So the Taliban Pulled Up and Overthrew.

Well let’s rewind first? That idiotic statement was co-signing with your initial statement. Y’all really just need to stay in the nba thread and call it a day. Anything of value comes up and y’all just get exposed. This isn’t new

Bro realize that this is the internet you have 0 value in my life, nor does your opinion on anything i have to say or do. Ya'll dudes in here go on long diatribes about **** that you don't really care for, because it gives you an adrenaline rush :lol: & a high to feel a false superiority over someone. That's why it always come down to who got "exposed" or how many people sided with you.

All this fraudulent performative ******** ya'll do is just for arguments sake online, it's a dopamine hit & nothing else. good luck on your journey captain planet.
Bro realize that this is the internet you have 0 value in my life, nor does your opinion on anything i have to say or do. Ya'll dudes in here go on long diatribes about **** that you don't really care for, because it gives you an adrenaline rush :lol: & a high to feel a false superiority over someone. That's why it always come down to who got "exposed" or how many people sided with you.

All this fraudulent performative bull**** ya'll do is just for arguments sake online, it's a dopamine hit & nothing else. good luck on your journey captain planet.

just own the stupid comment and move on. The rest of this sound like some Lizzo crying video stuff
If we're simply being literal then of course we have space, what we don't have is a system in place that allows for us to properly take care of these people.

Again California & NYC are the "Dreams" of America, you can go to those cities right now & see dozens upon dozens of homeless/sick people laid out around places that are supposed to be landmarks.

This country can even solve racial issues with people who were born here & built this country, but we're worried about bringing in people from other regions?
All of this only makes sense if "The" Government is the single entity you envision it to be, which is far, far removed from the reality of what the US government actually is.

The State department has very little to say about what the department of agriculture does; the department of agriculture has little to say about what the department of education does; and so on. On top of that, each of these departments is made up of a ****load of agencies that work on particular issues that only tangentially affect other agencies.

So, yes; there's a system in place to take care of these people, and it's separate from the system that exists to take care of the homeless population, which is different from the system that exists to take care of the sick, and so on. The US is bigger than NYC and CA; there are communities in this country that are dying because there just aren't enough people to work and create businesses and generate tax revenue. There's room for these afghan refugees.

One factor is that employees who splinter off to start their own firms often do so in the same cities that they were working in. More broadly, workers and industries clustering in the same place increases employment opportunities for workers and increases the qualified labor pool for employers. Additionally, a large number of young college graduates have a preference for urban environments, and firms often follow valuable labor pools.

This has an outsized effect on the US economy, as more higher-income workers cluster in the same cities, the demand for goods and services (anything from legal services to restaurants and plumbers) shifts as well. Encouraging firms and young professionals to move to your city is a hard problem for mayors.

As highly educated workers move away, cities may shrink in population. That, in turn, leads to fewer taxes, which means declining public services. It also means less demand for goods and services which leads to higher unemployment as businesses don’t need as many workers to service a shrinking population. This becomes a dangerous spiral as higher unemployment and a declining young population makes these places even less attractive to new entrants and new businesses. This is one of the most vexing problems declining neighborhoods and towns face.

One way to get around this problem? Refugee resettlement.

Letting in refugees are usually good for the economy

The long-term economic positives they add to a country surpasses the amount of aid needed to take them in.

Plus, they help repopulate and in turn revitalize cities facing problems from population decline (or lack of growth)

So if someone wants to hide their xenophobia behind economics, it is not that simple.
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All of this only makes sense if "The" Government is the single entity you envision it to be, which is far, far removed from the reality of what the US government actually is.

The State department has very little to say about what the department of agriculture does; the department of agriculture has little to say about what the department of education does; and so on. On top of that, each of these departments is made up of a ****load of agencies that work on particular issues that only tangentially affect other agencies.

So, yes; there's a system in place to take care of these people, and it's separate from the system that exists to take care of the homeless population, which is different from the system that exists to take care of the sick, and so on. The US is bigger than NYC and CA; there are communities in this country that are dying because there just aren't enough people to work and create businesses and generate tax revenue. There's room for these afghan refugees.

And every last one of those departments have budgets that they have to work with, Most of these departments receive funding from our government, most of these departments have had a clear hand in maintaining racism & classism.

And your right the country isn't just LA or NYC, i took the top three cities off that list posted above, all three states have homeless numbers at or above 1000 people (that's reported).

Where does the money come from to feed these 30,000 refugees, where does the housing come from, where do the jobs come from, where does the money for their healthcare come from? And if this is no issue for the US to simply fix in the matter of months, why wouldn't American citizens be the first ones to receive this support.

Because there are thousands upon thousands of people who haven't received them & need them badly who are already in the country. Is the US Just going to magically open up millions in funding for this or are the funds going to have to be allocated from somewhere else??
We found the way to fund a 20 year, 2 trillion dollars (the final number will be way higher because we financed it) failed campaign in Afghanistan, yet people think America doesn't have the money for refugees.

The US has not run a surplus since Bush destroyed it with his tax cuts and wars, but now money/funding is the hang up

Funding for refugees is a drop in the bucket relative to the US budget but it can easily be funded with
a) A minute tax increase on the rich
b) better IRS enforcement of the current tax code
c) Reallocating money from the inflated military budget
d) Financing it through debt as we do for a ton of things

Tons of refugees can be relocated to the US without shrinking the current welfare state.

The economic benefits of accepting refugees with pay for themselves in the long run. So from a macro point of view, it will cost the country nothing.
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I understand both sides of the argument.

When my family was forced to leave with nothing and immigrate here during turmoil/racial tension there were already communities of people of our background growing here in NYC in the late 80s. Programs that helped people live rent free for some time, programs to help them learn the language, pick up jobs here and there. Sure it took them 5-10 years to get settled and eventually get their citizenship, and the transition was hard af for my family, but these communities of your own people made it much easier.

So if thousands of refugees are coming here, I'd highly suggest they'd do go to states where there are already communities of Afghans. Except I really dont know where in the U.S that would be. It's much easier said than done than just "send them all to Wisconsin".

It's actually kind of interesting because most immigrants I speak to don't want refugees coming to NYC. They pretty much say go to some other state. Their arguments are about lack of jobs, cheap labor taking their jobs, "more taxes because they'll just be on welfare and Medicaid and all these government programs and won't do anything". Maybe it's racial profiling, maybe self-entitled attitudes, I really don't know.

There are the lazy of any group of people that'll just reap the benefits that the U.S can offer. Then there are the others who will work their *** of regardless of where they are to have a better life for their children.
We found the way to fund a 20 year, 2 trillion dollars (the final number will be way higher because we financed it) failed campaign in Afghanistan, yet people think America doesn't have the money for refugees.

The US has not run a surplus since Bush destroyed it with his tax cuts and wars, but now money/funding is the hang up

Funding for refugees is a drop in the bucket relative to the US budget but it can easily be funded with
a) A minute tax increase on the rich
b) better IRS enforcement of the current tax code
c) Reallocating money from the inflated military budget
d) Financing it through debt as we do for a ton of things

Tons of refugees can be relocated to the US without shrinking the current welfare state.

The economic benefits of accepting refugees with pay for themselves in the long run. So from a macro point of view, it will cost the country nothing.

Again nobody is saying that we don't have the funds to do it, we have the funds to stop homelessness, we have the funds to support inner city schools, we have the funds to do plenty of amazing stuff.....

This isn't a dream simulation, this is reality & the reality is that the USA is inherently racist, Ruled by greed & the government in totality does everything they can to stifle the non rich.

We're talking about a country who was trying to cut unemployment during a pandemic & is still actively pushing to evict people but for some odd reason they're going to magically go against everything this country has been pushing towards for the past twenty years to help the refugees of a country they deliberately made worse for the past 20 years :lol: .
Again nobody is saying that we don't have the funds to do it, we have the funds to stop homelessness, we have the funds to support inner city schools, we have the funds to do plenty of amazing stuff.....

This isn't a dream simulation, this is reality & the reality is that the USA is inherently racist, Ruled by greed & the government in totality does everything they can to stifle the non rich.

We're talking about a country who was trying to cut unemployment during a pandemic & is still actively pushing to evict people but for some odd reason they're going to magically go against everything this country has been pushing towards for the past twenty years to help the refugees of a country they deliberately made worse for the past 20 years :lol: .
The current US government isn't doing that though

At the beginning of the year when the Dems got the trifecta they passed a bill at the start of the year that extended unemployment benefits to people, the eviction moratorium also got extended and the Biden Administration is fighting in court to keep it intact through October but some Federal judges want to kill it,

And they passed 1 year of extra payments for people with kids. That is on top of the stimulus money. America had given amount a **** ton of money to help people during Covid. The Federal government is capable of disgusting nonsense, inaction, and good. So it matters who is running the show. I would agree that it engages in too much nonsense. Going into Afghanistan would fall in the category, but so would turn their back on refugees.

Yes, mostly Republican governors have chosen to end the enhanced unemployment benefits early, but that goes against what the Federal government wants. Local, state, and federal governments in different areas have different interests. Parties have different interests on top of that.

It is weird that you are advocating for the exact policy the cruelest state legislatures during the pandemic want. That is for refugees not to come to America. You denounce racists, while in agreement with them on this topic.

I mean homelessness is an issue but the biggest implement to homeless is lack of housing supply, the roadblock to that are private citizens, especially incumbent homeowners than don't want zoning laws changed that would increase density and making housing cheaper. It is not the Federal government scheming to keep supply low, it is private citizens that routinely sabotage policies on the local level. And other ****** up mechanisms that making construction costs too high if you ever get something approved. I would agree that the problem with local governments in this area is that they don't stand up to these people and pass the reforms anyway. But the main roadblocks are private citizens having too much veto power over good housing policy.

Demand is high, it is gonna continue getting higher, refugees or no refugees. The thing that will help homelessness is not stupidly trying to lower demand, but to reform housing policy to build more homes, increasing supply. In the city centers, and in the burbs. So if you talking like this, I hope you are a YIMMY that goes to his town council meetings and screams about single-family zoning, building height requirements, and parking space requirements. Because those things are a much larger problem than any refugee.

Blocking refugees is not gonna make those issues easier to solve. Letting them in is not gonna take away any resources from other communities, at least it doesn't have to be. Hell, you can place them anywhere in America. Especially in areas with shrinking populations, where housing supply is not an issue, and that are largely white also. They are gonna be a net positive to the communities and letting more immigrants, of all kinds, and from different backgrounds could help lower the unearned political power rural white Americans have gained.

So your argument doesn't make sense to me. It ignores observable reality, the realities of fiscal policy, housing policy, and implies that seemingly goes between arguing refugees are an implement to progress (which is false) or the situation is hopeless in America (then what does it matter anyway beyond personal feelings).

Sorry famb. I can't rock with your conclusions on this issue.

Our argument seems to be some of the worst black nationalist arguments I have heard. Basically, black people are ******, things are not being made better quick enough, so essentially **** everyone else that needs help.
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They put billions into a wall that is falling down and was never finished. Don’t want to hear about anything money related
The author of the piece I linked to regarding the economic impact of refugees has some great pieces on housing as well...

If people want to use housing shortages as a reason to turn away refugees, then we should know what actually causes the shortages.

And I agree, better governance is needed in this area. But privates citizens, from all backgrounds, sabotages efforts routinely.

Homeownership brings out the worst in people
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Olivia Troye, a former homeland security advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, shares with Andrea Mitchell insights as to how the special immigration visa processing system "was destroyed" under former President Trump by his top immigration adviser Stephen Miller. She says that Miller peddled "racist hysteria" to justify limiting the number of visa applicants who were approved, contributing to a back log that's stymieing the Biden administration's ability to process and evacuate Afghan allies at risk of retribution from the Taliban.

Transparent as hell
Uhhh to visit family. They aren’t animals. Most were there for a month or two. Note that the taliban took over in like 3 days. Even sleepy Joe said it would take 6 months for Kabul to fall.

but yes I wouldn’t have advised people to go mostly for coronavirus reasons.

Why are they even over there in the first place?! If you’re not in the US military then no reason why a US citizen should be in Afghanistan. Just dumb.

Why are they even over there in the first place?! If you’re not in the US military then no reason why a US citizen should be in Afghanistan. Just dumb.

This post is just dumb
Uhhh to visit family. They aren’t animals. Most were there for a month or two. Note that the taliban took over in like 3 days. Even sleepy Joe said it would take 6 months for Kabul to fall.

but yes I wouldn’t have advised people to go mostly for coronavirus reasons.
I hope the US Military can get them out, but there has been an advisory not to travel to Afghanistan since the end of April. LINK

I know seeing family is important, but they probably should not have gone.
Government left billions of dollars worth of military equipment & abandoned Americans in Afghanistan :lol: :lol:

somehow there's "hope" that they will make correct decisions with Afghan refugees
That warning been up there for 20 years lol.
You clearly didn't click the link

We were scheduled to leave in May. Biden pushed it back to September when doing so the Embassy issued a special do not travel advisory not to travel

Yes Afghanistan has been unstable since we entered, but this advisory was specifically dealing with us leaving

And those folk still chose to travel. I hope they get out, that is the most important thing, but they were warned and took the risk.
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Government left billions of dollars worth of military equipment & abandoned Americans in Afghanistan :lol: :lol:

somehow there's "hope" that they will make correct decisions with Afghan refugees
The US government gave billions in military equipment to the military we paid to build. That military decided they didn't want to fight a civil war against the Taliban

We have evacuated over 100,000 people out of the country

They are trying to get everyone out, but it is not a simple task. Not only with the Taliban taking over, but now the country is on the verge of civil war.

People have been arguing that the government should take in refugees and do right by them. Advocacy for a policy does equate for blind hope things will go your way. American has the resources to do right by these people, and people are saying we should.

You keep mocking people's views while handwaving what they are basing theirviews on.
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That warning been up there for 20 years lol.
Just because there's a conflict in a country doesn't necessarily mean that every single area is hostile. Most times, it means you have to take extra precautions, but you're generally safe in calm areas as long as you belong (visually and culturally).
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Government left billions of dollars worth of military equipment & abandoned Americans in Afghanistan :lol: :lol:

somehow there's "hope" that they will make correct decisions with Afghan refugees
You can’t help but make stupid takes :lol: like a knee jerk reaction
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