So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

Originally Posted by yung egg foo

i thought i gave a decent explaination....historically Soweto Nigerians are bareric, they are Zulu decendents. How can the movie keep its integrity and authentic portrayal of DISTRICT 6....if the Nigerians were storybook disney type friendly villians?

Nigerians have no relations to Zulus. Zulus are a South African tribe. Nigeria is a nation thousands of miles away from South Africa and Zulus are notbarbaric.

I see anyone can just make any tpye of SN and post anything on NT nowadays.


Lock this up.
^^ just stop, you gotta know when to give up with people like this. he believes so much that he is so much smarter and on point then everyone else that he canteven imagine himself over reaching obviously the dozens of people who disagree with him both black and white are just simpletons not his level of cognitivethought.
Originally Posted by JuJu

^^ just stop, you gotta know when to give up with people like this. he believes so much that he is so much smarter and on point then everyone else that he cant even imagine himself over reaching obviously the dozens of people who disagree with him both black and white are just simpletons not his level of cognitive thought.

Aren't you Nigerian?

Did you even read what yung egg foo just posted?

Y'all cats are....

Dude is a racist troll that called your people barbaric and you're so thirst to get at're agreeing with him instead of taking notice of hisstatement. this dude is mad...really mad lulz.

whats sad is that he really believes that Nigerians are confined to one area of Africa....The diamond conflict in Africa has roots deep in the war between theDutch and Zulu Nigerians which slaughtered over 20,000 people for what they believed in... wow sheesh,

i have work in the morning and im typing on a touch screen behold so i cant point in the right direction with links...but im sure with all the college studentsbeside me on nt one can help you with your frustation.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JuJu

^^ just stop, you gotta know when to give up with people like this. he believes so much that he is so much smarter and on point then everyone else that he cant even imagine himself over reaching obviously the dozens of people who disagree with him both black and white are just simpletons not his level of cognitive thought.

Aren't you Nigerian?

Did you even read what yung egg foo just posted?

Y'all cats are....

Dude is a racist troll that called your people barbaric and you're so thirst to get at're agreeing with him instead of taking notice of his statement.

i dont care what he said, because hes some random person on a message board, and i didnt agree with him at all i just said it pointless to argue with youbecause you KNOW you are right. apparently you are the one who isnt reading because nowhere in this thread did i say anything about nigerians or district 6.what i did say is you saying the statement about the files is dumb and the character who made the statement about the files being easy to find is the answer tou asking us to provide ONE black african who was not shown in a bad light.


i just dont live my life looking for racism in everything i see and hear. next youll say NT is racist cause they put white text ONTOP of black backgrounsecrectly conditioning us to think white belongs ontop/above black. NT IS RACIST.
Originally Posted by yung egg foo this dude is mad...really mad lulz.

whats sad is that he really believes that Nigerians are confined to one area of Africa....The diamond conflict in Africa has roots deep in the war between the Dutch and Zulu Nigerians which slaughtered over 20,000 people for what they believed in... wow sheesh,

i have work in the morning and im typing on a touch screen behold so i cant point in the right direction with links...but im sure with all the college students beside me on nt one can help you with your frustation.

we talking about racism here? ...where was the asians? man they racist for not having enough/or any asians at all!
Fundisawa may have played the stereotypical "lackey" role (note that they are in South Africa. This could easily refer to the position many blackAfricans face nowadays in South Africa)
But you are still downplaying his character. He was the only genuine person throughout the film, who was of African descent. There is your answer. Yes, he canarguable be seen as being discriminated against but again, I'm sure we all know why.
Wilkus and his wife were by no means good characters. most didnt even really considered him a hero, because at the very last minute he wants to actually try tohelp out their cause? cmon now.
Originally Posted by yung egg foo this dude is mad...really mad lulz.

whats sad is that he really believes that Nigerians are confined to one area of Africa....The diamond conflict in Africa has roots deep in the war between the Dutch and Zulu Nigerians which slaughtered over 20,000 people for what they believed in... wow sheesh,

i have work in the morning and im typing on a touch screen behold so i cant point in the right direction with links...but im sure with all the college students beside me on nt one can help you with your frustation.

Yung egg Fool.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

his wife did absolutely nothing wrong...she showed the most
genuie love in the whole movie...

didn't she turn on him?

When she called him again to say that she believed him and knew her dad was lying, wasn't it just to keep him on the phone long enough for her dad to track his location?
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Fundisawa may have played the stereotypical "lackey" role (note that they are in South Africa. This could easily refer to the position many black Africans face nowadays in South Africa)


Thats what I've been trying to point out for the longest. Glad you took the time to read.

So now, if the one character that y'all were citing as being the good Black African was the sterotypical lackey.....then where is the black character inthis film who was not a sterotype?
Just finished reading through this thread and to be honest, Huey is def. making some great points, and providing good evidence to validate his claims. Thatsaid, in a "debate" like this, it's only natural, and good practice, to have your naysayers. Unfortunately, the naysayers (imo) are definitelylosing this one.

Furthermore, I can understand that not everyone will agree with Huey, but to come into the thread, with no other objective but to hurl insults at the dude,overtly or covertly, is both sad and testament to some of "y'alls" maturity level. If you can't have a civil exchange with dude, thendon't post. Why waste YOUR time...


Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV



" I mean, you can't say they don't look like that. Thats what they look like right...they look like prawns..."

White Police officer justifying the Prawn slur. While he never calls them the term himself, it is clear that he doesn't have much of a problem with the word. Here finally, is some white culpability in a very slight display of white on alien prejudice. Even though he is being more logical than anything else, as the aliens really do look like prawns. Plus he is a police officer and not a regular citizen.

It is very telling though, that the Black residents are extremely straight forward and direct with their abuse and ignorant statements but the few whites (2) who you can infer have bad feelings about the "prawns" are very indirect with their statements.

*Also take a look at the background....Black mugshots, purposely visible...even in a partial admission of white tacitity to alien prejudice, black savagery is present.*

I am of the opinion that often times, if you look hard for something, you'll find it...
laugh.gif I am a bit reserved on some of the points you've presented.

This one (quoted) however, definitely caught my attention and I think you absolutely hit the nail on the head just based off some things I randomly observed(which you didn't point out but I am sure you probably noticed) upon looking at that screen shot.

First point-- notice how dude's name is James HOPE...

So essentially, what you have is a WHITE MAN situated in a position (police officer)that is often times consonant with-- [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"justice", "fairness","peace", "truth", and "honor"[/color] (just to name a few) working to maintain order (which is what his job entails) in landplagued with wild-savages (aliens...or perhaps, black Africans)...and his name is James [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HOPE[/color].

Second point--which is in reference to the "...purposely visible, black mugshots". Notice how to the left of James HOPE'S head, there is a flierwith what seems to be the silhouette of a Prawn on it. Anyone notice what the text on that flier says...


Now, of the mugshots visible in the background, the most visible one is that of a black man who seems to have some kind of"infectious-facial-breakout" going on. Now ask yourself. When you think of infectious diseases and South Africa, hell, when you think of infectiousdiseases and all of Africa, what is the one disease that comes to mind? Which one disease has the West effectively and successfully linked to the continent ofAfrica? So much so that, there is a belief that many (black) south Africans are "all carriers" annndddddd...that the disease is being spread by"black males"--like those dandy looking fellows in the mugshots, behind the polished James HOPE...


Thank you for taking the time to read over the points that I brought up and responding to them intelligently Antigen.

I didn't know that was too much to ask on NT.

I don't mind if people disagree with me, I would actually rather see a logical counter-argument presented that may change my outlook....but people seem tobe only reading the first page them coming in hurling insults at me.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Fundisawa may have played the stereotypical "lackey" role (note that they are in South Africa. This could easily refer to the position many black Africans face nowadays in South Africa)


Thats what I've been trying to point out for the longest. Glad you took the time to read.

So now, if the one character that y'all were citing as being the good Black African was the sterotypical lackey.....then where is the black character in this film who was not a sterotype?
but thats the point of the film right? To show how there is still an underlying division between blacks and whites in South Africa...
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Just finished reading through this thread and to be honest, Huey is def. making some great points, and providing good evidence to validate his claims. That said, in a "debate" like this, it's only natural, and good practice, to have your naysayers. Unfortunately, the naysayers (imo) are definitely losing this one.

Furthermore, I can understand that not everyone will agree with Huey, but to come into the thread, with no other objective but to hurl insults at the dude, overtly or covertly, is both sad and testament to some of "y'alls" maturity level. If you can't have a civil exchange with dude, then don't post. Why waste YOUR time...


Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV


" I mean, you can't say they don't look like that. Thats what they look like right...they look like prawns..."

White Police officer justifying the Prawn slur. While he never calls them the term himself, it is clear that he doesn't have much of a problem with the word. Here finally, is some white culpability in a very slight display of white on alien prejudice. Even though he is being more logical than anything else, as the aliens really do look like prawns. Plus he is a police officer and not a regular citizen.

It is very telling though, that the Black residents are extremely straight forward and direct with their abuse and ignorant statements but the few whites (2) who you can infer have bad feelings about the "prawns" are very indirect with their statements.

*Also take a look at the background....Black mugshots, purposely visible...even in a partial admission of white tacitity to alien prejudice, black savagery is present.*

I am of the opinion that often times, if you look hard for something, you'll find it...
laugh.gif I am a bit reserved on some of the points you've presented.

This one (quoted) however, definitely caught my attention and I think you absolutely hit the nail on the head just based off some things I randomly observed (which you didn't point out but I am sure you probably noticed) upon looking at that screen shot.

First point-- notice how dude's name is James HOPE...

So essentially, what you have is a WHITE MAN situated in a position (police officer) that is often times consonant with-- [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"justice", "fairness", "peace", "truth", and "honor"[/color] (just to name a few) working to maintain order (which is what his job entails) in land plagued with wild-savages (aliens...or perhaps, black Africans)...and his name is James [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HOPE[/color].

Second point--which is in reference to the "...purposely visible, black mugshots". Notice how to the left of James HOPE'S head, there is a flier with what seems to be the silhouette of a Prawn on it. Anyone notice what the text on that flier says...


Now, of the mugshots visible in the background, the most visible one is that of a black man who seems to have some kind of "infectious-facial-breakout" going on. Now ask yourself. When you think of infectious diseases and South Africa, hell, when you think of infectious diseases and all of Africa, what is the one disease that comes to mind? Which one disease has the West effectively and successfully linked to the continent of Africa? So much so that, there is a belief that many (black) south Africans are "all carriers" annndddddd...that the disease is being spread by "black males"--like those dandy looking fellows in the mugshots, behind the polished James HOPE...



This is reaching.
They did say That the Africans came to exploit the aliens in district 9......
Those Africans reminded me of this Liberian militia in a documentary I saw.
The members of the militia were savages to say the least so i dont really see the racism.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Just finished reading through this thread and to be honest, Huey is def. making some great points, and providing good evidence to validate his claims. That said, in a "debate" like this, it's only natural, and good practice, to have your naysayers. Unfortunately, the naysayers (imo) are definitely losing this one.

Furthermore, I can understand that not everyone will agree with Huey, but to come into the thread, with no other objective but to hurl insults at the dude, overtly or covertly, is both sad and testament to some of "y'alls" maturity level. If you can't have a civil exchange with dude, then don't post. Why waste YOUR time...


Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV


" I mean, you can't say they don't look like that. Thats what they look like right...they look like prawns..."

White Police officer justifying the Prawn slur. While he never calls them the term himself, it is clear that he doesn't have much of a problem with the word. Here finally, is some white culpability in a very slight display of white on alien prejudice. Even though he is being more logical than anything else, as the aliens really do look like prawns. Plus he is a police officer and not a regular citizen.

It is very telling though, that the Black residents are extremely straight forward and direct with their abuse and ignorant statements but the few whites (2) who you can infer have bad feelings about the "prawns" are very indirect with their statements.

*Also take a look at the background....Black mugshots, purposely visible...even in a partial admission of white tacitity to alien prejudice, black savagery is present.*

I am of the opinion that often times, if you look hard for something, you'll find it...
laugh.gif I am a bit reserved on some of the points you've presented.

This one (quoted) however, definitely caught my attention and I think you absolutely hit the nail on the head just based off some things I randomly observed (which you didn't point out but I am sure you probably noticed) upon looking at that screen shot.

First point-- notice how dude's name is James HOPE...

So essentially, what you have is a WHITE MAN situated in a position (police officer) that is often times consonant with-- [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"justice", "fairness", "peace", "truth", and "honor"[/color] (just to name a few) working to maintain order (which is what his job entails) in land plagued with wild-savages (aliens...or perhaps, black Africans)...and his name is James [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HOPE[/color].

Second point--which is in reference to the "...purposely visible, black mugshots". Notice how to the left of James HOPE'S head, there is a flier with what seems to be the silhouette of a Prawn on it. Anyone notice what the text on that flier says...


Now, of the mugshots visible in the background, the most visible one is that of a black man who seems to have some kind of "infectious-facial-breakout" going on. Now ask yourself. When you think of infectious diseases and South Africa, hell, when you think of infectious diseases and all of Africa, what is the one disease that comes to mind? Which one disease has the West effectively and successfully linked to the continent of Africa? So much so that, there is a belief that many (black) south Africans are "all carriers" annndddddd...that the disease is being spread by "black males"--like those dandy looking fellows in the mugshots, behind the polished James HOPE...



This is reaching.

It's possible...but it's also possible that there is some truth in what I am saying...

I am of the opinion that often times, if you look hard for something, you'll find it...
laugh.gif I am a bit reserved on some of the points you've presented.
Word, at the same time though, if you ignore something enough, you'll soon think it doesn't exist.
but thats the point of the film right? To show how there is still an underlying division between blacks and whites in South Africa...
If thats the case then the film failed horribly. If all of the Blacks are savages and lackeys...then oppression and segregation is reallyjustified. There was no Black manhood, complexity or intelligence on display in this movie, so it didn't show anything....except vicious stereotypes. Canyou cite 1 example of Black intelligence in the movie BTW? The aliens were more complex and intelligent than the blacks.

This is reaching.

I don't think you understand the kind of thought and scrutiny that goes into creating and editing a major movie production.

They just don't throw random props in the background and give characters random names.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

This is reaching.

I don't think you understand the kind of thought and scrutiny that goes into creating and editing a major movie production.

They just don't throw random props in the background and give characters random names.

Exactly...furthermore, if there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that--this movie is wrought in subliminal messages. That said, nothing is beyondthe realm of possibility and nothing that is remotely plausible, can be deemed as reaching.

I mean, subliminal messages wouldn't be what they are if they were easily identified, easily proven, and/or easily disproved.

The pre-hollywood 6 min. short that inspired the movie "Alive in Joburg" is definitely more balanced.
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