So I got robbed...but wait it gets BETTER...

Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

im not taking sides here but there is the possibility that they think maybe ur sister had someone over who might have been intersted in taking the things in the apartment. not saying she did, just that from their view it could be possible.

ok but dunks could be like how do i not know this is a setup by yall cause you left your window open and told old boy to steal everyone stuff and then noonewill be suspicious when you use the money from the sale of everything to buy a new fresh laptop cause hey you got robbed too! seems to me like them girls waslooking for a reason to cause some $+$. i cant tell you how many times ive seen something so dumb cause a bunch of female roomates to split up. on my life isaw four female girls go to war two on each side because on side ate 1 I REPEAT, 1 SINGLE PECAN ROLL OUT OF A BOX OF LIKE 40 without asking. of course the realreason was that some dudes they brought over were attrackted to the girl who ate the pecan roll more than them by no fault of her own. if there is a legitreason to suspect her little sis why is old girl from korea bouncing too? because the two other chicks are birds and birds of a feather flock together.
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by NooEra

U dont know ur sister as well as u think you do. she orchaestrated the whole robbery and is watching ur chris rock dvd right now as she burns the piff she payed for by selling ur roomates laptops. u took the L

^^ Don't worry, Judging by her starch opposition to the common sense of the other responsible and observant adults in her living situation, there will be plenty more Ls for her to take.

You will learn giving away keys and letting people, and whoever they are smashing chill up in your apartment w/o pay is a no no miss.
The fact that you can't even slightly see their point of view shows your naive sense of realiy.
Just move and and find someone on your level to live with and throw fire sale house parties for whoever happens to be on your block. Including the professional lifters in your sisters crew.
4. now with all that said, why don't u leave this thread and take the noob with you.

How are you going to tell him to leave just for argueing with your point.

You sound like your just looking for people to agree with you which makes me think you worded this story in your favor.
goodluck on your situation.My blessings go with you on your new adventure.......F your roomates, they probably mad cause your sis wouldnt let them beat........
if your sister name aint on the lease and you're not home, she shouldnt be in the house neither.

she might be your family but she aint their family.

If I lived with someone like you, I woulda been set the ground rules. she dont pay rent, she aint got no business with a key to the crib.

thats some ol Bull *+%+ .
your roomates are a bunch of lames!!Its def a good thing u are moving out of that spot!!!
consider it a w that you're no longer going to be living with such lames

i bet this happens a lot more often between all-female roommates than all-male roommates though.
wow thats whack...when stuff got stolen from my place last year (during a party) we were all just like, well #*@& at least last night was bangin
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

im not taking sides here but there is the possibility that they think maybe ur sister had someone over who might have been intersted in taking the things in the apartment. not saying she did, just that from their view it could be possible.

ok but dunks could be like how do i not know this is a setup by yall cause you left your window open and told old boy to steal everyone stuff and then noone will be suspicious when you use the money from the sale of everything to buy a new fresh laptop cause hey you got robbed too! seems to me like them girls was looking for a reason to cause some $+$. i cant tell you how many times ive seen something so dumb cause a bunch of female roomates to split up. on my life i saw four female girls go to war two on each side because on side ate 1 I REPEAT, 1 SINGLE PECAN ROLL OUT OF A BOX OF LIKE 40 without asking. of course the real reason was that some dudes they brought over were attrackted to the girl who ate the pecan roll more than them by no fault of her own. if there is a legit reason to suspect her little sis why is old girl from korea bouncing too? because the two other chicks are birds and birds of a feather flock together.

the window was not opened or unlocked. we keep the doors and windows locked at all time unless we are physically in our own rooms. the people that broke inliterally shattered the glass in the window and climbed in. then they proceeded to knock down everyone's LOCKED bedroom door with only God knows what.believe me if there was any way me or my sister were responsible for what happened i would not have gone to such drastic lenghts as to move out cut ties andask for NT's thoughts on it.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

if your sister name aint on the lease and you're not home, she shouldnt be in the house neither.

she might be your family but she aint their family.

If I lived with someone like you, I woulda been set the ground rules. she dont pay rent, she aint got no business with a key to the crib.

thats some ol Bull *+%+ .
perhaps if they had come to me prior to the robbery and told me they had a problem with her being in my room with MY KEY then we could haveaddressed this situation and made better compromises. however, these females had no problem with my sister being there when i was absent long as they weregetting rides to the store or to a party when they did not have a car or when they needed to use her cell phone to charge up their batteries amongst otherlittle things that they didn't have a problem with asking her for up until this happen. as many have already said they're salty because they lost morethan i did, which i don't gloat about, but that's no need to take something out on my sister because she had absolutely nothing to do with whathappened. but it's cool i got my answers from you all so thank you for your inputs and well wishes, including the ones i don't agree with.
sounds like you need Horatio Caine on the case.
But really though, your roommates are dumb, why would your little sister steal your friends stuff and your stuff
i dont understand these people in this thread trying to bash OP. if u read what OP is saying you guys would realize how stupid yall are sounding.
Congrats on somehow getting a W in this OP. u must have done a lot of good things for karma like this to happen to you
they think your sister is a suspect lol, are you the only that invites people into the APT? who knows the in's and out's of the place besides thepeople that live in there? who ever robbed you knows a lot, enough to know when everybody is out and the valuable items you had.
I think to single out your sister was messed up, but the general idea is on point. I don't like the idea of people I don't really know chillin where ilive when i'm not there (unless there is someone else who lives there present).
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