So women want to be equals in EVERYTHING.....Until they get home??

It's a good things these kids are ready for all day kindergarten right when they pop out of mom

Average age of potty training Is about 2 years old. Longer for boys. I'm at the age where a lot of my friends are parents of young children and the one thing I've learned is you can't really compare experiences. You might luck out and get that mild mannered baby who sleeps 8 hours a night or you might get the colicky fuss bucket who sleeps for two hours at a time until they're a year and a half
no thanks babies and young children are a lot of work. They need a lot of interaction and stimulation. Once they reach the age where they are in school all day, it might be a different story. I'm not going to judge stay at home moms as a group though, I'd rather go to work
Wow, LDJ pretty much killed it using logic instead of being a chauvinist.

The average family eats 3-4 home cooked dinners/wk? Didn't know that. My mom made enough on Sunday to last us until Thursday night.

Around the age of 7 kids should be able to help out around the house especially if a parent is doing as much as you claim your mother did.
Wow, LDJ pretty much killed it using logic instead of being a chauvinist.

The average family eats 3-4 home cooked dinners/wk? Didn't know that. My mom made enough on Sunday to last us until Thursday night.

Around the age of 7 kids should be able to help out around the house especially if a parent is doing as much as you claim your mother did.
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Something i thought was funny.

One of the women posted a few months ago that her last ex boyfriend would take the knobs off of all the doors inside the house so she couldnt use the bathroom or go into any rooms and lock the door.

She is the one laying down in the bed. She says he was an engineer and paid all the bills while she stayed at home and didnt do anything.............So i said....."YOU DONT WANNA PAY NO BILLS.....HE DONT WANT NO DAMN KNOBS ON THE DOOR."

In short....She didnt say too much after that, lol.

im black by the way and a soon to be engineer. She lyin 

 me too homie
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Something i thought was funny.

One of the women posted a few months ago that her last ex boyfriend would take the knobs off of all the doors inside the house so she couldnt use the bathroom or go into any rooms and lock the door.

She is the one laying down in the bed. She says he was an engineer and paid all the bills while she stayed at home and didnt do anything.............So i said....."YOU DONT WANNA PAY NO BILLS.....HE DONT WANT NO DAMN KNOBS ON THE DOOR."

In short....She didnt say too much after that, lol.

im black by the way and a soon to be engineer. She lyin 

 me too homie
Originally Posted by LDJ
She wouldn't do each of these tasks I mentioned everyday. Some of the tasks here and there are spread out throughout the week. My mom is a clean freak and does not like dirt to accumulate. Like I said we are four girls, so while my sister and I were in elementary school, the others were still babies. So of course she had to stay at home Taking care of a baby is a full time job itself.

There is a heck lot more into it than just what I mentioned. I remember reading an article on and they calculated that if there was a price on the average stay at home mom, their salary should be $138,095 if she were to be compensated for all the elements of her "job."   They used elements of10 jobs that moms do on an average day such as housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO, psychologist,etc. I completely agree with their assessment.

Originally Posted by LDJ
She wouldn't do each of these tasks I mentioned everyday. Some of the tasks here and there are spread out throughout the week. My mom is a clean freak and does not like dirt to accumulate. Like I said we are four girls, so while my sister and I were in elementary school, the others were still babies. So of course she had to stay at home Taking care of a baby is a full time job itself.

There is a heck lot more into it than just what I mentioned. I remember reading an article on and they calculated that if there was a price on the average stay at home mom, their salary should be $138,095 if she were to be compensated for all the elements of her "job."   They used elements of10 jobs that moms do on an average day such as housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO, psychologist,etc. I completely agree with their assessment.

Originally Posted by Nawth21

It's a good things these kids are ready for all day kindergarten right when they pop out of mom

Average age of potty training Is about 2 years old. Longer for boys.

Right but that is like 2 or 3 yrs outta what 18 some even longer. Which is why like i said after the first few yrs alot of the good women go back to work/school. The baby yrs are what like 20% of a kids life. Like i said if you did a labor job like construction for 20 yrs its not like the first 2 or 3 yrs you do labor then after that you do occasional work. Now yea it is harder if you had a job as a pencil pusher, but a male with a job that requires labor nah i dont think so.

Also a good amount/majority of kids go to daycare and or pre k which reduces that time in half.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

It's a good things these kids are ready for all day kindergarten right when they pop out of mom

Average age of potty training Is about 2 years old. Longer for boys.

Right but that is like 2 or 3 yrs outta what 18 some even longer. Which is why like i said after the first few yrs alot of the good women go back to work/school. The baby yrs are what like 20% of a kids life. Like i said if you did a labor job like construction for 20 yrs its not like the first 2 or 3 yrs you do labor then after that you do occasional work. Now yea it is harder if you had a job as a pencil pusher, but a male with a job that requires labor nah i dont think so.

Also a good amount/majority of kids go to daycare and or pre k which reduces that time in half.
at kid(s) aren't a full time job

at these women are hoodrats

I swear to God I might as well stop clicking on threads about blacks or women ... these women have a different way of thinking but it's obvious NTers do too
at kid(s) aren't a full time job

at these women are hoodrats

I swear to God I might as well stop clicking on threads about blacks or women ... these women have a different way of thinking but it's obvious NTers do too
lets not front like everyone at work is slaving for 8 hours either...yeah you're stuck there but look at how many people on this board are at work half the time they are posting

if you can bring up labor/construction jobs (which isn't what everyone does) she can use her 4 sisters (even if its not the average household)
lets not front like everyone at work is slaving for 8 hours either...yeah you're stuck there but look at how many people on this board are at work half the time they are posting

if you can bring up labor/construction jobs (which isn't what everyone does) she can use her 4 sisters (even if its not the average household)
Originally Posted by jhawkin826

Wow, LDJ pretty much killed it using logic instead of being a chauvinist.

The average family eats 3-4 home cooked dinners/wk? Didn't know that. My mom made enough on Sunday to last us until Thursday night.

Around the age of 7 kids should be able to help out around the house especially if a parent is doing as much as you claim your mother did.

see so many guys are stuck on brady bunch alice donna reed 1950s-60's moms. Most families dont even eat together let alone a home-cooked meal 7 days a week. And alot most kids clean there own room etc wash there clothes etc at some point in the game. Hell even 5 yr olds nowadays at least make bed,put dishes in the washer,puts toys away. This is the 21st century, housewives arent making fresh squeezed oj every morning and lemonade every meal. Folks act like ppl getting 5 star meals made every meal 7 days a week. You guys need to step into the new age of dishwashers vacuums fast food restuarants order/take out microwavable meals.

If you find a chick who makes you a new meal 3 a day 7 a week, hand washes clothes/dishes, doesnt even allow you to undress yourself, has pipe and slippers and martini waiting, draws your bath, hell doesnt get made when you leave clothes on the floor and doesnt expect you to put your own dishes in the dish washer/own takeout in the trash, is modern day technology phobia and uses nothing but hands, you either found a time machine and brought back june clever, or if she does exist you better marry that chick like asap just of gp.
Originally Posted by jhawkin826

Wow, LDJ pretty much killed it using logic instead of being a chauvinist.

The average family eats 3-4 home cooked dinners/wk? Didn't know that. My mom made enough on Sunday to last us until Thursday night.

Around the age of 7 kids should be able to help out around the house especially if a parent is doing as much as you claim your mother did.

see so many guys are stuck on brady bunch alice donna reed 1950s-60's moms. Most families dont even eat together let alone a home-cooked meal 7 days a week. And alot most kids clean there own room etc wash there clothes etc at some point in the game. Hell even 5 yr olds nowadays at least make bed,put dishes in the washer,puts toys away. This is the 21st century, housewives arent making fresh squeezed oj every morning and lemonade every meal. Folks act like ppl getting 5 star meals made every meal 7 days a week. You guys need to step into the new age of dishwashers vacuums fast food restuarants order/take out microwavable meals.

If you find a chick who makes you a new meal 3 a day 7 a week, hand washes clothes/dishes, doesnt even allow you to undress yourself, has pipe and slippers and martini waiting, draws your bath, hell doesnt get made when you leave clothes on the floor and doesnt expect you to put your own dishes in the dish washer/own takeout in the trash, is modern day technology phobia and uses nothing but hands, you either found a time machine and brought back june clever, or if she does exist you better marry that chick like asap just of gp.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by LDJ

Housework isnt a fulltime job and neither is kids. First lets break that down. Um kids are at school for 8-10 hrs of the day, and sleep another 8-10 hrs a day. So whats that like 4 hrs.What full-time job you know is 4 hrs a day with access to food tv a bed couch etc can rest talk on the phone as you wish? Also how are you cleaning up all day behind kids husband, if the kids are at school and the man is at work. The only cleaning messing up being done is the womans mess. You arent making lunch and cleaning behind the kids/husband because they are school/work. Um if you are an adult, kids or no kids you would have to clean up behind yourself anyhow. Lets see what else um most ppl have dishwashers washing machines in this day an age so its machines that do the labor. And unless you live in some sort of mansion. And have a house of savages/animals/super slobs. Cleaning a 3/4 bedroom house doesnt take all day. Thus why if you hit up malls/walmart etc around 11-3 they stay packed with you guessed it housewives.

Trust me i know, when my old lady left to work out of state for like a yr. I handled 2 kids and was starting a business. And so doing both simutanously, I can say a did more "work" and spent more time in a office and had less breaks then the time I spent at home.

Trust me if you think for one second a construction worker, working 10 12hrs a day with two 20's and a hr break does less labor then a housewife, you have to be missing a few chromosomes.
I am not trying to compare jobs to extent, but different jobs have different levels of hardship. 

As for being a full-time stay at home doing house chores all day and taking care of kids, how can you say it isn't a full time job and not that hard? I remember my mom when she was only a stay at home mom raising us four girls and doing full-time house chores the WHOLE day. Are you kidding me? It is only the woman's mess she is cleaning after? My mom would clean and still cleans the house top to bottom. She gets on all floors and scrubs the bathtub, washroom floors,washes the sinks to EACH washroom, irons all my dad's clothes, does the laundry for everyone in the family, cleans up the rooms of all the kids, vaccums the carpets from top to bottom in the house. I did not even mention all the rooms in the house, this also includes the kitchen she would clean and scrub, the basement, and then having to do the cooking for the whole family. At the same time, she would be taking care of the little girls, changing diapers, feeding them, etc. I did not even mention all the tasks she takes care of at home on her plate.

You are telling me women who work like this at home are not all up damn day? My mom would wake up at 6am from the cries of the little girls and not sleep until 11 or 12 after cleaning up after our messes after eating and other messes. This was a daily routine and it goes on the whole day. This is also if she got any sleep that night due to the cries of my baby sister. How is that not a full time job and not that hard?

I think you are completely underestimating the hardship of a full time stay at home mom  and taking care of babies and children and give no credit to the hardship they endure doing these tasks.

My mom by the way works simultaneaously too. If I had to compare her and my dad, he works longer hours, but my mom works overtime too in her office job. Then when she comes home, she does the wife/mom housework. On weekends, she is also doing house chores, always cleaning and cooking. 

I hope you're taking notes Hazel..............

Your mama sounds like the perfect woman.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by LDJ

Housework isnt a fulltime job and neither is kids. First lets break that down. Um kids are at school for 8-10 hrs of the day, and sleep another 8-10 hrs a day. So whats that like 4 hrs.What full-time job you know is 4 hrs a day with access to food tv a bed couch etc can rest talk on the phone as you wish? Also how are you cleaning up all day behind kids husband, if the kids are at school and the man is at work. The only cleaning messing up being done is the womans mess. You arent making lunch and cleaning behind the kids/husband because they are school/work. Um if you are an adult, kids or no kids you would have to clean up behind yourself anyhow. Lets see what else um most ppl have dishwashers washing machines in this day an age so its machines that do the labor. And unless you live in some sort of mansion. And have a house of savages/animals/super slobs. Cleaning a 3/4 bedroom house doesnt take all day. Thus why if you hit up malls/walmart etc around 11-3 they stay packed with you guessed it housewives.

Trust me i know, when my old lady left to work out of state for like a yr. I handled 2 kids and was starting a business. And so doing both simutanously, I can say a did more "work" and spent more time in a office and had less breaks then the time I spent at home.

Trust me if you think for one second a construction worker, working 10 12hrs a day with two 20's and a hr break does less labor then a housewife, you have to be missing a few chromosomes.
I am not trying to compare jobs to extent, but different jobs have different levels of hardship. 

As for being a full-time stay at home doing house chores all day and taking care of kids, how can you say it isn't a full time job and not that hard? I remember my mom when she was only a stay at home mom raising us four girls and doing full-time house chores the WHOLE day. Are you kidding me? It is only the woman's mess she is cleaning after? My mom would clean and still cleans the house top to bottom. She gets on all floors and scrubs the bathtub, washroom floors,washes the sinks to EACH washroom, irons all my dad's clothes, does the laundry for everyone in the family, cleans up the rooms of all the kids, vaccums the carpets from top to bottom in the house. I did not even mention all the rooms in the house, this also includes the kitchen she would clean and scrub, the basement, and then having to do the cooking for the whole family. At the same time, she would be taking care of the little girls, changing diapers, feeding them, etc. I did not even mention all the tasks she takes care of at home on her plate.

You are telling me women who work like this at home are not all up damn day? My mom would wake up at 6am from the cries of the little girls and not sleep until 11 or 12 after cleaning up after our messes after eating and other messes. This was a daily routine and it goes on the whole day. This is also if she got any sleep that night due to the cries of my baby sister. How is that not a full time job and not that hard?

I think you are completely underestimating the hardship of a full time stay at home mom  and taking care of babies and children and give no credit to the hardship they endure doing these tasks.

My mom by the way works simultaneaously too. If I had to compare her and my dad, he works longer hours, but my mom works overtime too in her office job. Then when she comes home, she does the wife/mom housework. On weekends, she is also doing house chores, always cleaning and cooking. 

I hope you're taking notes Hazel..............

Your mama sounds like the perfect woman.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by LDJ
She wouldn't do each of these tasks I mentioned everyday. Some of the tasks here and there are spread out throughout the week. My mom is a clean freak and does not like dirt to accumulate. Like I said we are four girls, so while my sister and I were in elementary school, the others were still babies. So of course she had to stay at home Taking care of a baby is a full time job itself.

There is a heck lot more into it than just what I mentioned. I remember reading an article on and they calculated that if there was a price on the average stay at home mom, their salary should be $138,095 if she were to be compensated for all the elements of her "job."   They used elements of10 jobs that moms do on an average day such as housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO, psychologist,etc. I completely agree with their assessment.


You say that as though the father has zero part of raising the child outside of making money...I don't know too many two-parent households where the father doesn't do a share of all of the tasks you mentioned when they're home....
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by LDJ
She wouldn't do each of these tasks I mentioned everyday. Some of the tasks here and there are spread out throughout the week. My mom is a clean freak and does not like dirt to accumulate. Like I said we are four girls, so while my sister and I were in elementary school, the others were still babies. So of course she had to stay at home Taking care of a baby is a full time job itself.

There is a heck lot more into it than just what I mentioned. I remember reading an article on and they calculated that if there was a price on the average stay at home mom, their salary should be $138,095 if she were to be compensated for all the elements of her "job."   They used elements of10 jobs that moms do on an average day such as housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO, psychologist,etc. I completely agree with their assessment.


You say that as though the father has zero part of raising the child outside of making money...I don't know too many two-parent households where the father doesn't do a share of all of the tasks you mentioned when they're home....
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by LDJ
She wouldn't do each of these tasks I mentioned everyday. Some of the tasks here and there are spread out throughout the week. My mom is a clean freak and does not like dirt to accumulate. Like I said we are four girls, so while my sister and I were in elementary school, the others were still babies. So of course she had to stay at home Taking care of a baby is a full time job itself.

There is a heck lot more into it than just what I mentioned. I remember reading an article on and they calculated that if there was a price on the average stay at home mom, their salary should be $138,095 if she were to be compensated for all the elements of her "job."   They used elements of10 jobs that moms do on an average day such as housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO, psychologist,etc. I completely agree with their assessment.


And guess who did these polls MEN.... MEN who have never done the work. So how can they evaulate a job they never done. I have kids rather they are older now and I did a labor job the staying at home with them, and now a pencil pusher. Stay at home until daycare/kindergarden>my pencil pusher work but any labor job I ever did> housework. Plus those polls dont even make sense when you use logic how can a housewife work be worth more then a live-in maid nanny? That is essentially what a housewife is with the exception the housewife boar the kids. And a maid/nanny doesnt make 138k hell they dont even make 38K. Its funny how everyone who believes this mess is a woman and or someone who doesnt have kids and havent stayed at home with kids.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by LDJ
She wouldn't do each of these tasks I mentioned everyday. Some of the tasks here and there are spread out throughout the week. My mom is a clean freak and does not like dirt to accumulate. Like I said we are four girls, so while my sister and I were in elementary school, the others were still babies. So of course she had to stay at home Taking care of a baby is a full time job itself.

There is a heck lot more into it than just what I mentioned. I remember reading an article on and they calculated that if there was a price on the average stay at home mom, their salary should be $138,095 if she were to be compensated for all the elements of her "job."   They used elements of10 jobs that moms do on an average day such as housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO, psychologist,etc. I completely agree with their assessment.


And guess who did these polls MEN.... MEN who have never done the work. So how can they evaulate a job they never done. I have kids rather they are older now and I did a labor job the staying at home with them, and now a pencil pusher. Stay at home until daycare/kindergarden>my pencil pusher work but any labor job I ever did> housework. Plus those polls dont even make sense when you use logic how can a housewife work be worth more then a live-in maid nanny? That is essentially what a housewife is with the exception the housewife boar the kids. And a maid/nanny doesnt make 138k hell they dont even make 38K. Its funny how everyone who believes this mess is a woman and or someone who doesnt have kids and havent stayed at home with kids.
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