So the girl that was drowning those puppies about a month ago will go unpunished/Vol.SMH!!!!!!!

Conviction(s)(Federal) Felony conspiracy in interstate commerce/aid of unlawful animal fighting venture (Title 18, USC, Section 371); (Virginia) Felony dogfighting, 3 years in prison and $2500 fine

"According to reporters who spoke to Hudson after the sentencing, Vick's pre-sentencing behavior, especially during an FBI polygraph administered in October 2007 which showed that Vick was being deceptive when asked direct questions about killing dogs, was a factor in selecting the length of the sentence."

There is a difference. Vick #+*+*# up on a whole 'nother level.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Don’t ask me moronic questions.
1. No, I’m not.
2. Yes I believe so. Some of you NTers have dogs, yes? So seeing this reality irks you a lot. There you have it you just proved my point that dogs are inferior to humans.
3. Yup, proving my point again, humans are more sophisticated than dogs. Also what is this “had
My Mom always told me that if people are cruel to animals, just imagine what they would do to a human.

A BIG majority of serial killers started out torturing animals ...
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Conviction(s) (Federal) Felony conspiracy in interstate commerce/aid of unlawful animal fighting venture (Title 18, USC, Section 371); (Virginia) Felony dogfighting, 3 years in prison and $2500 fine

"According to reporters who spoke to Hudson after the sentencing, Vick's pre-sentencing behavior, especially during an FBI polygraph administered in October 2007 which showed that Vick was being deceptive when asked direct questions about killing dogs, was a factor in selecting the length of the sentence."

There is a difference. Vick #+*+*# up on a whole 'nother level.
you shouldnt even take the time to post stuff like this for these dudes ... they are gonna say it was a "conspiracy" the entire time ... ignoring the fact that it was illegal to do what he did and then he lied about doing it to the people who were in control of his destiny ... he should have been put away for 5 years just for being dumb ...

In Baltimore, it is a park violation to be seen with a sleeveless shirt on in a public park ...  does that law sound dumb, maybe, but a law is a law and if you don't obey the law expect consequences ... in vick's case, that would be the equivalent of him wearing a t-shirt, cutting the sleeves off in the middle of the park and then telling park officials he had a long sleeve shirt on the entire time ... 

Some of the people here saying "Its just a animal". Some People consider animals family
If someone filmed someone throwing Theta's daughter off a cliff. Filming it and Laughing. They Torture people in Iraq so whats the big deal about throwing your daughter off a cliff. I Swear NT gets more childish every time a serious incident happens. and for what? to get a Laugh off a internet forum?
Says alot about your characteristics in real life.
The point is they are harmless animals. And these children these days are increasingly violent towards animals.
Theta wrote:
lol ok so when you say an argument is unsound, it means either my premises arent true or my progression from premise to conclusion is incorrect. given that my logic is fine, it has to be that you dont think my premises are true. i was talking about the process of killing bugs intentionally in the same way that this persons killing dogs intentionally. the fact that dogs are socially useful for us in terms of hunting or that they bring entertainment to some people isnt reason so as to why they should be treated humanely. we can still treat them like crap and they will still be useful to us because theyre stupid and animals and have no ability to reason. the fact that they have no real ability to reason is why i think they are so far inferior to us as to justify the torture and killing of them. my argument is as follows:

Premise 1: All people are created equally.
Premise 2: An individual should treat equals with respect, dignity and entitle them to life, liberty, property, and safety of self.
Premise 3: Given that people are equal to other people, they deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and are entitled to life, liberty, property, and safety of self.
Premise 4: Dogs are subordinate and inferior to men as they posses a significantly diminished ability to reason.
Premise 5: As a result, dogs are not equal to men.
Conclusion 1: Therefore, dogs do not deserve to be treated with respect, dignity and are not entitled to life, liberty property, or safety of self. [by Premise 2 and 5]

THAT is an argument. So how about you hippie dog lovers stop talking about how 'sorry' you feel for me and how big of a moron I am, and start trying to put an argument together. thats all i ask. Notice how the fact that dogs are mans best friend is not a rational justification for why they have rights. nor is the fact that theyre useful when hunting. The fact that you think I am cold or 'messed up' is not sufficient to show that dogs should be treated with respect. In fact, its called the Ad Hominem fallacy and makes your argument illogical: .

but i forgot, im a moron and dont know what unsound means...ironic much haha

Your first premise is actually very incorrect. Humanity is not all created equally. Genetically, we are all different and these differences lead to some of us being faster, stronger, more talented, smarter, better looking, etc. Some are even born with lacking faculties. You see, your first premise is nurture driven and not nature driven. Our society hammers into us that all people are created equal to justify equality. However, if you did not accept this, the rest of your premises could be used to justify slavery and the slaughtering of those deemed "uncivilized." You see, your argument that we should only, treat well the organisms that we deem to have "equal" reasoning skills to our own is subjective. Again, not every human has the same capacity to learn and reason. Furthermore, you draw conclusions on another organism's abilities based upon human standards. Do you see how flawed that is and how someone can counter that?
My understanding of cultural humanity is that we set up hierarchical standards for everything, life included. The reason why I emphasize culture is that hierarchical standards are not universal among us. We are not born to see each other as equals, but are raised to see each other as equals. Evidence of this is presented throughout time. If you look at recent history, you see cases of culturally accepted inequality ie. Nazism, slavery, civil rights, genocide, etc. People are still killing each other in parts of the world based on their ethnicity, clan, religion, etc. In certain parts of the world, it is actually believed that if you kill and ingest a person who is albino, that you would be blessed with powers. You and I may see this as being sick; their government may even deem this as sadistic. However, their cultural views are different from our own because of nurture. 

Now lets look at animals. For many of us, the impulse for sadistic behavior is nurtured out of us. The acts of aggression, torturing, and senseless killing of animals are driven away from our thoughts because we live in a society that deem these acts to be horrifically uncivilized. Our culture established a hierarchical standard of life, humans on top and animals below us. But, animals are all not equal; we place emphases on animals based on their connection to us. In our nation, dogs are regarded highly because of our domestication of them to be part of the family. Dogs have been with us for thousands of years; they have protected us, loved us, and even share many of our behaviors and illnesses. 

I was raised to believe that making an animal suffer is cruel; you may not, and I respect that. I was also raised in the US, where most of us are raised to think that the senseless killing of a dog as being cruel; obviously, she and you were not. 
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by handullz

Size 15 Please wrote:

philly5fan wrote:

Somewhere Mike Vick is pissed off


so ya'll just gonna keep being ignorant to the fact that he was jailed for illegally running a gambling venue and he made the sentence longer by lying to investigators ... ... ... ... o ok ...

O so thats why he went to jail... if he hadn't had lied and just came out and said yea I killed a few dogs and let some dogs kill each other he wouldn't have even been charged... correct?
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by handullz

Size 15 Please wrote:

philly5fan wrote:

Somewhere Mike Vick is pissed off


so ya'll just gonna keep being ignorant to the fact that he was jailed for illegally running a gambling venue and he made the sentence longer by lying to investigators ... ... ... ... o ok ...

O so thats why he went to jail... if he hadn't had lied and just came out and said yea I killed a few dogs and let some dogs kill each other he wouldn't have even been charged... correct?
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I don't give a damn how terrible they treat dogs in their country, I think it's sick that a person would kill any baby animals and chuckle about it. She knows they were living things, she knew they were babies, she knew that they were helpless, she knew that there's absolutely no good purpose or functionality on killing them, and she was fully aware that she was murdering them. I can't believe you guys aren't seeing this as a big deal, she literally looked like she was happy to be a muderer.
In all fairness, it seems a lot of people have forgotten the reason she was drowning the pups was because they were sick and the mother attempted to eat them.  They were going to die..

If we want to argue the differences between "killing" and "letting die" thats one thing.  But if everyone is getting so worked up over some kid's questionable response while putting some sick, dying dogs out of their misery then I dont know what to say.  Save your emotions for something more deserving.

Funny how no one is questioning the kid's mom/aunt/grandma for making her responsible for getting rid of the dogs in the first place? 
My mom does billing in a clinic. She does the Probation billing. Trust me, 90% of the people they send to our clinic that have killed people have killed and abused animals at a young age. If you can get a joy out of the suffering of another animal that actually shows emotion and feeling, then there's something seriously wrong with you.
i'll be honest....she doessnt deserve jail time, she deserves psychological help because yes she is demented.

but i also dont think dogs are any different from chickens, cows etc.... they are all "food" to "someone", a "friend" for americans could be food for any other culture. so basically....if she was out there throwing chickens, snails, etc do you think she still deserves jail time?
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