SMH @ The South Bronx

Originally Posted by air max 87

at NY in general, i hate goin into NY
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

#1....I look suspect enough with a camera phone on record in the hood at 2:30 in the morning.

#2.....I'm not gonna look anymore like a lame, using a bright %@% flash on a cell phone, trying to snap pictures of my female neighbors in the pitch dark.

Y'all just gotta take my word on that.

First time I hear a good excuse for not having pics.
I don't think people really understand how bad it is in some areas of the BX
Like I always say, I love it but I'm probably never moving backthere.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I don't think people really understand how bad it is in some areas of the BX
Like I always say, I love it but I'm probably never moving back there.

Where did you move?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Nope, looks like two kids stole car and ran straight into another car, flipping them both over.

They escaped.

Charred bodies in the other overturned car.
This killed my laughter, RIP. Those kids are going to get time once they're caught.
lol I always be around Soundview or Simpson St but I love on Williamsbridge, quiet old italian ppl ftw
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

There a stolen car on fire, turned upside down sitting in front of my window...and two pre-teens are climbing out of the window trying to run from the cops

next time take pics anyways i used to live in 147 between brook and willis in the south bronx its a $hithole but not as bad as people say it is
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I don't think people really understand how bad it is in some areas of the BX
Like I always say, I love it but I'm probably never moving back there.

Where did you move?
West Harlem. Still a little hood but gentrification ftw (and loss for some).
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

I work on St anns and lemme tell you some wild $%@. Dudes in the building across the street my job pull the a/c out and place it on a milkcrate, run an extension cord through the window so the air can blow on em as their sitting out on the sidewalk.

maaannnn, i miss takin trips up to the bronx to visit my g' deddy was born and raised in the south bx, i havent been in like 10 all ican remember is that there is this kinda big park across the street, and on the corner is this big a$5 high school on a hill called Taft High School that heused to go to....anybody stay around there?!? last i heard they gutted out that place my folks used to stay in right on the corner in front of that school,them apartments up there are pretty big, even for a project..
, plus myg'ma always kept her ishh lookin like it was cut out of a magazine..
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

I work on St anns and lemme tell you some wild $%@. Dudes in the building across the street my job pull the a/c out and place it on a milkcrate, run an extension cord through the window so the air can blow on em as their sitting out on the sidewalk.

WOWWW that's like the ultimate right there
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