So the pentagon officially released the declassified alien stuff...

a couple of weeks ago i was on wikipedia and opened like 60 tabs of every scenario of how the humanity / the world / the universe will end [as time goes on, more scenarios will probably develop], and in that moment, i realized that no matter what, we are extremely doomed.

so i just took it as a fact. we are doomed. i took it like a mathematical fact. it is to be.

also, that wormhole led me to the origins of life, we actually do have an idea of where life came from. in the mid-2000s, we discovered fossils of the ancestors of every living thing on earth.

yeah they're not microbacteria anymore, they were bacteria on a meteor and eventually evolved bigger and into whatever 300+ various forms they come in today

im trying to eat as much octopus possible in hopes that my descendants will evolve into something new, gonna instruct them to have a very high octopus diet
FYI - that theory is heavily debated and largely based on speculation. The octopus thing is possible in that it hasn't been categorically disproved, but highly unlikely.
It's worse than that. They know that men are late to the party in regard to human existence. They know that there was a time that this planet was completely inhabited by women, and that the story told about Yaweh creating Woman from mans rib, was a complete lie. If everyone knew this? No church, nor religion would have a leg to stand upon.

need proof of aliens or actual space ship not a video showing what could be anything shot down
They're called mushrooms.

There's a theory about intelligent spores and bacteria being our early ancestors. Please we are more bacteria than human cells.


There's also the speculation that some of UFO's are archeological finds.

There was a time that the clitoris could do other things, then evolution happened.
wait, so no male animals AT ALL existed before Homo sapiens sapiens appeared?
Read up on the clitoris of certain species, and what they used to be able to do before evolution.
What you've stated kind of proves how the abrahamic faiths have also altered science and their finds.
It would not be the first nor last time that the abrahamic faiths have tried to interfere with evolution, or knowledge of the world before the existence of such dogma.
Read up on the clitoris of certain species, and what they used to be able to do before evolution.
What you've stated kind of proves how the abrahamic faiths have also altered science and their finds.
It would not be the first nor last time that the abrahamic faiths have tried to interfere with evolution, or knowledge of the world before the existence of such dogma.

you know what, ima stay with this.

I know some species can reproduce asexually--sea sponges, for example--but not even all plants do.

yes, plants ****.

so what evolutionary advantage does sexual reproduction present as opposed to asexual reproduction?

like, why did it occur if something like reproduction via budding was the perfect system?

would not having a larger, stronger variant of a given species help protect it from outside predators?

Abrahamic religions only date back like 3,000 years, there´s another 70 centuries of recorded history before.

did today´s animals develop AFTER, say, Egyptian society? what about the Olmecs on the planet´s other side?

I´m legit trying to understand the basis for your contentions, you seem entirely convinced.
you know what, ima stay with this.

I know some species can reproduce asexually--sea sponges, for example...but not even all plants do.

yes, plants ****.

so what evolutionary advantage does sexual reproduction present as opposed to asexual reproduction?

like, why did it occur if something like reproduction via budding was the perfect system?

would not having a larger, stronger variant of a given species help protect it from outside predators?

Abrahamic religions only date back like 3,000 years, there´s another 70 centuries of recorded history before.

did today´s animals develop AFTER, say, Egyptian society? what about the Olmecs on the planet´s other side?

I´m legit trying to understand the basis for your contentions, you seem entirely convinced.

Every story in regard to religion, speaks of an immaculate conception. In all abrahamic faiths, yaweh claims to be responsible. Before such, women got the credit on their own.
Yes, but that recorded history pre abrahamic faiths, has not been available to everyone, not even for supposed scholars. This is why I mention the Vatican and their spoils. Considering that much of the world have the abrahamic faiths interpreted for them, consider how people have been mis educated, kept in the dark, and how long for it to takes for people to lose interest, due to survival.

That said, what has been indeed hidden, is why that question should remain of what do we do not know, because our perception of what a woman is or was, is shaped through what we know now. We do know that through these religions, a woman is controlled sexually, preventing her from being all that she could be on her own. Also, bigger and stronger does not mean more protection, because in order to be a protector, efficient, is to be skilled, proficient, tactical, not just big and strong. Also considering the environment, that woman may have been bigger and then stronger than anything else around.

Just saying, because I am convinced due to knowing through science, there is nothing that could be birthed without a female being present first.
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Even if we're talking on a cellular level, going from single cell organism to the division of sexes lends to some biological form of specialization of roles. But the current social engineers want to rewind everyone back to that old paradigm with out taken into account our current state of being.
...which leads me to another fun thought: who even says they´re the same size, like even on our physical scale?
So I have always flirted with this idea. We assume they are at least fundamentally shaped like us, (Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head) but you are right. Who is to say they HAVE to have any of those things?

I told myself I wouldn't think/read about stuff like this after nightfall but I am in this thread now.

Good conversation fellas.

Every story in regard to religion, speaks of an immaculate conception. In all abrahamic faiths, yaweh claims to be responsible. Before such, women got the credit on their own.
Yes, but that recorded history pre abrahamic faiths, has not been available to everyone, not even for supposed scholars. This is why I mention the Vatican and their spoils. Considering that much of the world have the abrahamic faiths interpreted for them, consider how people have been mis educated, kept in the dark, and how long for it to took for people to lose interest due to survival.

That said, what has been indeed hidden, is why that question should remain of what do we do not know, because our perception of what a woman is or was, is shaped through what we know now. We do know that through these religions, a woman is controlled sexually, preventing her from being all that she could be on her own. Also, bigger and stronger does not mean more protection, because in order to be a protector, efficient, is to be skilled, proficient, tactical, not just big and strong. Also considering the environment, that woman may have been bigger and then stronger than anything else around.

Just saying, because I am convinced due to knowing through science, there is nothing that could be birthed without a female being present first.

glad I stayed with it.

you´re definitely right that the Horus story has been recycled in countless faiths...straight up plagiarism.

you also have a point about males not always being the bigger and stronger variant in a given species, but I feel like it´s fair to say that is generally true of this one...our respective ¨roles¨ stem from necessity, not choice.

it´s also hard to argue with the dominance of female fertility gods in ancient cultures, but I think with that we should consider folks may not have completely ¨understood¨ even relatively early on in life as teenagers, we have an idea of what we want to do and who we want to do it with, but other than that...

some things are only obvious afterward (e.g. agriculture) so somebody had to be first to figure it out.

(for that matter, imagine being the first human woman to birth a pair of twins or trips:¨?????????¨)

so yeah, before that equation got solved by whoever I can see ancient people being amazed that babies just fell out of women sometimes the same way they worshipped The Sun because obviously, look at the thing.

female oppression does go right along with mainstream religion, again no argument there, but I would contend that a few men in history have displayed all the traits you have described and more...the story of humanity, at least if you ask me, is not one of men or women...but a singularly determined and lucky species.

...and fortunately, it´s still being written.
glad I stayed with it.

you´re definitely right that the Horus story has been recycled in countless faiths...straight up plagiarism.

you also have a point about males not always being the bigger and stronger variant in a given species, but I feel like it´s fair to say that is generally true of this one...our respective ¨roles¨ stem from necessity, not choice.

it´s also hard to argue with the dominance of female fertility gods in ancient cultures, but I think with that we should consider folks may not have completely ¨understood¨ even relatively early on in life as teenagers, we have an idea of what we want to do and who we want to do it with, but other than that...

some things are only obvious afterward (e.g. agriculture) so somebody had to be first to figure it out.

(for that matter, imagine being the first human woman to birth a pair of twins or trips:¨?????????¨)

so yeah, before that equation got solved by whoever I can see ancient people being amazed that babies just fell out of women sometimes the same way they worshipped The Sun because obviously, look at the thing.

female oppression does go right along with mainstream religion, again no argument there, but I would contend that a few men in history have displayed all the traits you have described and more...the story of humanity, at least if you ask me, is not one of men or women...but a singularly determined and lucky species.

...and fortunately, it´s still being written.
Imagine the first woman to give birth to what is now seen as a male child!

What is that thing?!

Hey, my point still stands. Nothing is born without a woman being present first. Considering that this goes all the way back to Nubia, which is much older than Egypt, we do not even have a clue as to what they already knew, and then what has just recently been discovered by supposed mankind.

I am still learning everyday, but one thing is for certain. A woman indeed was first, and in order for anything to be reborn? A woman must be present.

Take a look at china, and see the problem they are having right now. Not enough Women.
Considering that this goes all the way back to Nubia, which is much older than Egypt, we do not even have a clue as to what they already knew, and then what has just recently been discovered by supposed mankind.
I think this is where we generally fall victim to our own arrogance.

Since we naturally think of time as think linear thing (maybe we are taught this way one purpose? Who knows), we ASSUME the further right on the timelime = the more advanced the scoeity(ies) are/is. But you are right, we have ZERO clue as to what people that came before recorded history (that we could understand) started.

Again, it messes with my mind at times.
I think this is where we generally fall victim to our own arrogance.

Since we naturally think of time as think linear thing (maybe we are taught this way one purpose? Who knows), we ASSUME the further right on the timelime = the more advanced the scoeity(ies) are/is. But you are right, we have ZERO clue as to what people that came before recorded history (that we could understand) started.

Again, it messes with my mind at times.
lol, I had watched Ken Burns doc on The Civil War, good stuff. But I was tickled at the fact that they had to figure out why the soldiers were dying on the tables from infection, after being operated on from battle. Turns out, it was because the tables they were operating on, were not cleaned, rinsed after surgery. Later they found documentation on an expedition, that ancient cultures were already cleaning operating tables over 3000 years before the civil war and this so called civilized and enlightened culture.
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I think this is where we generally fall victim to our own arrogance.

Since we naturally think of time as think linear thing (maybe we are taught this way one purpose? Who knows), we ASSUME the further right on the timelime = the more advanced the scoeity(ies) are/is. But you are right, we have ZERO clue as to what people that came before recorded history (that we could understand) started.

Again, it messes with my mind at times.

it´s not necessarily fair to assume (closer to ¨2020¨= more advanced).

The Mesoamerican Triple Alliance, for example, was more advanced than than most of China last century.

that´s only a 500 year difference, so saying anyone knows all of what happened--even in recorded history--is likely a fool´s errand...hell, even if I put 100 percent faith in Western history, entire libraries got burned down so
it´s not necessarily fair to assume (closer to ¨2020¨= more advanced).

The Mesoamerican Triple Alliance, for example, was more advanced than than most of China last century.

that´s only a 500 year difference, so saying anyone knows all of what happened--even in recorded history--is likely a fool´s errand...hell, even if I put 100 percent faith in Western history, entire libraries got burned down so
...but I bet the Vatican knows......information is the real power. They've been able to control science for as long as they have been in existence, and then still wield influence politically to a large extent.
They're called mushrooms.

There's a theory about intelligent spores and bacteria being our early ancestors. Please we are more bacteria than human cells.


There's also the speculation that some of UFO's are archeological finds.

fly amanita is what that background is, not sure if everyone will pick up on that

if you’ve never read the Food of the Gods I recommend it


this is also a good read


google biblical manna and go from there if you’re bored
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