to do so I threw a fake weak chuckle at her and dipped. 
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I remember I had a stalemate dap. Like the OP said usually the two ppl keep changing from open hand to pound but when I did it I was like let me avoid that so I kept my hand open but homey kept his fist closed. Mad seconds passed which felt like minutes.

Looked like we was playing Rock, Paper, Scissors
..... and I was winning.
i found that hilarious for some reason
Originally Posted by blue23jordan

funny stuff.

posting for later.


but yea...the dap thing always happens...or when somebody doesnt see you and leaves u hanging you gotta play it off

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