So what's been going wrong in your life?

i gotta great job but im dealing with this relationship thats stressin me out...ive been trying to quit marijuanna for the past 6 months and i stoped going tothe gym, ima keep my head up doe
i gotta great job but im dealing with this relationship thats stressin me out...ive been trying to quit marijuanna for the past 6 months and i stoped going tothe gym, ima keep my head up doe
i gotta great job but im dealing with this relationship thats stressin me out...ive been trying to quit marijuanna for the past 6 months and i stoped going tothe gym, ima keep my head up doe
sunday night my mother tried commiting suicide was in the ER all night
i got 3 finals to take and just handed in a 7 page research paper
money sucks and christmas is around the corner
my jobs boring as hell
have no car...have no momz just moved to a small town outside of ATLANTA

its wack out bus, no train...i need to get aound to find a job...she always thats out the picture

my best friend just got a 2 bedroom apt

should i move with him??
Internship is about to be over at the end of the month. Gotta relocate.

Bought new CoD WaW and it's taking over my life.
No job yet
Lost my sister last year
No room to sleep in when I go home from college
Contemplating if I'm ready to settle down and get committed, but I'm more of the whatever comes my way/whatever happens happens.. maybe that's whyI suck at these relationships
Other than that.. it ain't all that bad.
Originally Posted by zona0924

twin brothers locked up for 2 years

my ex who I love to death is driving me crazy

I got kicked outta my crib by my lifelong deadbeat #$#@%#%* @## father for not going to school, when he didn't go to school and doesn't have a job.

I been waiting 4 weeks for a job that promised I'd be hired in 3 days.

I'm in debt to Wamu $200 AND Macy's $200 with no real means of income right now.

My phone's been turned off and I owe 2 months of $100 each to get it back on.

I hurt girls I actually care about because I go on and off with my ex.

My 16 year old female cousin tried to stab my aunt with a knife and now got house arrest

Trust, the list goes on....

jesus christ.. keep ur head up man
I told the love of my life "I'm out of your life for good"
long story but eh, she was being very stubborn, immature and difficult...
I had to do it
Gotta good job but kinda in a stalemate at the moment. I want to branch out and try for bigger things but I'm worried about job security and my chances ofactually succeeding.
Sorry bout your loss OP
Only one prob wit me and thats failing my alegebra class....... badly. And im always good in math
My condolences OP.

Well, because of my urine sample I didn't get accepted to the site I wanted to intern at... now interning at 'option 2'

Me and other co-worker's paychecks are lookin a lil skimped.

Something has been buggin me and I haven't sober for 2 weeks.
just found out that the girl im digGn. is not over her ex yet.... i liked her so much,,, that i think i luv her... but uno. im just a 17 year old so luv isjust a strong word... but thats probly my biggest one.... yall keep ya heads up tho
-just found out the child I raised for the past 10 mths is not my daughter is not mine
-her mother is acting like a _______ and basically deficating on me when shes the one at fault
- lost the two things my life has revolved around at the same time in the blink of an eye
-have to pay approx $2000 to get this mess legally cleaned up
- the holidays are here and will have to face family members I dont see on a regular basis and answer all these questions
- will probably stay to myself through the holidays to avoid this
My knee that I had surgery on hasn't healed all the way, so I'm not putting up the numbers that me or my coach expected.
i'm stuck in this corrections program until march, which includes community service EVERY saturday morning
my license is going to be suspended from december to february, basically the toughest months of winter
i just lost hundreds of dollars to overdraft fees at the bank
i can't go visit my fam (including my 92 yr old grandma) in IL during xmas cause i can't leave the state

i'm really hoping things get better for me come springtime.. i'm just doing my best to stay focused on school which is all i got going good for meright now.. but i gotta ride this out.
getting fat
getting bald
having trouble staying awake at work
rent keeps going up
all my friends are moving away
have gotten unrepairable flat tires like 4 times in the last 2 months
no female at the moment
cold weather season and the heater is blowing cold air
missed the deadline by 1 day on about 180$ worth of rebates
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