Socially awkward moments. Volume 2

someone text you, you dont respond, then see them like 20 min later

running somewhere then dropping your phone and the case flys off and the battery looking like its broken
when i was like 15, me and 2 of my friends were in a athletes foot that was closing down, needless to say of was packed full of scavengers trying to get deals.. shoes and $*@$ all over the place, total dis organization everywhere.. One of my friends is kinda weird so the non weird one and me decide were going to run out of the athletes foot and leave our 1 friend behind in the mall just to see if he freaks out... So when we see our opportunity to leave him when he isnt looking we literally sprint out the front door.. soon as we pass the doorway the %@*%@$* alarm starts going off and EVERYONE in the store looks over at us as the manager and 2 employees sprint out the door after us thinking we were stealing stuff... EVERYONE in/around the outside of the store is now right by the door just staring at me and my friend as we try to explain to the manager what we were doing.... FML


akward moments though>>>
Originally Posted by 650

Felt like $%$@ one day in class due to lack of sleep. I was sitting in the front and felt like throwing up so I was like %!#% it I'm cutting out. Soon as I got up I felt ridiculously lightheaded, continued a few steps and at that point just wanted to make it to the bathroom. Got to the back of the class and fainted. Everyone turned around and stared and while I was sitting on the ground trying to get myself together the professor came to the back of the class and asked, "You okay?" I said "yeah." Then he just went back to the front of the class and continued lecture like nothing happened. I left with the quickness.
this is why i skip class if i haven't had enough sleep...the one time i had gone almost 2 days without sleep and went to class i thought for sure i was passing out...
dropped off a friend and i had her keys, but i forgot so in the car she puts out her hand and i looked at her like
then i gave her a hi-five then she looked at me like "!$#?!" and finally asked for her keys. mind you 3 of my other friends were in the car too...
My office has 9 floors in the building.  One day I had to take a dump really bad, so I ran to the bathroom on my floor.  I saw the janitor in there changing paper towels and stuff. We're kinda cool and chit chat from time to time, so I gave him a head nod and played it off by going to the urinal.  I didn't want him to know that I was about to burn another hole in the ozone layer.  I then ran to the 7th floor and blew that bathroom up.  As I was leaving the stall to go wash my hands, guess who walked in?  The custodian to fill up the paper towels in there.  He looked confused for a second, took a deep breath, and then his eyes lit up.  He didn't say anything, but the look he gave me said "What you did there, I smell it".
-Your walking down the hallway and someone is walking the opposite direction but in your path. So you try to avoid that person, and you move left then they move left, then you go right, they go right. Looks like we're dancing or something like that.

Always hated that.
Last year , I'm sittin in the back of this boring health class, the professor just goin on and on about nothin. I'm noddin off due to boredom and my ears are stopped because I was sick. So as I'm sleep a fart seeps out and I wake up, like damn did I fart (my hearing wasn't too good)? So I nod back off and fart again, this time it was louder. I knew I had farted. The WHOLE class looks back at me. There was no way to play it off. To make matters worse I had this shirt on:

- I remember back in the public transportation days where u run for the bus or metro, cause you think its gonna leave right away but it doesn't. So ur in there panting like a +*@@*+* lol.

- everytime I go to america and do the beso beso bit...yall don't do it twice. Just one side!! And I forget and I get left hanging waitin for the other cheek lol

- when you do small talk while ur walking diffrent expect everyone to ask how you are doing, so your automatic response is "not too bad, and you?" ... But when they ask you a diffrent question and you answer with this, you know you effed up and just be like see you around and jet quiclky

- a couple weeks ago at church, after mass I was gonna go up to an old classmate to wish him a happy new year since he always comes up to me in the past. He was kinda far, so I started heading that way...but then this dude starts walking somewhere else with his friend. I'm already halfway there and I'd look like a fool if I go back cause I just walked to nowhere like a loser. Going through pews and %#!#, I finally catch up to him and said what happened. Topped it off with awkward convo lol. Dude probably thought I had a man crush on him or something lol.
- driving, and you reach a 4 way stop sign and nobody goes, then you all decide to go at the same time, and the process continues until you awkwardly speed up and cut them all off.

- trying to find you're way around and youre completeley lost so you take out your phone and pretend like youre busy txting someone, to make up for you walking around in circles trying to find the bathroom

- being 3 cents short for something at the grocery store and the cashier wont give you a break

- pulling up to a parking space, do some weird little thing thinking youre by yourself and someones sitting in the neighbor car staring at you

- trying to hold a door for someone but theres like a 20 second lag between the time you start holding the door to the time they get there. giving you the appearance of a doorman or some ishh
-when you go to the mall with your mom and you see a group of friends that are girls wanting to talk to you with your mom next to you.

-when your idiot friends come up to you when your with a parent saying "stuff" you never wanted your parents to know..
Waving to someone you know in a group of people but they don't see you and someone in the group does and doesn't say or do anything
the worst ones is the aftermath of an argument with a person while hanging with a group of friends, most of the time it kills the mood and no one knows what to talk about...
i was in 6th grade and these 8th graders were talkin about music...

8th grader 1# :yo homie u heard that 400 degreez yet
8th grader 2# : naw but i heard that  juvenile dude is tight 
*interupts happily* Me: yea man that GINUWINE cd is tight dude...
its like the whole school yard went quiet and both 8 graders went just like...

pretty much this is what i get for being nosy
A bum in front of the store asked me for some change and I said I dont have any, but as I walked by him you could hear the change rattle.

Someone trying to give dap in the bathroom.

Not telling/telling someone they have bugers in their nose.

When I used to hoop in HS and coach would give me that $++ slap. come on man

Passing  a blunt around @ a kick back, but not knowin who some people are.

dude i have to go through like 50% of these, every single day...i deal with alot of people everyday and everyone tries to act like they the homies from way back so they can get hooked up even tho we only met 48 hours ago.
Pulling up right next to someone at a red light with the windows down... usually just give a lil head nod then try to move up and inch further lol
Originally Posted by romedadude

Last year , I'm sittin in the back of this boring health class, the professor just goin on and on about nothin. I'm noddin off due to boredom and my ears are stopped because I was sick. So as I'm sleep a fart seeps out and I wake up, like damn did I fart (my hearing wasn't too good)? So I nod back off and fart again, this time it was louder. I knew I had farted. The WHOLE class looks back at me. There was no way to play it off. To make matters worse I had this shirt on:



my friend had this happen to him in class and I just happened to sit behind him...

he tried to play it off like "what happened?"
getting at a girl for her number, and her boyfriend comes out the dressing room

getting at a girl for her number, slide her your phone, and your girl txt's you

see a girl at her job you want to get at. so you proceed to engage in convo, and a customer gets at her for assistance

(thats like the worst cockblock EVER)
Originally Posted by skillzboy44

the worst ones is the aftermath of an argument with a person while hanging with a group of friends, most of the time it kills the mood and no one knows what to talk about...

One night my friend's and I were about to engage in a game of Kings with our female crew and the whole Tip Drill/Spelman/Nelly's Charity Event Cancellation situation came up before the game started. One of the young ladies went to Spelman and of course she backed her school. EVERYBODY including the other females thought that the school was wrong. It ruined a potentially fun night though. SMH
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