So we can get arrested for drinking Arizona Tea now

Your view of the world must be very narrow.  Until you educate yourself, YOU'RE what's wrong with the world.

Cops needs to lose his job.  Classic case of power tripping and the reason why I had no problem with what Dorner was doing.  We all know he'll probably get a slap on the wrist and call it a day though :smh: ...

Him, myself and the others that have that viewpoint are what's wrong with this world because we think violence, killing and beating someone is wrong, even if they wronged us?

Show come civility and act like a decent person and not some thug.

I can assure you I understand this world and the way humans act the way they do. People that know how to turn the other cheek are the true heroes of society. People who turn right to revenge are the ones that are uneducated and have a narrow mind.

I will not argue my point because you can't argue with ignorance.
Yeah, life isn't a Charles Bronson Death Wish movie. Going on a killing spree is frowned upon.
Or he just lives by a different code than you.

It's easy for him to say he would feel a certain way because nobody murdered his parents so he doesn't know how he really would respond to that situation. It's not about living a certain way or mindset.
this made my blood BOIL.

i ****** abhor pigs like this.

and i understand their are good cops, but i can't seem to discern them so i rather keep my distance from them all together.

and to dude saying just give him the can. man we ain't robots out here.

as black men we already have that stigma, on top of that now-a-days whenever we say something is racial you have people using any excuse to say we "pulling the race card" so in a situation like this your average black man's blood is beyond boiling. i'm glad dude didn't have a tool and try to clap the cop himself or try to slide him (i've seen it happen).

sometimes y'all act like life is based on mechanical movements and formulaic methods. no. there are emotions and context with everything.

could dude have given it to him? yes.

why though? so he could avoid confrontation? well we try to avoid confrontation everyday by minding our own ******g business, often to no avail. so **** that.
It's awfully easy to preach that message when you're on the winning team. 
So furious. Would love to see this ******* dead but thats too easy on hope someone really doing wrong cuts this ************* legs off or something so he's reminded of his power trip ********.
So furious. Would love to see this ******* dead but thats too easy on hope someone really doing wrong cuts this ************* legs off or something so he's reminded of his power trip ********.

Waits for someone to tell you that your what's wrong with society on here
So confused under what circumstance do you say **** the law just like them and take a swing, or run to protect yourself. Nowadays for all you know you can start in the backseat of a cop car cuffed and end up in a ditch.

Do you always bend over when the officer says. I got foolish pride man i try to keep m head down, avoid trouble, avoid cops.

Look at how his mindset was to go from one made up crime to the next.

I think the world is a better place without people like this. The world doesnt have to be perfect but corruption like this... Sorry i only wish the worst on these fools
Or he just lives by a different code than you.

It's easy for him to say he would feel a certain way because nobody murdered his parents so he doesn't know how he really would respond to that situation. It's not about living a certain way or mindset.

But you're assuming the dude doesn't love his parents because he wouldn't wish death on his parents' murderer. I mean look at batman. Does he go around killing wrongdoers?
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That dude saying if someone killed his parents he wouldn't want them dead has no clue what he's talking about or has a lukewarm at best relationship with his parents.

God forbid your mother or father that raised you was murdered in cold blood I don't know how you would be able to not wish death and pain upon the person who did that. Thank goodness though your parents are alive so your speaking on a situation you really can't say you know how you'd handle it because the shock pain and emotions of such a tragedy like that would alter your thinking and mental state.
I have a great relationship with my parents.

When God is in control of your life things on this earth don't matter. When my parents die I know they'll be with Jesus for eternity. That's ALL that matters.

If they are murdered what better way to show the love of Jesus than to sit down with the person who killed them, share my heart and tell them that even though they killed my parents I forgive them and God still loves them.
I have a great relationship with my parents.

When God is in control of your life things on this earth don't matter. When my parents die I know they'll be with Jesus for eternity. That's ALL that matters.

If they are murdered what better way to show the love of Jesus than to sit down with the person who killed them, share my heart and tell them that even though they killed my parents I forgive them and God still loves them.

If you really feel that way I got nothing but respect for your opinion and faith and you sound like a very good person, but that situation I seriously feel would make a person respond in ways they normally wouldn't due to how painful and horrible of a tragedy it would be.
This might be fake.

I know if I was dudes I would have started defending myself until I saw a badge or something.

so what you're saying is

shoes and clothes > your rights ?
in that context of course not but why go through all the trouble. Do as the cop says and question it later. You learn things as you get older and sometimes the fight isn't worth the time. Sometimes you just gotta swallow your pride and move on. You can't win every single battle. But if you could good on you.
in that context of course not but why go through all the trouble. Do as the cop says and question it later. You learn things as you get older and sometimes the fight isn't worth the time. Sometimes you just gotta swallow your pride and move on. You can't win every single battle. But if you could good on you.
I understand what you are saying but why do minorities always have to back down.
I have seen multiple you tube videos old white men and women( young ones too) cussing out cops, calling them all names and not get anything but a ticket or warning...
To question whether this is "real" or "fake" makes me wonder if society truly believes that minorities(especially black and brown males) make this stuff up just to scream out racism,smh...
And that's what happened to the black community, we laid down and wanted integration so much and people still don't like the black/female(especially with some of the threads on here)the whole point of me bringing this to nt attention is that on a daily basis(as a dark male) I have to conform to society just so I can get home safe
If I speak my mind I am militant and hostile
If I walk by a woman minding my damn business they clutch their purse
If I walk into the store to buy my girl a gift I am hawked
The ish is tiring, yes you can't win ever battle but if we continue to just lay down when are rights are being trampled then why should we keep living by these laws constructed by white men for white men..
It's like we are just existing
Edit: how did one guy come in here and say its" fake" and now everybody believes because a uncle, friend of a friend said it was "fake". If this is truly a publicity stunt, please provide proof because I have looked all over the net, even looked at dudes Facebook and this ish is real. If you have evidence to back your claim please provide and mods lock this thread. People acting like cops don't cover up their tracks and I don't advocate violence against people period but if my life is in danger, it's him or me( even if it is a cop).
Only on nt can some random person say something and its fact just like on twitter and the whole Paul mooney thing.smh
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I wouldnt have gave him my damn drink either. Like dude didnt see that it clearly said Arizona Iced Tea, How was he trespassing if he was waiting on someone else in the store or just made a purchase. He will win in court but a waste of time and money making bail. Stupidass cop, I hope he gets shot in the line of duty and while he's bleeding to death he asks himself "What did I do to deserve this!?"

Effing with people and abusing your power, ****.
All of this could have been avoided if he would have just given him the dollar can of Arizona.....

You know cops gonn and ******** 65% of the time yo.
Stops him from leaving where he bought something, then says he's trespassing. Continues to stop him from leaving and arrests him for trespassing....

We must keep filming these incidents. Police are not allowed to do as they please, or give out commands with no legal backing. The problem is a lot of them don't understand this.
It is your right to film these incidents and get these guys who power trip in trouble.

I'll never forget a few years ago while bike riding down the beach at night I was stopped by a cop. The officer asked if I lived in that area and when I told him I didn't, he asked why I was over there and told me to go home to my own neighborhood. At 18 I'm grown I don't know what gave him the idea he has the right to tell me where I could go. I then preceded to continue riding in the same direction to get stopped right away by the same cop and he tells me "I thought I told you to go home already" . It wasn't until I threatened to file a complaint for him harassing me and I mentioned I knew a officer at his precinct he tells me "why didn't you say you knew officer lew" and then he left me alone....

Power tripping cops smh

Police are allowed to do as they please, with zero repercussions. This is why every community needs a civilian review board with the power to remove officers from their jobs.The problem is, filming these situations does nothing. That cop isn't going to get in trouble for that. Even if he beats the trespassing charge, they can hit him with resisting arrest.

Did that pig say "I'm not racist, do I look like I'm white?". :smh:

And to all you guys in here condoning this nonsense and saying he should have just handed over the can, etc. :smh: You are the reason that so many of our rights have been taken away so far. :smh:
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I understand the cop is completely in the wrong here...

but why not just give him the can and avoid the situation all together?

I agree that the cop was fully in the wrong too. The man resisting didn't help this situation either. He should have just let the cop arrest him and then have the cop fired once he gets released.


Yeah, it's just that easy. Just call up the cop's boss, and I am sure he will get fired immediately. :lol: That man is most likely going to have to bond out of jail, lose time at work, and pay for a lawyer, so that cop just cost him between $5-10k. On top of that, he now has an arrest on his record, so getting a job or renting an apartment/house will be hard. I don't know if you all are aware, but most rental companies and jobs look at your arrest record not your conviction record. In the eyes of most companies, an arrest is equal to a conviction when hiring or screening for rentals.
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