So I was Reading The Book Of Luke... Vol. Jesus Christ Is Amazing.

Originally Posted by derp

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by derp

Originally Posted by sevit86

reposting because NT always seems to skip over my posts 

i just want to know what those who consider themselves Christian think of

those who don't follow their religion.

derp wrote:
I was in Church and my senior pastor was speaking.
I'm Korean but im not fluent in understanding/speaking so i just decided to open up the Bible.

I began reading the book of Luke and wow. It amazed me to read what Jesus said.

Book of Luke is mostly about Jesus going from town to town giving preaching and stuff.

Heres some quotes that I read + found from Jesus Christ that i loved.



Feel free to add your own!

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you

What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul
Your faith has saved you; go in peace
Yes I am with you always, until the very end of time.
In the world you will have trouble but take courage for I have conquered the world
Bless are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

You read a book written by men that was written thousands of years ago by people just as full of %^&* as people now. 
This book you are talking about wasn't even translated properly from todays scholars and many of the words are still being translated to this day.  And constant new "editions" are being made from their mistranslated words from companies who interpet their translations of old ones that are wrong to begin with. 

People back then thought the sun was 15 miles away and the earth was the center of the cosmos (they still thought the earth was flat as well).

The new testament was also written to compensate for the romans. 

The Bible tells you to repress your "natural" emotions and that giving birth is sacred but sex is disgusting and should be loathed.

Christians during the medieval period were told that bathing was a sin by the church because washing off dirt that was made by "god" was

considered sacrilegious ( even the elite of that time period bathed once six months, once a week was a luxury) 

The bible condones slavery and represses women. the people who wrote the bible thought the earth was 10,000 years old and that there was a alternate dimension you travel to after death depending on how u lead your life. 

You either go to a place of eternal bliss or your burn in fire for the rest of your life.

Many if not all of the religious staples mentioned in the bible are all taken from other religions including paganism, which christians thought to be invented by the devil 

Poseidon's Trident/ Lucifer's Pitchfork

Pentagon (represents the key elements in nature and used for other religous purposes/ considered a satanic symbol similar to how the nazis used the swastika

Jesus's entire life story was taken almost word for word by other religions at the time. (and they would eventually be persecuted by Christians as satan worshippers).

there are more if you want to look it up

Did you type your words in all white? ( i couldnt see it when i quoted you)
You need to understand 2 things.

1. During the Medieval Times, there were A LOT of corrupted churches.

And most of these people were NOT Christians. They were Catholics.

Also, many of the priest during that time only cared paintings, money, and looking rich.

They were uneducated not because they lacked intelligence, but because their mentor was

not educated on the Bible and also because their greed got to them.

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2. There is the Old Testament and the New Testament.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Old Testament is about the laws given to Moses from God.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Times were different back then. In the Old Testament, it states a female cannot speak in church.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Again, times were different back then.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament. Yes, the 10 Commandments are still there.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]However, the New Testament is about Jesus and why he came down.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To take the sins that we all committed + will commit.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Jesus said himself, "I have a new commandment...."[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In the OT, you needed to work for salvation. Since Jesus Christ came, we no longer need to sacrifice a lamb or whatever.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Why? Because Jesus traveled through infinity to be like us. Us as in humans. Humans who are all sinners.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]He became like us physically, but he was still the son of God. He sacrificed himself in order for us to live and have salvation. [/font]

you do know the bible was written 2000yrs after the events mentioned in the bible? the bible originally was word of mouth because it was illegal by some nations during that time and christians were executed back then (romans used to use them as entertainment in the coliseum, and they were fed to wild animals). try saying 2 sentences to someone and get that person to tell another and so on, after the first few people that sentence said sounds nothing like what u said or remember. Now, imagine that but an entire book and imagine trying to keep that word of mouth for 2000 years. 

people nowadays dont believe in extraterrestrial life but believe there once walked on the earth a supernatural being that with the super powers of a comic book character. who's lineage came from a being that doesn't do anytting but watch humanity rip itself apart?

God and God alone determined what went in the Bible.
Holy Spirit spoke to the mens who wrote and put the Bible together.

No words should be taken out, and no words should be put in the Bible.

Yes, it was flaw when putting it together (since we're only human), but like i said, God

specifically told what goes in and out.  

so all the different variants of the bible are all condoned by god? 
are all the different sects of christianity are all condoned?

every editor that translates the bibles in this modern age are all touched by god?

so if your catholic that means god allows pedophiles because the pope allows his priests to practice something so horrid?

Christianity is a cash cow, churches make millions every year, tax free.

nothing more, nothing less
Originally Posted by derp

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by derp

Originally Posted by Essential1

whyhellothere wrote:
you just dont get it
Loving Jesus Christ & investing in the church is the only way you can live a moral life
You seem to enjoy defying what the bible is trying to teach us.
Because of your ignorance and lack of understanding and faith, I will be relaxing in the house i was promised in heaven for eternity.  You on the other hand....

So what about the Megachurches... When you invest in them, you are allowed to go to heaven.... But the man who preaches the word of god, is a millionaire... He therefore NOT ALLOWED IN HEAVEN

Finance is something very "hard" to talk about.
Of course being a Pastor is a job so they get a certain percent from the Church.

The more people in a church = the more $ the church gets to spend for the church + to pay the pastors.

I don't get why you guys think that if you're a millionaire it means you cant go to heaven....?

You can have wealth, but still keep your heart to God.

In the Bible it says (forgot what book and the exact words)

-Be a cheerful giver. Do not boast about your offering for that will be your reward. 

which means, God will bless you for being a cheerful giver who wants to use the money for God.

But the people that boast, your reward will be the feeling of being boastful.

Yes, it is in the Bible btw.

The exact words of Jesus

"Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
  • 22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
  • 23 And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
So yes.. A Megachurch preacher may get in... BUT any wealth you have MUST BE GIVEN AWAY...

Any person who keeps riches to themselves are not allowed to get to heaven..

And in today's terms what do we consider rich... Compared to a homeless person you are rich.. Did you donate to him, help him get shelter?

The Bible is just a circular book like those old mystery book that say if you want to enter the cave turn to page 46.. When you go to page 46 and find out you die, you go back to the original page and go to the woods on page 75
You misunderstood.
That was in the book of Mark.

A man came to Jesus and asked how to inherit eternal life. He told Jesus that he was perfect, didnt break any commandments, etc.

He was perfect.... to his OWN standards.

Greed is strong. Jesus knew that. Money can take you away from what important in life.

Saying that, Jesus told the man to give everything to the poor and to follow him.

However, the man loved his wealth so much, he refused.

Just like Jesus said. He knew greed would make it hard for a rich man to enter Heaven...

Read the Bible. I suggest you start with the Book of Mark. You will NOT regret it.

The bible is not a Jay-Z verse that we can speculate what the meaning of it is.... I read the whole damn verse..

The book is %%%#%%*$...  If you are moved by it.. Fine, and more power to you.. I wasn't even replying to this thread til the other guy said I hope atheists change their mind...

The man was perfect but his lust for greed would have let him into heaven... Therefore NO MATTER HOW PERFECT YOU ACT... In terms of the Bible...  If you have wealth and do not give it all to the poor you are not going to heaven..

He didn't say follow his teachings and give your wealth to the poor if you want..

Everyone on this board is greedy.. Everyone in life is greed.. Everyone curses their parents at some point in time.. Everyone fights with their siblings.. Everyone works on Sunday...

None of us get into heaven if we use the metric of belief.. Because belief in god/jesus is not the only thing you need to do to get into heaven.. We all have committed sin that is punishable by death/ eternal hell no matter how moral you are...
Originally Posted by derp

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by derp

Originally Posted by Essential1

whyhellothere wrote:
you just dont get it
Loving Jesus Christ & investing in the church is the only way you can live a moral life
You seem to enjoy defying what the bible is trying to teach us.
Because of your ignorance and lack of understanding and faith, I will be relaxing in the house i was promised in heaven for eternity.  You on the other hand....

So what about the Megachurches... When you invest in them, you are allowed to go to heaven.... But the man who preaches the word of god, is a millionaire... He therefore NOT ALLOWED IN HEAVEN

Finance is something very "hard" to talk about.
Of course being a Pastor is a job so they get a certain percent from the Church.

The more people in a church = the more $ the church gets to spend for the church + to pay the pastors.

I don't get why you guys think that if you're a millionaire it means you cant go to heaven....?

You can have wealth, but still keep your heart to God.

In the Bible it says (forgot what book and the exact words)

-Be a cheerful giver. Do not boast about your offering for that will be your reward. 

which means, God will bless you for being a cheerful giver who wants to use the money for God.

But the people that boast, your reward will be the feeling of being boastful.

Yes, it is in the Bible btw.

The exact words of Jesus

"Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
  • 22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
  • 23 And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
So yes.. A Megachurch preacher may get in... BUT any wealth you have MUST BE GIVEN AWAY...

Any person who keeps riches to themselves are not allowed to get to heaven..

And in today's terms what do we consider rich... Compared to a homeless person you are rich.. Did you donate to him, help him get shelter?

The Bible is just a circular book like those old mystery book that say if you want to enter the cave turn to page 46.. When you go to page 46 and find out you die, you go back to the original page and go to the woods on page 75
You misunderstood.
That was in the book of Mark.

A man came to Jesus and asked how to inherit eternal life. He told Jesus that he was perfect, didnt break any commandments, etc.

He was perfect.... to his OWN standards.

Greed is strong. Jesus knew that. Money can take you away from what important in life.

Saying that, Jesus told the man to give everything to the poor and to follow him.

However, the man loved his wealth so much, he refused.

Just like Jesus said. He knew greed would make it hard for a rich man to enter Heaven...

Read the Bible. I suggest you start with the Book of Mark. You will NOT regret it.

The bible is not a Jay-Z verse that we can speculate what the meaning of it is.... I read the whole damn verse..

The book is %%%#%%*$...  If you are moved by it.. Fine, and more power to you.. I wasn't even replying to this thread til the other guy said I hope atheists change their mind...

The man was perfect but his lust for greed would have let him into heaven... Therefore NO MATTER HOW PERFECT YOU ACT... In terms of the Bible...  If you have wealth and do not give it all to the poor you are not going to heaven..

He didn't say follow his teachings and give your wealth to the poor if you want..

Everyone on this board is greedy.. Everyone in life is greed.. Everyone curses their parents at some point in time.. Everyone fights with their siblings.. Everyone works on Sunday...

None of us get into heaven if we use the metric of belief.. Because belief in god/jesus is not the only thing you need to do to get into heaven.. We all have committed sin that is punishable by death/ eternal hell no matter how moral you are...
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break

What about the people bashing atheists.. That doesn't happen in these threads?
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break

What about the people bashing atheists.. That doesn't happen in these threads?
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break
On NT, doing this is all they got.  NT atheists spend more time discussing and worrying about something they don't believe in then those that do believe.  They spend more time trying to validate their belief in nothing, while the religious folks just lay in the cut for the most part.  Ironic, isn't it?  
They'll ramble on, post youtube vids, funny captioned pics, laughing emoticons and whatever else they think "proves" their point.  But oddly enough, one of the main criticisms on NT about Christianity and other religions is how it gets pushed onto those that don't necessarily want to hear it.  The irony on NT is that the atheists are the main ones subjecting everyone on here to THIER beliefs.  Need proof?  Just look at this thread.  Or all of the other religion threads on here as of late.  Let someone make a thread about how THEY feel (like this one), and watch the sharks circle in anticipation of getting a chance to invalidate another man's beliefs.  To me, this is CRAZY--if you don't believe in God, Jesus, Allah, whoever....why on earth do you spend so much time on NT advising others to learn how to look at things differently (see:  Dame Theory)?  Oh I know the answer already--because this is a message board, huh?  Such a cop out of an answer, used to validate the attacks and atheist angst that generally permeates any religious thread.    

Like I said, the truth is that attacking, mocking and jeering those who don't think like they do is all NT atheists have.  I mean, when you believe in nothing, what do you really have to discuss?  You can only discuss others and what they believe and why they shouldn't believe what they do.  And on here, that inevitably leads to belittling the people that don't think like you because you just can't fathom how they could believe what they do.  I gotta say that this trait is mainly characteristic of NT atheists though--those that I know in real life most definitely are not like this.  And hopefully some of you dudes aren't as disrespectful and tactless in real life as you are on the internets--one could only hope.    
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break
On NT, doing this is all they got.  NT atheists spend more time discussing and worrying about something they don't believe in then those that do believe.  They spend more time trying to validate their belief in nothing, while the religious folks just lay in the cut for the most part.  Ironic, isn't it?  
They'll ramble on, post youtube vids, funny captioned pics, laughing emoticons and whatever else they think "proves" their point.  But oddly enough, one of the main criticisms on NT about Christianity and other religions is how it gets pushed onto those that don't necessarily want to hear it.  The irony on NT is that the atheists are the main ones subjecting everyone on here to THIER beliefs.  Need proof?  Just look at this thread.  Or all of the other religion threads on here as of late.  Let someone make a thread about how THEY feel (like this one), and watch the sharks circle in anticipation of getting a chance to invalidate another man's beliefs.  To me, this is CRAZY--if you don't believe in God, Jesus, Allah, whoever....why on earth do you spend so much time on NT advising others to learn how to look at things differently (see:  Dame Theory)?  Oh I know the answer already--because this is a message board, huh?  Such a cop out of an answer, used to validate the attacks and atheist angst that generally permeates any religious thread.    

Like I said, the truth is that attacking, mocking and jeering those who don't think like they do is all NT atheists have.  I mean, when you believe in nothing, what do you really have to discuss?  You can only discuss others and what they believe and why they shouldn't believe what they do.  And on here, that inevitably leads to belittling the people that don't think like you because you just can't fathom how they could believe what they do.  I gotta say that this trait is mainly characteristic of NT atheists though--those that I know in real life most definitely are not like this.  And hopefully some of you dudes aren't as disrespectful and tactless in real life as you are on the internets--one could only hope.    
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break
On NT, doing this is all they got.  NT atheists spend more time discussing and worrying about something they don't believe in then those that do believe.  They spend more time trying to validate their belief in nothing,

Well an atheist's belief, is a disbelief in what you believe in. Therefore, an atheist doesn't believe in nothing.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break
On NT, doing this is all they got.  NT atheists spend more time discussing and worrying about something they don't believe in then those that do believe.  They spend more time trying to validate their belief in nothing,

Well an atheist's belief, is a disbelief in what you believe in. Therefore, an atheist doesn't believe in nothing.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break

What about the people bashing atheists.. That doesn't happen in these threads?
They're just as wrong.  Lack of respect has nothing to do with religious beliefs.  And dude that posted the "Meanwhile in Hell" pic was way out of bounds with that one.  THAT is why people are so opposed to religion.  Those that supposedly come in the name of God pop off like that and it turns people off even more to the idea of religion, God, etc.   
But let's be truthful here--atheist bashing rarely happens.  And most of it comes in defense of atheists going ham with the knowledge lessons that they try to drop.  It's OD a lot of times and it is quite comical.  
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break

What about the people bashing atheists.. That doesn't happen in these threads?
They're just as wrong.  Lack of respect has nothing to do with religious beliefs.  And dude that posted the "Meanwhile in Hell" pic was way out of bounds with that one.  THAT is why people are so opposed to religion.  Those that supposedly come in the name of God pop off like that and it turns people off even more to the idea of religion, God, etc.   
But let's be truthful here--atheist bashing rarely happens.  And most of it comes in defense of atheists going ham with the knowledge lessons that they try to drop.  It's OD a lot of times and it is quite comical.  
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break
On NT, doing this is all they got.  NT atheists spend more time discussing and worrying about something they don't believe in then those that do believe.  They spend more time trying to validate their belief in nothing,

Well an atheist's belief, is a disbelief in what you believe in. Therefore, an atheist doesn't believe in nothing.

The funny thing is that you have NO clue what I believe in.  I have never once related my personal beliefs in any of these religion threads.  Not once.  My beef is simply how disrespectful the threads get.  And how out of hand you dudes get with the internet schooling.  In the history of NT, I've never seen a group of individuals go so hard for their stance.  You got dudes posting 4 or 5 consecutive posts without replies from anyone else, filled with youtube vids, quotes from famous atheists, etc.  It's all just a bit over the top, in my opinion.  And it most often involves a lot of condescending posts, which just isn't a good look, IMO.   
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break
On NT, doing this is all they got.  NT atheists spend more time discussing and worrying about something they don't believe in then those that do believe.  They spend more time trying to validate their belief in nothing,

Well an atheist's belief, is a disbelief in what you believe in. Therefore, an atheist doesn't believe in nothing.

The funny thing is that you have NO clue what I believe in.  I have never once related my personal beliefs in any of these religion threads.  Not once.  My beef is simply how disrespectful the threads get.  And how out of hand you dudes get with the internet schooling.  In the history of NT, I've never seen a group of individuals go so hard for their stance.  You got dudes posting 4 or 5 consecutive posts without replies from anyone else, filled with youtube vids, quotes from famous atheists, etc.  It's all just a bit over the top, in my opinion.  And it most often involves a lot of condescending posts, which just isn't a good look, IMO.   
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break

What about the people bashing atheists.. That doesn't happen in these threads?
They're just as wrong.  Lack of respect has nothing to do with religious beliefs.  And dude that posted the "Meanwhile in Hell" pic was way out of bounds with that one.  THAT is why people are so opposed to religion.  Those that supposedly come in the name of God pop off like that and it turns people off even more to the idea of religion, God, etc.   
But let's be truthful here--atheist bashing rarely happens.  And most of it comes in defense of atheists going ham with the knowledge lessons that they try to drop.  It's OD a lot of times and it is quite comical.  

How about we agree to this... No Atheist Posts... No Religious posts...

We can all go about our merry way and think each other has a stupid belief...
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break

What about the people bashing atheists.. That doesn't happen in these threads?
They're just as wrong.  Lack of respect has nothing to do with religious beliefs.  And dude that posted the "Meanwhile in Hell" pic was way out of bounds with that one.  THAT is why people are so opposed to religion.  Those that supposedly come in the name of God pop off like that and it turns people off even more to the idea of religion, God, etc.   
But let's be truthful here--atheist bashing rarely happens.  And most of it comes in defense of atheists going ham with the knowledge lessons that they try to drop.  It's OD a lot of times and it is quite comical.  

How about we agree to this... No Atheist Posts... No Religious posts...

We can all go about our merry way and think each other has a stupid belief...
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break
On NT, doing this is all they got.  NT atheists spend more time discussing and worrying about something they don't believe in then those that do believe.  They spend more time trying to validate their belief in nothing,

Well an atheist's belief, is a disbelief in what you believe in. Therefore, an atheist doesn't believe in nothing.

The funny thing is that you have NO clue what I believe in.  I have never once related my personal beliefs in any of these religion threads.  Not once.  My beef is simply how disrespectful the threads get.  And how out of hand you dudes get with the internet schooling.  In the history of NT, I've never seen a group of individuals go so hard for their stance.  You got dudes posting 4 or 5 consecutive posts without replies from anyone else, filled with youtube vids, quotes from famous atheists, etc.  It's all just a bit over the top, in my opinion.  And it most often involves a lot of condescending posts, which just isn't a good look, IMO.   

i apologize replace where i said you, with "religious people"-problem solved. good day chap
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break
On NT, doing this is all they got.  NT atheists spend more time discussing and worrying about something they don't believe in then those that do believe.  They spend more time trying to validate their belief in nothing,

Well an atheist's belief, is a disbelief in what you believe in. Therefore, an atheist doesn't believe in nothing.

The funny thing is that you have NO clue what I believe in.  I have never once related my personal beliefs in any of these religion threads.  Not once.  My beef is simply how disrespectful the threads get.  And how out of hand you dudes get with the internet schooling.  In the history of NT, I've never seen a group of individuals go so hard for their stance.  You got dudes posting 4 or 5 consecutive posts without replies from anyone else, filled with youtube vids, quotes from famous atheists, etc.  It's all just a bit over the top, in my opinion.  And it most often involves a lot of condescending posts, which just isn't a good look, IMO.   

i apologize replace where i said you, with "religious people"-problem solved. good day chap
you guys need to relax, believe in what you believe in & be happy.
& i guess i need to work on my sarcasm.
you guys need to relax, believe in what you believe in & be happy.
& i guess i need to work on my sarcasm.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by derp

Originally Posted by Essential1

The exact words of Jesus

"Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
  • 22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
  • 23 And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
So yes.. A Megachurch preacher may get in... BUT any wealth you have MUST BE GIVEN AWAY...

Any person who keeps riches to themselves are not allowed to get to heaven..

And in today's terms what do we consider rich... Compared to a homeless person you are rich.. Did you donate to him, help him get shelter?

The Bible is just a circular book like those old mystery book that say if you want to enter the cave turn to page 46.. When you go to page 46 and find out you die, you go back to the original page and go to the woods on page 75
You misunderstood.
That was in the book of Mark.

A man came to Jesus and asked how to inherit eternal life. He told Jesus that he was perfect, didnt break any commandments, etc.

He was perfect.... to his OWN standards.

Greed is strong. Jesus knew that. Money can take you away from what important in life.

Saying that, Jesus told the man to give everything to the poor and to follow him.

However, the man loved his wealth so much, he refused.

Just like Jesus said. He knew greed would make it hard for a rich man to enter Heaven...

Read the Bible. I suggest you start with the Book of Mark. You will NOT regret it.

The bible is not a Jay-Z verse that we can speculate what the meaning of it is.... I read the whole damn verse..

The book is %%%#%%*$...  If you are moved by it.. Fine, and more power to you.. I wasn't even replying to this thread til the other guy said I hope atheists change their mind...

The man was perfect but his lust for greed would have let him into heaven... Therefore NO MATTER HOW PERFECT YOU ACT... In terms of the Bible...  If you have wealth and do not give it all to the poor you are not going to heaven..

He didn't say follow his teachings and give your wealth to the poor if you want..

Everyone on this board is greedy.. Everyone in life is greed.. Everyone curses their parents at some point in time.. Everyone fights with their siblings.. Everyone works on Sunday...

None of us get into heaven if we use the metric of belief.. Because belief in god/jesus is not the only thing you need to do to get into heaven.. We all have committed sin that is punishable by death/ eternal hell no matter how moral you are...

Why are you acting so hostile?

You think God doesn't understand that his creations, believers and unbelievers alike aren't perfect. He knows we aren't perfect. Hence why we needed a savior.

The man who believed he was perfect was a prime example of us as humans holding too tightly onto material wealth. I'm pretty sure God/Jesus know we need money to live in this world. But that money also gives us the advantage to help others when needed.

What don't you get about us all being sinners and needing a savior? They know this world is imperfect so it will force us to be imperfect at some point in time.

I've read many of your post, I'm sure you're a smart guy. I'm sure you'll get this.

Us humans = sinners.
This world = breeds sin.
Problem = we can't get into heaven with the sins we cared.
Solution = A savior is sent to sacrifice himself for our sins = All of our sins can be forgiving if we ask for it and turn from them.

What's up with this thread anyway. OP made a thread about a book from the bible he is really into. This is followed by sarcasm and flaming.

What is the point of coming in to bash his thoughts? What is the point of trying to belittle someone who you feel is inferior in logic?

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by derp

Originally Posted by Essential1

The exact words of Jesus

"Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
  • 22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
  • 23 And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
So yes.. A Megachurch preacher may get in... BUT any wealth you have MUST BE GIVEN AWAY...

Any person who keeps riches to themselves are not allowed to get to heaven..

And in today's terms what do we consider rich... Compared to a homeless person you are rich.. Did you donate to him, help him get shelter?

The Bible is just a circular book like those old mystery book that say if you want to enter the cave turn to page 46.. When you go to page 46 and find out you die, you go back to the original page and go to the woods on page 75
You misunderstood.
That was in the book of Mark.

A man came to Jesus and asked how to inherit eternal life. He told Jesus that he was perfect, didnt break any commandments, etc.

He was perfect.... to his OWN standards.

Greed is strong. Jesus knew that. Money can take you away from what important in life.

Saying that, Jesus told the man to give everything to the poor and to follow him.

However, the man loved his wealth so much, he refused.

Just like Jesus said. He knew greed would make it hard for a rich man to enter Heaven...

Read the Bible. I suggest you start with the Book of Mark. You will NOT regret it.

The bible is not a Jay-Z verse that we can speculate what the meaning of it is.... I read the whole damn verse..

The book is %%%#%%*$...  If you are moved by it.. Fine, and more power to you.. I wasn't even replying to this thread til the other guy said I hope atheists change their mind...

The man was perfect but his lust for greed would have let him into heaven... Therefore NO MATTER HOW PERFECT YOU ACT... In terms of the Bible...  If you have wealth and do not give it all to the poor you are not going to heaven..

He didn't say follow his teachings and give your wealth to the poor if you want..

Everyone on this board is greedy.. Everyone in life is greed.. Everyone curses their parents at some point in time.. Everyone fights with their siblings.. Everyone works on Sunday...

None of us get into heaven if we use the metric of belief.. Because belief in god/jesus is not the only thing you need to do to get into heaven.. We all have committed sin that is punishable by death/ eternal hell no matter how moral you are...

Why are you acting so hostile?

You think God doesn't understand that his creations, believers and unbelievers alike aren't perfect. He knows we aren't perfect. Hence why we needed a savior.

The man who believed he was perfect was a prime example of us as humans holding too tightly onto material wealth. I'm pretty sure God/Jesus know we need money to live in this world. But that money also gives us the advantage to help others when needed.

What don't you get about us all being sinners and needing a savior? They know this world is imperfect so it will force us to be imperfect at some point in time.

I've read many of your post, I'm sure you're a smart guy. I'm sure you'll get this.

Us humans = sinners.
This world = breeds sin.
Problem = we can't get into heaven with the sins we cared.
Solution = A savior is sent to sacrifice himself for our sins = All of our sins can be forgiving if we ask for it and turn from them.

What's up with this thread anyway. OP made a thread about a book from the bible he is really into. This is followed by sarcasm and flaming.

What is the point of coming in to bash his thoughts? What is the point of trying to belittle someone who you feel is inferior in logic?

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

you guys need to relax, believe in what you believe in & be happy.
& i guess i need to work on my sarcasm.

   I suspected you were being sarcastic, but I've noticed people are stupid enough to say such things in these threads and really mean it. Therefore my sarcasm meter is nonexistent in these discussions. 
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

you guys need to relax, believe in what you believe in & be happy.
& i guess i need to work on my sarcasm.

   I suspected you were being sarcastic, but I've noticed people are stupid enough to say such things in these threads and really mean it. Therefore my sarcasm meter is nonexistent in these discussions. 
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break

What about the people bashing atheists.. That doesn't happen in these threads?
They're just as wrong.  Lack of respect has nothing to do with religious beliefs.  And dude that posted the "Meanwhile in Hell" pic was way out of bounds with that one.  THAT is why people are so opposed to religion.  Those that supposedly come in the name of God pop off like that and it turns people off even more to the idea of religion, God, etc.   
But let's be truthful here--atheist bashing rarely happens.  And most of it comes in defense of atheists going ham with the knowledge lessons that they try to drop.  It's OD a lot of times and it is quite comical.  

How about we agree to this... No Atheist Posts... No Religious posts...

We can all go about our merry way and think each other has a stupid belief...
The threads aren't the problem.  It's the individuals posting in them.  
So we're just gonna axe them b/c some people can't maintain a respectful discussion?  That's the ticket.  
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

I dont know why its necessary for Atheists to always troll a religious thread...I mean dude was obviously moved by what he read in the book of Luke and wanted to share it with NT....not to share and be trolled and proven that his religion is wrong.

OP I like your post but dont post things like this on Niketalk, although this is somewhat the opposite of what our religion would want its going among deaf ears...and I can specifically name some names that I see in every religious thread bashing and trying to create arguments with the OP which is kind of stupid

but like I said its okay to have an opinion but to come in to strictly bash a religion without even reading what OP has to say is ridiculous, I'm sure we all could have gotten something from at least one of those quotes

please give homie a break

What about the people bashing atheists.. That doesn't happen in these threads?
They're just as wrong.  Lack of respect has nothing to do with religious beliefs.  And dude that posted the "Meanwhile in Hell" pic was way out of bounds with that one.  THAT is why people are so opposed to religion.  Those that supposedly come in the name of God pop off like that and it turns people off even more to the idea of religion, God, etc.   
But let's be truthful here--atheist bashing rarely happens.  And most of it comes in defense of atheists going ham with the knowledge lessons that they try to drop.  It's OD a lot of times and it is quite comical.  

How about we agree to this... No Atheist Posts... No Religious posts...

We can all go about our merry way and think each other has a stupid belief...
The threads aren't the problem.  It's the individuals posting in them.  
So we're just gonna axe them b/c some people can't maintain a respectful discussion?  That's the ticket.  
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