So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

Moms has her own business, dad is retired (making pension) city water manager for 22 years in the fastest growing city in America (before the bust). Life's good never a worry about cash no bills, cars paid for along with cell phone insurance etc.. I go to a university and my parents front the whole bill since I was a jerk-off in high school and did what I wanted and barely graduated (no scholly $) for those that say I'm unappreciative, I was young and dumb and now regret it as I feel bad because i could have got a 100% scholly. I work and make good money but I live above my means because I have no bills (live at home) so all my money is mine to do whatever with I've got all the new gadgets, whatev. and have a pretty good amount of money saved up for when I get married and move away to law school (June 2012). I'm 20 btw..
Moms has her own business, dad is retired (making pension) city water manager for 22 years in the fastest growing city in America (before the bust). Life's good never a worry about cash no bills, cars paid for along with cell phone insurance etc.. I go to a university and my parents front the whole bill since I was a jerk-off in high school and did what I wanted and barely graduated (no scholly $) for those that say I'm unappreciative, I was young and dumb and now regret it as I feel bad because i could have got a 100% scholly. I work and make good money but I live above my means because I have no bills (live at home) so all my money is mine to do whatever with I've got all the new gadgets, whatev. and have a pretty good amount of money saved up for when I get married and move away to law school (June 2012). I'm 20 btw..
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Moms has her own business, dad is retired (making pension) city water manager for 22 years in the fastest growing city in America (before the bust). Life's good never a worry about cash no bills, cars paid for along with cell phone insurance etc.. I go to a university and my parents front the whole bill since I was a jerk-off in high school and did what I wanted and barely graduated (no scholly $) for those that say I'm unappreciative, I was young and dumb and now regret it as I feel bad because i could have got a 100% scholly. I work and make good money but I live above my means because I have no bills (live at home) so all my money is mine to do whatever with I've got all the new gadgets, whatev. and have a pretty good amount of money saved up for when I get married and move away to law school (June 2012). I'm 20 btw..
Sounds pretty great if you ask me.
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Moms has her own business, dad is retired (making pension) city water manager for 22 years in the fastest growing city in America (before the bust). Life's good never a worry about cash no bills, cars paid for along with cell phone insurance etc.. I go to a university and my parents front the whole bill since I was a jerk-off in high school and did what I wanted and barely graduated (no scholly $) for those that say I'm unappreciative, I was young and dumb and now regret it as I feel bad because i could have got a 100% scholly. I work and make good money but I live above my means because I have no bills (live at home) so all my money is mine to do whatever with I've got all the new gadgets, whatev. and have a pretty good amount of money saved up for when I get married and move away to law school (June 2012). I'm 20 btw..
Sounds pretty great if you ask me.
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

its awesome. my hero growing up was my dad cause i have never seen anyone with such a work ethic, dude just builds houses on his own with his bare hands and gets $$$. my bros growing up were all just neighborhood goons, i lived in a middle class neighborhood in north seattle and we had a few hoodlums but mostly everyone had their heads on straight and wasnt getting into anything too shady. my parents are paying for me to go to out of state college and i have basically been given the opportunity to chase whatever i want in life. i'm on campus right now and its a beautiful day out, theres honeys everywhere and im surfing NT before a test. afterwards ill probably go home and smoke some weed that my parents indirectly paid for through my monthly stimulus fund.

i get decent grades and my parents and i get along great. love going home for the weekend every once in a while, mom hooks it up with the homecooked meals and lets me whip her car as long as i do the dishes. middle/upper class white person college life is tight, i highly recommend it.

As a young Latino from the Bronx, I lived my whole life wanting to be black.Thanks to this post...I have now seen the light (Pun Intended)
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

its awesome. my hero growing up was my dad cause i have never seen anyone with such a work ethic, dude just builds houses on his own with his bare hands and gets $$$. my bros growing up were all just neighborhood goons, i lived in a middle class neighborhood in north seattle and we had a few hoodlums but mostly everyone had their heads on straight and wasnt getting into anything too shady. my parents are paying for me to go to out of state college and i have basically been given the opportunity to chase whatever i want in life. i'm on campus right now and its a beautiful day out, theres honeys everywhere and im surfing NT before a test. afterwards ill probably go home and smoke some weed that my parents indirectly paid for through my monthly stimulus fund.

i get decent grades and my parents and i get along great. love going home for the weekend every once in a while, mom hooks it up with the homecooked meals and lets me whip her car as long as i do the dishes. middle/upper class white person college life is tight, i highly recommend it.

As a young Latino from the Bronx, I lived my whole life wanting to be black.Thanks to this post...I have now seen the light (Pun Intended)
maybe its not a race thing, but more of a socio-economic status thing?

my life growing up seems pretty similar to some of these stories. the only exception is that my dad used to beat me with a stick and he is a dead ringer for a "High Expectation Asian Father" x "Y U NO" meme collaboration.
maybe its not a race thing, but more of a socio-economic status thing?

my life growing up seems pretty similar to some of these stories. the only exception is that my dad used to beat me with a stick and he is a dead ringer for a "High Expectation Asian Father" x "Y U NO" meme collaboration.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

maybe its not a race thing, but more of a socio-economic status thing?

my life growing up seems pretty similar to some of these stories. the only exception is that my dad used to beat me with a stick and he is a dead ringer for a "High Expectation Asian Father" x "Y U NO" meme collaboration.

yes it is, because every now and again, I'm reminded that even though I drive a Benz, I'm still a N in a coupe.
And I'm not just saying that cause of Ye.  It actually happens. 
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

maybe its not a race thing, but more of a socio-economic status thing?

my life growing up seems pretty similar to some of these stories. the only exception is that my dad used to beat me with a stick and he is a dead ringer for a "High Expectation Asian Father" x "Y U NO" meme collaboration.

yes it is, because every now and again, I'm reminded that even though I drive a Benz, I'm still a N in a coupe.
And I'm not just saying that cause of Ye.  It actually happens. 
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

its awesome. my hero growing up was my dad cause i have never seen anyone with such a work ethic, dude just builds houses on his own with his bare hands and gets $$$. my bros growing up were all just neighborhood goons, i lived in a middle class neighborhood in north seattle and we had a few hoodlums but mostly everyone had their heads on straight and wasnt getting into anything too shady. my parents are paying for me to go to out of state college and i have basically been given the opportunity to chase whatever i want in life. i'm on campus right now and its a beautiful day out, theres honeys everywhere and im surfing NT before a test. afterwards ill probably go home and smoke some weed that my parents indirectly paid for through my monthly stimulus fund.

i get decent grades and my parents and i get along great. love going home for the weekend every once in a while, mom hooks it up with the homecooked meals and lets me whip her car as long as i do the dishes. middle/upper class white person college life is tight, i highly recommend it.

Sounds like me... except im black
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

its awesome. my hero growing up was my dad cause i have never seen anyone with such a work ethic, dude just builds houses on his own with his bare hands and gets $$$. my bros growing up were all just neighborhood goons, i lived in a middle class neighborhood in north seattle and we had a few hoodlums but mostly everyone had their heads on straight and wasnt getting into anything too shady. my parents are paying for me to go to out of state college and i have basically been given the opportunity to chase whatever i want in life. i'm on campus right now and its a beautiful day out, theres honeys everywhere and im surfing NT before a test. afterwards ill probably go home and smoke some weed that my parents indirectly paid for through my monthly stimulus fund.

i get decent grades and my parents and i get along great. love going home for the weekend every once in a while, mom hooks it up with the homecooked meals and lets me whip her car as long as i do the dishes. middle/upper class white person college life is tight, i highly recommend it.

Sounds like me... except im black
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

its awesome. my hero growing up was my dad cause i have never seen anyone with such a work ethic, dude just builds houses on his own with his bare hands and gets $$$. my bros growing up were all just neighborhood goons, i lived in a middle class neighborhood in north seattle and we had a few hoodlums but mostly everyone had their heads on straight and wasnt getting into anything too shady. my parents are paying for me to go to out of state college and i have basically been given the opportunity to chase whatever i want in life. i'm on campus right now and its a beautiful day out, theres honeys everywhere and im surfing NT before a test. afterwards ill probably go home and smoke some weed that my parents indirectly paid for through my monthly stimulus fund.

i get decent grades and my parents and i get along great. love going home for the weekend every once in a while, mom hooks it up with the homecooked meals and lets me whip her car as long as i do the dishes. middle/upper class white person college life is tight, i highly recommend it.

Sounds like me... except im black

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

its awesome. my hero growing up was my dad cause i have never seen anyone with such a work ethic, dude just builds houses on his own with his bare hands and gets $$$. my bros growing up were all just neighborhood goons, i lived in a middle class neighborhood in north seattle and we had a few hoodlums but mostly everyone had their heads on straight and wasnt getting into anything too shady. my parents are paying for me to go to out of state college and i have basically been given the opportunity to chase whatever i want in life. i'm on campus right now and its a beautiful day out, theres honeys everywhere and im surfing NT before a test. afterwards ill probably go home and smoke some weed that my parents indirectly paid for through my monthly stimulus fund.

i get decent grades and my parents and i get along great. love going home for the weekend every once in a while, mom hooks it up with the homecooked meals and lets me whip her car as long as i do the dishes. middle/upper class white person college life is tight, i highly recommend it.

Sounds like me... except im black

I see nothing wrong with this. I am always interested in how other people live, and what it would be like to be raised in a different country, culture, and religion. Being as i fit the profile, I will play along.

I have been very lucky. I have two parents who are still happily married and one older brother. My dad is an insurance agent and has his own agency, my mom used to be a manager at a leather/clothing store but quit for a few years and now works for the school district taking care of babies/young children for teen moms who still want to go to school. Even though we are middle class and probably slightly above middle class, I was never handed anything in life. Yeah, I was taken care of and my parents always made sure that the important things were always taken care of. But I wasn't that kid that asked and he shall receive. My dad grew up pretty poor. I remember him telling me how he had to borrow a suit jacket for senior pictures from a class mate because he couldn't afford one. He never went to college, scratch that, did one term at the local CC. He started working immediately and built it in to what he has today. So that mentality was pressed upon, I had to work for what I got. And just because my parents could afford something, didn't mean I was getting it. I currently attend an in State university (OSU). My parents had money saved up for me to go to college, but I worked hard and managed about 10,000 dollars in scholarships. It makes me feel good that I could help out with that. My mom has always been religious, her side is pretty religious. My pops, not so much, but he goes along with it. Most all of my immediate family is middle class/well off and its nice to know that we have that support system. Everyone is there for everyone else and I know that I will always have my family; aunts, uncles, cousins, etc to fall back on. I grew up in a pretty regular suburban neighborhood, nothing spectacular, but it was a perfect place to raise a family. I had a super wide range of friends, from the not so well off to the super filthy disgusting rich. It never affected who i befriended but it did give me good insight into all the facets of class/caste. School was always a priority and I graduated with honors, I also was a very good athlete at a top school in our state. All of this was possible because of my parents. I am VERY grateful for everything I have and have been given.

To sum it up, I feel like there are different types of white middle class. There are the middle class family's like mine that live well, but don't try to live outside their means and have very middle class values even though they could afford to go beyond that. Then there are the middle class that spend and use that money. I have friends that I know aren't any more well off then my family, but anytime they ask for money its handed to them, or whatever it may be.

But don't get me wrong, my family has had its fair share of ups and downs. There are always bad and tough times, whether it has to do with money, health, school, work, etc its not picture perfect. And just because what I have said and becuase I come from a middle class family doesn't mean that I haven't experienced my fair share of rainy days; and thats something regardless of race, culture, and religion we ALL can share. Life isn't all good.
I see nothing wrong with this. I am always interested in how other people live, and what it would be like to be raised in a different country, culture, and religion. Being as i fit the profile, I will play along.

I have been very lucky. I have two parents who are still happily married and one older brother. My dad is an insurance agent and has his own agency, my mom used to be a manager at a leather/clothing store but quit for a few years and now works for the school district taking care of babies/young children for teen moms who still want to go to school. Even though we are middle class and probably slightly above middle class, I was never handed anything in life. Yeah, I was taken care of and my parents always made sure that the important things were always taken care of. But I wasn't that kid that asked and he shall receive. My dad grew up pretty poor. I remember him telling me how he had to borrow a suit jacket for senior pictures from a class mate because he couldn't afford one. He never went to college, scratch that, did one term at the local CC. He started working immediately and built it in to what he has today. So that mentality was pressed upon, I had to work for what I got. And just because my parents could afford something, didn't mean I was getting it. I currently attend an in State university (OSU). My parents had money saved up for me to go to college, but I worked hard and managed about 10,000 dollars in scholarships. It makes me feel good that I could help out with that. My mom has always been religious, her side is pretty religious. My pops, not so much, but he goes along with it. Most all of my immediate family is middle class/well off and its nice to know that we have that support system. Everyone is there for everyone else and I know that I will always have my family; aunts, uncles, cousins, etc to fall back on. I grew up in a pretty regular suburban neighborhood, nothing spectacular, but it was a perfect place to raise a family. I had a super wide range of friends, from the not so well off to the super filthy disgusting rich. It never affected who i befriended but it did give me good insight into all the facets of class/caste. School was always a priority and I graduated with honors, I also was a very good athlete at a top school in our state. All of this was possible because of my parents. I am VERY grateful for everything I have and have been given.

To sum it up, I feel like there are different types of white middle class. There are the middle class family's like mine that live well, but don't try to live outside their means and have very middle class values even though they could afford to go beyond that. Then there are the middle class that spend and use that money. I have friends that I know aren't any more well off then my family, but anytime they ask for money its handed to them, or whatever it may be.

But don't get me wrong, my family has had its fair share of ups and downs. There are always bad and tough times, whether it has to do with money, health, school, work, etc its not picture perfect. And just because what I have said and becuase I come from a middle class family doesn't mean that I haven't experienced my fair share of rainy days; and thats something regardless of race, culture, and religion we ALL can share. Life isn't all good.
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