Socially awkward moments. Volume 2

I'm at this party like a month ago and this girl is walking through. She looks alright so I step in front of her and start dancing with her. So we are dancing and she's asking me where I'm from, where I went to school, etc, etc. Then I notice that she has a mustache. So I'm like, oh noo in my head, how do I politely get out of this. So, I stopped talking, while we were just 2 stepping face to face for like 3 minutes straight, not saying a word. Then she finally walked away.
Originally Posted by cguy610

I'm at this party like a month ago and this girl is walking through. She looks alright so I step in front of her and start dancing with her. So we are dancing and she's asking me where I'm from, where I went to school, etc, etc. Then I notice that she has a mustache. So I'm like, oh noo in my head, how do I politely get out of this. So, I stopped talking, while we were just 2 stepping face to face for like 3 minutes straight, not saying a word. Then she finally walked away.
How about when you make a joke, it's really funny, and everyone is laughing, you keep on going, and everyone keeps laughing. You feel like you're having your own one man show. You try to make the joke even funnier, but everyone stop laughing, and look at you like: "nah, this one wasn't good".
I don't know if you see what i mean.
Originally Posted by ebpo

How about when you make a joke, it's really funny, and everyone is laughing, you keep on going, and everyone keeps laughing. You feel like you're having your own one man show. You try to make the joke even funnier, but everyone stop laughing, and look at you like: "nah, this one wasn't good".
I don't know if you see what i mean.
it seems like you tried to hard
I hate it, like say you give your boy daps and go your seperate ways from work/school saying laters/peace or whatever; yet we end up walking the same paths to the parking lot since we parked next to each other.
Originally Posted by Dom90

Originally Posted by ebpo

How about when you make a joke, it's really funny, and everyone is laughing, you keep on going, and everyone keeps laughing. You feel like you're having your own one man show. You try to make the joke even funnier, but everyone stop laughing, and look at you like: "nah, this one wasn't good".
I don't know if you see what i mean.
it seems like you tried to hard
English isn't my first language, so it's kind of hard to tell a story
During winter time I always get a bad cough. This causes me to cough excessively in class during, what seems to be the most quiet moments in class. I be tryinng to hold it in, or suppress little coughs into one hard cough.

Once in class during lecture, i was holding it back and tried swallowing spit to cure the itchiness in my throat and choked to the point where i could not breath regular. My eyes began turning red and tearing up. I could not help but cough uncontrollably. People started turning around, so I make a quick exit out of class to get water and dry my face off. Mind you this is like my 5th time leaving class. I get out and see my ex that broke up with me because she was depressed and tried to commit suicide. This is my first time seeing her in about a month. So she looks up at me all puzzled and lost. I was so embarrassed from the class situation and her seeing me like that, I half smile and say "Look who decided she wanted to live". Her face was priceless.

Now since the new semester began a couple of weeks ago, I see her everyday. I just act like i do not see her when passing.
might have been posted already but...

when youre walkin in a store and you see someone you know, you say your whats up and good byes. then continue your shoppin then you run into them again.

do you say whats up again or just put your head down and dip
Originally Posted by targiu23

During winter time I always get a bad cough. This causes me to cough excessively in class during, what seems to be the most quiet moments in class. I be tryinng to hold it in, or suppress little coughs into one hard cough.

Once in class during lecture, i was holding it back and tried swallowing spit to cure the itchiness in my throat and choked to the point where i could not breath regular. My eyes began turning red and tearing up. I could not help but cough uncontrollably. People started turning around, so I make a quick exit out of class to get water and dry my face off. Mind you this is like my 5th time leaving class. I get out and see my ex that broke up with me because she was depressed and tried to commit suicide. This is my first time seeing her in about a month. So she looks up at me all puzzled and lost. I was so embarrassed from the class situation and her seeing me like that, I half smile and say "Look who decided she wanted to live". Her face was priceless.

Now since the new semester began a couple of weeks ago, I see her everyday. I just act like i do not see her when passing.

thats messed up dude
Originally Posted by Addicted To Exclusives

I'm always confused when I meet a white dude. I don't know if I should do the business man handshake or the regular one

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by targiu23

During winter time I always get a bad cough. This causes me to cough excessively in class during, what seems to be the most quiet moments in class. I be tryinng to hold it in, or suppress little coughs into one hard cough.

Once in class during lecture, i was holding it back and tried swallowing spit to cure the itchiness in my throat and choked to the point where i could not breath regular. My eyes began turning red and tearing up. I could not help but cough uncontrollably. People started turning around, so I make a quick exit out of class to get water and dry my face off. Mind you this is like my 5th time leaving class. I get out and see my ex that broke up with me because she was depressed and tried to commit suicide. This is my first time seeing her in about a month. So she looks up at me all puzzled and lost. I was so embarrassed from the class situation and her seeing me like that, I half smile and say "Look who decided she wanted to live". Her face was priceless.

Now since the new semester began a couple of weeks ago, I see her everyday. I just act like i do not see her when passing.

thats messed up dude


thats like, HBO sitcom humor right there.

How about when you see someone you haven't seen in a while and you're really excited to see them but the feeling is reciprocated or vice versa? Its weird.
Felt like $%$@ one day in class due to lack of sleep. I was sitting in the front and felt like throwing up so I was like %!#% it I'm cutting out. Soon as I got up I felt ridiculously lightheaded, continued a few steps and at that point just wanted to make it to the bathroom. Got to the back of the class and fainted. Everyone turned around and stared and while I was sitting on the ground trying to get myself together the professor came to the back of the class and asked, "You okay?" I said "yeah." Then he just went back to the front of the class and continued lecture like nothing happened. I left with the quickness.
Originally Posted by Mako28

I sharted in Biology 2 in college, one of those classes with over 100 students. Was funny until it blossomed......smelled like a body washed up at low tide.

lolol @ blossomed.  I had a really bad shart 3 years ago after a week of food poisoning.  Ran straight into my apartment after class to use the bathroom but it was already too late, wet dookie/dingleberry puddle all over my briefs.  Thinkin none of my roomies were home, I ran into my room with no undies to pick out my clean clothes.   As I walked back into the bathroom VIA the living room I threw my dirty briefs into the garbage bag.  My roommate apparently skipped class that day, comes out of his room and sees me full-frontal nude. 
most embarrassing moment ever, i yell "OH %@$@" and just turn around to run back into the bathroom... he prolly saw the huge brown stain on my bare butt when i walked back into the bathroom too.

the same roomie took out the garbage that night and the look on his face was priceless when he got a whiff of my dookie riddened briefs 
.  i avoided dude for like a week until he asked if i wanted to smoke a joint with him. 
l Knicks Fresh Knick l wrote:
Hey _______ (insert name)

you be like heeeyyyyyyy, _______ (damn i forgot your name in your head), how you doing..

walk away like damn they know my name but i dont know thiers lol

i cant remember names for %!!%
Seen this fineeeeeee chick at subway once w/ my boys and we had a cam.. Wanted to be da man and post a pic for NT so I take the pic and flash was on... Dude she was w/ got tight and was like you taking a picture of me man? all this nonsense then I showed him the pic and we ended up just deleting it.. Smh it wasnt succesful
How about looking at your reflection in a car tinted window to make sure your hair/face/clothes etc is straight.... then seeing a shadow move inside the car and realizing the car is full of women.....

Or how about sitting on a crowded bus and all of a sudden a giant carpenter ant starts to crawl on your arm and you freak out, jumping out of your seat.... and then everyone on the bus stares at you for a good 10 seconds thinking you're a crack head......


i have millions more.... socially awkward moments = my life..........
how about when you and some new friend(s) finish eating or kicking it and go "see you later man," only to find out that you parked in the same area and end up walking next to each other right after you say your byes?

   yea that cheek kiss/hug watever....

 i had gotten this scholarship my senior year from this program i used to be in...and i had to give like a 5 minute i gave the speech
smokin.gif like a standing
ovation so i was feeling money.... i come down the stage and im walking down the middle everbody is clapping and looking at me...i come up to this mentor i had in the program
and he goes in for the hug and i go in and we both go to right
... then i correct myself and go to the left but them he does too!
and for like 5 seconds we are just goin back and forth
it was #&#% crazy..its like somebody kept hitting rewind....i kno the whole room is looking at us.. and finally we got the hug in real quick..and then he told me in my ear "you're supposed to go to the right" and i was like yea watever
.....mad awkward
Originally Posted by JUS3

this thread is full of lulz

how about when you're talking to someone and they ask you a question but you don't hear it... you start nodding your head and agreeing with them, while they stare at you like 

this happens all the time to me when i smoke. i swear i become a deaf mute. like i had smoked out my two homies at his house. one homie had to leave for work, and i was going to head over to this female house. dude (who's house it is) ask what we about to get in. the other homie says hes about to head to work, and ask me the same. i kinda just stare blankly, then 5 seconds later i give him daps and head outside. i chop it up with him outside about his bike, and hope in my car.

i tell the homies, dont ask me questions an hour after i smoke, because im in my own little world. straight on the moon status.

its hella awkward when you about to get it cracking with a female, and they brother/sister/mom/dad/etc walk in. they know whats going on and whats about to go down. i get hella embarrassed and want to leave after that. like eff blue balls.
I hate when im looking at the teacher or something and theres a person in my line of view. Then they look back at me and i feel like they think im staring at them so then i cant even look directly at the teacher. I end up trying to look like 5 feet to the right of the teacher.
Me and my friends joke nonstop so when awkward moments arise, all I see is space and opportunity.
-When you're walking around and then cross paths with someone with the same shirt as you

-When you're talking to a teacher after class about doing extra credit for doing bad on a test and there's only 3-4 people in the room(including the teacher) and the teacher starts talking about your bad grades out in the open. It's like "c'mon man!"

-Walking into a class and all the seats are filled and you just stand there in the front looking for one open seat while everyone's looking at you.

-When you're doing a group presentation and you're the second person that is supposed to be talking, and the first person said exactly what you're going to say.

-When you walk into a theatre when it's packed and you and your crew just stand there by the entrance and awkwardly look around while one of your boys acts like he's texting just to avoid the awkward moment.
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