Socially awkward moments. Volume 2

Originally Posted by GucciMane

<3 the avy

I hate walking down a hallway and someone is incoming and you both start playing the foot shuffling game, left,right,left,right,
pick a side and stick to it!
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by GucciMane

<3 the avy

I hate walking down a hallway and someone is incoming and you both start playing the foot shuffling game, left,right,left,right,
pick a side and stick to it!

that happened to me at work the other day...a lil kid was tryna shake me but i kept up with em
 +*@# lasted a good 30 sec
hahahaa this thread has my cracking up

-There has been times when like i hit up a broad on FB or text or something asking her what shes doing tn, no response.. i go to a party later that night and see her their. She then hits me with the "oh hey sorry i meant to hit you back but i forgot"  or " the few times i mention(which is a mistake!) that i hit her up, shell be like oh i never got the text"
B you know damn well you got my text
-Im a bigger dude, so i sweat  A LOT! Theres been so many times ill be out, its BARELY drizzling outside, i walk into a party all sweat and stuff, girls go ahead give me a hug/kiss whatever and they be like "omg why are you all wet? i hit them back with like man its really raining outside sorry! "

Me sweating profusely has brought me so many damn awkward moments its not even funny..
Just IMed my ex gf (I'm still cool with her) had someone else reply, he told me his name... I said I didn't know who that was... turns out it was her husband....

11:10:09 PM her: jonathan
11:10:19 PM her: u dont know me
11:10:34 PM me: yeah i figured
11:10:44 PM her: what
11:10:50 PM me: just thought it might be someone she may have mention
11:10:58 PM me: cuz im terrible with names
11:11:09 PM her: o ok
11:11:11 PM me: anyways, just wanted to see how her and her family was doing
11:11:17 PM me: goodnight
11:11:35 PM her: we are doing good by the way
11:11:41 PM her: goodnight

Doesn't help that we had a naughty talk a few weeks ago...... I'm sure it was her cuz of the old stories...
In a taekwondo PE class my friend had to wrestle his friend. She's a really a hot asian girl and they'll be like right on top of each other on the ground and he had to exercise supreme boner control
This is one I always fall victim of.

At a restaurant or something

Server: That'll be 9$.
Me: No problem.
Server: Enjoy your meal.
Me: Thanks, you too.

I always get a stoneface for that.
-When I'm walking in school and I see someone I know passing by, that I really don't know too well and want to dap em up, I check my Blackberry for no reason

-When I say "how's it goin" or "what's up" to someone and they just repeat the same thing back
Originally Posted by AiRodney23

This is one I always fall victim of.

At a restaurant or something

Server: That'll be 9$.
Me: No problem.
Server: Enjoy your meal.
Me: Thanks, you too.

I always get a stoneface for that.

friend: hey lets go to ____
me: aite cool
me: whose going?
friends: everyone
me: (in my mind, who is everyone?) ok
Originally Posted by r0yalty

How about when you're trying to find a class, and you walk down the wrong hallway, only to be greeted by the same person who saw you walk down there on your way back

I hate when that happens. Its like why arent you helping me lol.
Originally Posted by kuNASTY88

it was weight-training class last semester and my spotting partner was holding my feet as i was doing ab crunches. unfortunately it is hard as hell to hold in your farts while your abs are constantly constricting and i let out a silent bomb that could easily have been mistaken for bio-terrorism. dude didn't say anything but the face he made was priceless
Said his fart was bio-terrorism
i was sitting on some grass waiting for somebody to swipe me in to the dining commons and as i'm waiting this soccer girl who i dont know the name of(i in an athletic training internship and rubbed her down before) walks towards me and waves in my direction and i look behind me to see if she was waving at someone else. then she straight up says "I'm waving at you!!"
hahaa i always do the "you too" thing too

one time i got stuck between the subway doors cuz i was running in late, i had one hand out the door holding a bag while the rest of my body was in the cart. now the headphones already dangling from one ear and i had to force the door open w/ the other hand while the cart of ppl staring at me, got the doors opened again and my hand back in, i put on the headphones and just hide in the corner until it was my stop hahaa
Ugh, mine is when you know your sweaty and you want to avoid giving a girl a hug, but she insists. She might not say anything to you, but your sure she felt your sweaty pits on her.

Another is when you see ppl you went to high school with that you never talked to, but had classes with them. It's like we never talked in high school, why will we talk now. I try to not be rude so I say hi, but there have been times when I completely ignore that person.
I have another one.
What about when you was messing/talking with a chick and then she deads your text's.
A few weeks later y'all run to each other again. Hmm..?
Originally Posted by KIDFLY SniperElite007

Originally Posted by derventa

I remember the last thread was full of lulz

  • My favorite one was going up to dap someone open hand, and they put their fist out to pound instead, and then you switch over to pound, then they switch over to open hand, then it becomes a vicious cycle
    end up lookin like you're playing rock paper scissors and in the end you give them some half-assed flat hand to closed fist dap
  • When you see 7 dudes posted up and you're walking by...and you know 3 of them...and theyre not in successive you gotta dap up all 7 of these dudes??
So NT please give me my daily prescribed lulz intake medicine

i've gone through the 2nd one soo many times
Originally Posted by AiRodney23

This is one I always fall victim of.

At a restaurant or something

Server: That'll be 9$.
Me: No problem.
Server: Enjoy your meal.
Me: Thanks, you too.

I always get a stoneface for that.

LOL, that %%%@ happens with me and the pizza guy all the time.
Not really socially awkward, but this ALWAYS happens to me.

I'm about to eat something so good, or watch something I've been looking forward to watch, and I have to all of a sudden have to use the bathroom.
Originally Posted by r0yalty

How about when you're trying to find a class, and you walk down the wrong hallway, only to be greeted by the same person who saw you walk down there on your way back

I don't even worry about that. 
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

going into the movies
girl that takes tickets "enjoy the movie"
me "yea you too thx"


it's happened to me just once, when a girl you used to talk to a lot, but no longer do, sees you and stretches her arms for a hug, but you just walk past her
still feel bad about that.

 I started running/jogging to class to avoid being late, had my MP3 in my hoodie pocket, it fell while i was running but i hadn't noticed until my headphones were still dangling from my pocket (thankfully they remained there) so i had to search for the MP3 in the dirt, and i was later than i originally would be if i kept walking
i just looked like an idiot running/jogging to class and slowly returning back
When you walk into a room or some walks up to you staring behind you, but you could swear their looking right at you and they wave and you wave back only to find out that they were waving to the person behind you.

The Ultimate mask of shame.
Awkward moment averted today...

My usual gym partner was unavailable, so I hit up this one girl I usually hang out with to go and she obliges. One time she had the nerve to invite someone else right as I pull up to her place (college setting, apartments, lots of people around). I remember that person was really quiet, and she made him sit in the front. I was driving like
the whole time. Today she has asks if ____ could come. It's a name i don't recognize as a mutual friend. I text back : "Nah, don't feel like chauffeuring random people today. See ya there."

walking down the street and not knowing whether the other person will move so you can pass. it turns into a game of chicken every time.

also when your passing said person, do you glance over at the person your about to pass or just look straight ahead
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