** So I was banned because ___ **


Feb 19, 2007
This is my cousin's S/N, I seldom check in to this name, just for times like this when i don't have mine.
I've been banned twice, Ultra M and XmannyX

Ultra M : (this morning) Just cause i made a thread and asked if people still use a p2p program. The reason, "Discussion of something illegal ... "Are you kidding me? If i ask NT if they've ever been arrested for D.U.I. will i get banned? This is getting ridiculous and out of hand.
By the way, incase you didn't see the post, all it had was a picture of a a lemon and some wire (I hope you get it) Sorry for those guys who got suspendedwhile replying in that post.
Anyways the point of the thread is for those NT that got banned before, what's your reason.
Those reasons suck.

and more than likely your cousin can say goodbye to his account thanks to you.
Originally Posted by javier5857

Those reasons suck.

and more than likely your cousin can say goodbye to his account thanks to you.
is that new?

it's that difficult to goole an image of a lime? really?

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Originally Posted by javier5857

Those reasons suck.

and more than likely your cousin can say goodbye to his account thanks to you.

Um... your cousin's account is donezo. Why would you do that to him?
I didnt know that was ban worthy. what happened to the first sn?
and you probably cost your cousin atleast a suspension
i posted a Method Man slap pic. i wasnt even directing it at him. matter of fact, meth was even mentioned in the thread.

then like 2 days later i came back on a newly approved name.....and they banned me cuz i came back too soon. didnt know that was a rule.

this was durin the time where mad people came back with gimmick names and posted in the New Members thread, and like everybody who posted got banned
i remember i got banned once because i said

"when i get drunk my eyes get chinky"

at me for saying such a racist remark

i'm half filipino btw.
Originally Posted by miamin2

I didnt know that was ban worthy. what happened to the first sn?
and you probably cost your cousin atleast a suspension

The first one got taken down cause I brought back like 10 of my post form the past
. I basically replied to them all and made them come to Pg1. Butthat's ok, I don't think my cousin's S/N will get in trouble just cause i made a post and asked everyone the reason they got banned before. Ormaybe this is against codes of conduct too?
Originally Posted by datfliguy

Originally Posted by miamin2

I didnt know that was ban worthy. what happened to the first sn?
and you probably cost your cousin atleast a suspension

The first one got taken down cause I brought back like 10 of my post form the past
. I basically replied to them all and made them come to Pg1. But that's ok, I don't think my cousin's S/N will get in trouble just cause i made a post and asked everyone the reason they got banned before. Or maybe this is against codes of conduct too?
you're basically giving yourself away by saying you were in that post and got banned. Now you're back too soon on ANOTHER person's sn,which is NOT smart @ all. Yes you're cousin's SN is gone too.
It's against the rules to have more than one name if it's known by the administrators/moderators...because banning you would serve them no purpose ifyou were able to post under a different name..know what I mean?
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