So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?


I coulda swore this dude retired...
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

maybe its not a race thing, but more of a socio-economic status thing?

my life growing up seems pretty similar to some of these stories. the only exception is that my dad used to beat me with a stick and he is a dead ringer for a "High Expectation Asian Father" x "Y U NO" meme collaboration.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

maybe its not a race thing, but more of a socio-economic status thing?

my life growing up seems pretty similar to some of these stories. the only exception is that my dad used to beat me with a stick and he is a dead ringer for a "High Expectation Asian Father" x "Y U NO" meme collaboration.
But yea like QFT everything O fenomono said.  My hero is def. my pops, dude made itout of theBX, got into Brown on an athletic scholarship when they didn't really accept Jews, and eventually ended up being a boss don lawyer. My parents support me 100% financially, college + monthly stimulus.

My friends are all basically from lower socio-economic group though and are really diverse ethnically. I prefer my women not of caucasian descent, though I do enjoy a snow bunny every now and again
. My parents have made me get a job every summer since I was 14 and still make sure I have responsibility. Pops never spoiled me especially with material !+%$. All the sneakers I bought came from my own side hustles cause my pops said there was not a reason to have more than 2 pairs of sneakers. My parents preached me to be accepting of all different types of people and have gone out their way to help my friends who don't have the same fortune that we have had. I have a great life. Living in NYC has taught me a lot and I couldn't imagine being raised anywhere else, the lessons this place teaches you is amazing. I'm in college now, will finish up in a year.I grew up without religion, we did holidays like Christmas and Hannukah and !+%$ till I was prolly 14 when my pops told me I was too old for presents
. My black friend have been to temple more time than I have
. I think my parents did an amazing job raising me and my brother.

However, just cause I'm white and upper-middle class doesn't mean everything in my life is always peachy. each family has their own sets of problems. My family has a !++%*%%$ of mental health issues so at time it has been a struggle to deal with that but overall my family is great and I love them to death.
But yea like QFT everything O fenomono said.  My hero is def. my pops, dude made itout of theBX, got into Brown on an athletic scholarship when they didn't really accept Jews, and eventually ended up being a boss don lawyer. My parents support me 100% financially, college + monthly stimulus.

My friends are all basically from lower socio-economic group though and are really diverse ethnically. I prefer my women not of caucasian descent, though I do enjoy a snow bunny every now and again
. My parents have made me get a job every summer since I was 14 and still make sure I have responsibility. Pops never spoiled me especially with material !+%$. All the sneakers I bought came from my own side hustles cause my pops said there was not a reason to have more than 2 pairs of sneakers. My parents preached me to be accepting of all different types of people and have gone out their way to help my friends who don't have the same fortune that we have had. I have a great life. Living in NYC has taught me a lot and I couldn't imagine being raised anywhere else, the lessons this place teaches you is amazing. I'm in college now, will finish up in a year.I grew up without religion, we did holidays like Christmas and Hannukah and !+%$ till I was prolly 14 when my pops told me I was too old for presents
. My black friend have been to temple more time than I have
. I think my parents did an amazing job raising me and my brother.

However, just cause I'm white and upper-middle class doesn't mean everything in my life is always peachy. each family has their own sets of problems. My family has a !++%*%%$ of mental health issues so at time it has been a struggle to deal with that but overall my family is great and I love them to death.
My family has been greatly blessed.

I dont have any bills, car is paid for, and tuition is free. But that is from my mom working at UMD, and taking advantage of those benefits.

im not spoiled by any means, but i definitely live better than most.
My family has been greatly blessed.

I dont have any bills, car is paid for, and tuition is free. But that is from my mom working at UMD, and taking advantage of those benefits.

im not spoiled by any means, but i definitely live better than most.
I'll give you guys another POV to look at.

My parents are white, but I'm not. Adopted, small town (25,000 max). 90-95% of all my friends growing up were white. I'd say the breakdown of races where I'm from was like 85% white, 10% Mexican (not Spanish, like illegal alien, speak no english, constantly people being deported, no offense to anyone), then split the last 5% between black people and Native Americans.

The cost of living where I'm from was so much lower than most places, I'd say we were upper middle class and my parents combined probably brought home between $150,000- $175,000 yearly.

To say the least, it was different. Honestly, like I said, due to cost of living and stuff, unless it was a 4, 5, 6 member family, you could live off of $60,000-70,000 like it was $200,000 anywhere else. I never wanted for anything, always food on the table, parents always had good jobs. Dad could have taken an office position a few times in my life and taken a bit less money a year, and he'd have been home more, but he was a working kind of guy. Still working now, even though he's retired.

We never had a Benz, never had a BMW, but my dad's had like literally 8 boats, my parents love camping so they've had 4 different RVs, I've been on vacations pretty much everywhere. I used to get new Jordans when I got a good report card or silly $%*! like that in elementary and grade school

My mom came from I'd say a "standard" middle class home, 2 sisters, mom and dad. My dad however came up in what I'd say is lower class and just worked his %$% off. As I've gotten older, I've come to respect him more and more for this, and frankly, like someone else said, he's my hero.

THE HARDEST PART, and it's the thing that will probably separate me from most that fit into the "white male from a middle class family" category, is that being from a small town, even if your parents are white, if you aren't, the race card comes out quick when things get heated. I've had some of my closest friends go there, when they were younger and more immature, just because it's an easy way to pit the "you vs. me, us vs. you" when you're in an argument. I've never really against any of my friends because frankly in arguments between friends, it's always about who can get the 3rd, 4th, 5th friend to side with them.

However, with people I didn't consider friends, some messed up $%*! has happened. Instance I can't ever forget is in the 1st or 2nd grade, I got a lot of praise from my teacher for being really intelligent at a young age and I enjoyed being "good" at something. Well one day, someone's mother came in as a substitute because our teacher had jury duty or something (yeah, in small towns sometimes someone's mom will teach, forget professional substitutes) and this particular lady thought her daughter was the chosen one or something. Well as we're going out for recess, the lady pulls me to the side and says "You don't have to show off for all the kids, you think you're so smart. Well if you're so smart, why didn't you real mom and dad want you and they threw you away".

It was the first time I ever asked my parents about me looking different, we had the wholeeeeeeeeeeeeeee discussion about adoption, etc. If you're curious, no, nothing ever happened to the woman. My mom went to school, it ended up being a "child's word against an adult" thing, but it helped me out in the long run because my mom rode for me no matter what from that day through high school graduation

Oh yeah, one last thing. Even though my parents made great money, even in a small town, we weren't really "accepted" by the "upper" class. Because my dad was a high school dropout and we weren't millionaires, there was always that unspoken, unsaid line there. Now had we been upper class in terms of income, none of his education or stuff would have mattered, because there were alot of multi-millionaires who didn't have formal education. There was also people who made more money than my pops but had college degrees (You have to remember, that generation values a Bachelor's alot more than we do) so they also kind of looked down on us. I always had upper and lower class friends because of sports. Our high school basketball team was made up of kid's with parents on welfare to the son of the high school principal to the 3rd richest man in town's nephew.

Sorry for the long read. Hope it answered your questions. If somehow I didn't cover something, feel free to ask.
I'll give you guys another POV to look at.

My parents are white, but I'm not. Adopted, small town (25,000 max). 90-95% of all my friends growing up were white. I'd say the breakdown of races where I'm from was like 85% white, 10% Mexican (not Spanish, like illegal alien, speak no english, constantly people being deported, no offense to anyone), then split the last 5% between black people and Native Americans.

The cost of living where I'm from was so much lower than most places, I'd say we were upper middle class and my parents combined probably brought home between $150,000- $175,000 yearly.

To say the least, it was different. Honestly, like I said, due to cost of living and stuff, unless it was a 4, 5, 6 member family, you could live off of $60,000-70,000 like it was $200,000 anywhere else. I never wanted for anything, always food on the table, parents always had good jobs. Dad could have taken an office position a few times in my life and taken a bit less money a year, and he'd have been home more, but he was a working kind of guy. Still working now, even though he's retired.

We never had a Benz, never had a BMW, but my dad's had like literally 8 boats, my parents love camping so they've had 4 different RVs, I've been on vacations pretty much everywhere. I used to get new Jordans when I got a good report card or silly $%*! like that in elementary and grade school

My mom came from I'd say a "standard" middle class home, 2 sisters, mom and dad. My dad however came up in what I'd say is lower class and just worked his %$% off. As I've gotten older, I've come to respect him more and more for this, and frankly, like someone else said, he's my hero.

THE HARDEST PART, and it's the thing that will probably separate me from most that fit into the "white male from a middle class family" category, is that being from a small town, even if your parents are white, if you aren't, the race card comes out quick when things get heated. I've had some of my closest friends go there, when they were younger and more immature, just because it's an easy way to pit the "you vs. me, us vs. you" when you're in an argument. I've never really against any of my friends because frankly in arguments between friends, it's always about who can get the 3rd, 4th, 5th friend to side with them.

However, with people I didn't consider friends, some messed up $%*! has happened. Instance I can't ever forget is in the 1st or 2nd grade, I got a lot of praise from my teacher for being really intelligent at a young age and I enjoyed being "good" at something. Well one day, someone's mother came in as a substitute because our teacher had jury duty or something (yeah, in small towns sometimes someone's mom will teach, forget professional substitutes) and this particular lady thought her daughter was the chosen one or something. Well as we're going out for recess, the lady pulls me to the side and says "You don't have to show off for all the kids, you think you're so smart. Well if you're so smart, why didn't you real mom and dad want you and they threw you away".

It was the first time I ever asked my parents about me looking different, we had the wholeeeeeeeeeeeeeee discussion about adoption, etc. If you're curious, no, nothing ever happened to the woman. My mom went to school, it ended up being a "child's word against an adult" thing, but it helped me out in the long run because my mom rode for me no matter what from that day through high school graduation

Oh yeah, one last thing. Even though my parents made great money, even in a small town, we weren't really "accepted" by the "upper" class. Because my dad was a high school dropout and we weren't millionaires, there was always that unspoken, unsaid line there. Now had we been upper class in terms of income, none of his education or stuff would have mattered, because there were alot of multi-millionaires who didn't have formal education. There was also people who made more money than my pops but had college degrees (You have to remember, that generation values a Bachelor's alot more than we do) so they also kind of looked down on us. I always had upper and lower class friends because of sports. Our high school basketball team was made up of kid's with parents on welfare to the son of the high school principal to the 3rd richest man in town's nephew.

Sorry for the long read. Hope it answered your questions. If somehow I didn't cover something, feel free to ask.
Hmmmm I grew up in a  nice suburb of Denver, CO. I actually went to school with John Elways daughter and sone. My dad works for United airliens and my mom worked for a huge telecommunications company called Qwest(she was manager of pricing). Both have college degrees. I got to travel a lot in my life Spain, Australia, England, and all over. I was a pretty good student all through my years think the lowest grade I ever got was a C+ in 5th grade in writing(mom was not having that). They gave me two cars(one when I turned 16 and I wanted a new one when I was 21 so they bought me another), cell phone was always paid along with insurance. I was very blessed to have gotten an athletic scholarship to an Engineering college so my parents didnt pay for college. But whenever I came home they would slide me money to feed my shoe habit, or just have a good time(Still do sometimes to this day and I am 25).

But the kicker of it all is I am black. So I dont think this thread should ask what is it like to be a white male in the middle class, how about what is it like to be from the middle class...I am sure most stories no matter or what will match up.
Hmmmm I grew up in a  nice suburb of Denver, CO. I actually went to school with John Elways daughter and sone. My dad works for United airliens and my mom worked for a huge telecommunications company called Qwest(she was manager of pricing). Both have college degrees. I got to travel a lot in my life Spain, Australia, England, and all over. I was a pretty good student all through my years think the lowest grade I ever got was a C+ in 5th grade in writing(mom was not having that). They gave me two cars(one when I turned 16 and I wanted a new one when I was 21 so they bought me another), cell phone was always paid along with insurance. I was very blessed to have gotten an athletic scholarship to an Engineering college so my parents didnt pay for college. But whenever I came home they would slide me money to feed my shoe habit, or just have a good time(Still do sometimes to this day and I am 25).

But the kicker of it all is I am black. So I dont think this thread should ask what is it like to be a white male in the middle class, how about what is it like to be from the middle class...I am sure most stories no matter or what will match up.
I Dont see the race part either. Maybe because most parts of the country are blind to how the rest of the country really works. Broke people in the hood think they got it bad till they see white people living in middle america with less than them. And for black people to be blaming slavery or race for them not being able to do anything with they life is stupid. Get off your block and do something. Im black btw.
I grew up in pretty much middle class moved out the bx around 10 to the suburbs. Did average in hs because i didnt do hw just got by on having common sence and being able to do good on test. Went to a cc deans list all the way thru while working part time at a summer job that i kept while going to school cause it was way easier than hs. Now i have my associates degree in bus management and next month will be the night time supervisior at the same job for before. My regional manager said he sees alot of himself in me and want me to move up the ladder in the company but due to the fact that im still young(21 turning 22 in the summer) and i have no science background.( i work in a lab) Its hard to move me striaght to operations supervisor. But experiance is worth more than a degree in his eyes. Still is gonna work a way to help pay for my bachelor's when i decide to go back to school.

Race has nothing to do with it. Its about the opportunities you get and what you do with them.

sorry for the long read and errors im at work now
I Dont see the race part either. Maybe because most parts of the country are blind to how the rest of the country really works. Broke people in the hood think they got it bad till they see white people living in middle america with less than them. And for black people to be blaming slavery or race for them not being able to do anything with they life is stupid. Get off your block and do something. Im black btw.
I grew up in pretty much middle class moved out the bx around 10 to the suburbs. Did average in hs because i didnt do hw just got by on having common sence and being able to do good on test. Went to a cc deans list all the way thru while working part time at a summer job that i kept while going to school cause it was way easier than hs. Now i have my associates degree in bus management and next month will be the night time supervisior at the same job for before. My regional manager said he sees alot of himself in me and want me to move up the ladder in the company but due to the fact that im still young(21 turning 22 in the summer) and i have no science background.( i work in a lab) Its hard to move me striaght to operations supervisor. But experiance is worth more than a degree in his eyes. Still is gonna work a way to help pay for my bachelor's when i decide to go back to school.

Race has nothing to do with it. Its about the opportunities you get and what you do with them.

sorry for the long read and errors im at work now
Originally Posted by Tommy Wong

I imagine itd be like having unlimited quarters at the arcade
*leaves thread and doesnt come back*

who needs to go to the arcade when I've got one at my house.
to actually answer the question, Greatest life in the world, sucks to be you guys.
Originally Posted by Tommy Wong

I imagine itd be like having unlimited quarters at the arcade
*leaves thread and doesnt come back*

who needs to go to the arcade when I've got one at my house.
to actually answer the question, Greatest life in the world, sucks to be you guys.
Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Race has nothing to do with it. Its about the opportunities you get and what you do with them.


I swear you people live in a Utopian world that I would love to live in 
Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Race has nothing to do with it. Its about the opportunities you get and what you do with them.


I swear you people live in a Utopian world that I would love to live in 
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