Silver to $250 an oz...

From what I am hearing there are two trains of thought here on investing in PMs.  None of which involve any real, statistically significant analysis or valuation but I guess it's all you guys have to offer up. 

So the first is that as the dollar looses value and we go into hyperinflation(which is not a given and no one here has a probability % of that happening) gold will increase in terms of a weaker dollar?  Is that correct? 

What some of you may not realize is that in this scenario, EVERYTHING increases in price.  Bread, milk, Mcdonalds, everything.  You are not making a profit in this scenario.  The $81,000 you are expecting to get for your gold will not buy you what $81,000 will buy you today.  It will buy you exactly the same amount of stuff as $1600 will today, if the price increase is due to inflation and all else is held constant.  And good luck finding anyone to purchase your gold if the situation deteriorates to that extent. 

The second scenario seems to be that PMs or gold are "real money" and that when the system deteriorates people will start circulating bullion as dollars are circulated today and that demand for money is what causes the price to increase. 

First off, tell me how gold is anymore of a "real" currency than paper or any other commodity?  We could just as easily be talking about diamonds or plastic for that matter.  It has value because people perceive it to have value.  You can't get anymore out of a gold coin than you can out of a dollar bill except for the fact that people have assigned it a value and believe and mutually agree that it is worth a defined amount.  Sounds very similar to fiat albeit not govt. backed.

The following is a list of reasons why it is impossible to have PMs as circulated currency:

-There is not enough gold or silver in the world to account for the amount of currency in the global system. 

-The yearly growth of the worldwide economy could not exceed the amount of new PMs taken from the ground yearly. 

-No wage increases, no profit increases for companies.  You have what you have unless you can get your hands on some of the below ground PMs.

-If gold ever becomes a currency the price will be set, no more trading markets and spot pricing,  and it certainly won't be set anywhere near $5000 an ounce or even $1000.  You gonna take a pebble of gold to the store to buy a loaf of bread?

-Of course setting the price of gold requires that there still be paper currency circulating to set the price in.  How are you gonna set prices of all goods and services globally or even nationally in terms of gold with no currency or a hyper inflated currency as a reference point?

-You think all the other countries are going to go along with this set pricing?  You think they will contribute their gold reserves to the new money supply at a rate set by the US? 

-The country with the largest gold reserve immediately becomes the most powerful.  Can you imagine the international turmoil, there would be wars.

-Google "coin clipping".  PMs as currency doesn't work.

-The format of gold as a currency would have to be standardized.  There will not just be random bars and various types of coins circulating.  You may be forced to hand in your gold at a rate of the govt's choosing or face not being able to redeem your various forms of gold at all. It happened not so long ago.  You know physical gold was illegal to own up until the 1970s?

-How long before the circulated coins purity starts to decrease?  90%, 80%, 70%......hyper-inflation!

-For all you conspiracy nuts, this is that NWO, one-world currency you all are afraid of.  How nice is it that they are broadcasting non-stop about the benefits of owning gold so mom and pop will be well prepared for the impending NWO takeover.
  NT usually knows a trap when it sees it.

I can go on and on but i think you get the picture.  I have given up on any reasonable discussion of valuation or trading strategy.  You ask any professional investor and they will tell you that you need an entry price, a stop loss price, an exit price(profit) and a reason for each before you commit any money to a trade.  You all don't seem to be doing any of that.  Hopefully you may all learn something here.  I know it is nice to see your assets appreciate and I know it is tempting to buy into gold even at these levels when you hear some of these totally baseless predictions but I am telling you all that you need to devise an exit strategy.  You guys don't realize how much risk you are taking.  Find another way to make money or preserve your capital.  Maybe I can't talk you out of buying gold but at least maybe you will consider some other asset classes or other ways to prepare your self in the event of economic collapse.  I wouldn't even waste my time writing all this if i wasn't seriously concerned about the amount of people falling for this trap.  I don't have money long or short in gold so what you guys do won't affect me.  Understand i'm just trying to look out for those without investment experience and/or well rounded knowledge of financial markets.

Please tell me why i'm wrong.
Gold up 1% so far this morning. I think Frank brings up some valid points. It seems like there are too many "sell your gold" shops popping up, creating artificial demand for it.
Gold up 1% so far this morning. I think Frank brings up some valid points. It seems like there are too many "sell your gold" shops popping up, creating artificial demand for it.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Gold up 1% so far this morning. I think Frank brings up some valid points. It seems like there are too many "sell your gold" shops popping up, creating artificial demand for it.
they are selling it for fiat. they arent buying it so im good.
@frank yea i guess so but the point of owning gold and silver isnt to have any gains on it like you do with other investments. its a true safe haven now that the swiss just went fiat. gold/silver is for wealth preservation. so what about "clipping" thats why you WEIGH THE COINS WHEN ITS USED and go by that price. hell if the coin used to weigh 31.1 grams and lost a few grams you go based on the new weight. we gotta worry about the gubbermint counterfeiting now right? thats the new way of "clipping" and they are doing a freaking awesome job on that. gold and silver is anti gubbermint and banks cause they cant manipulate it the way they can with fiat. there will be less malinvestments in the economy with it cause money is much scarcer. gubbermints wont have deficits cause they are restricted to their revenues.

what makes gold and silver money is that they have all the characteristics of money. fiat can be printed into oblivion, gold and silver cannot cause you cant print it out of thin air.

war? we are heading towards a global war now over FIAT MONEY AND DEBT. you cant say that dollars are money because they are debt. word to the federal reserve "note" on top of it. is it redeemable for anything from the originator of that note? NOPE.

edit: oh and why does banks and gubbermints all over the world HATE gold? why do they have to manipulate the price of it if fiat money is money? why they gotta invade libya to stop the gold dinar from happening?
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Gold up 1% so far this morning. I think Frank brings up some valid points. It seems like there are too many "sell your gold" shops popping up, creating artificial demand for it.
they are selling it for fiat. they arent buying it so im good.
@frank yea i guess so but the point of owning gold and silver isnt to have any gains on it like you do with other investments. its a true safe haven now that the swiss just went fiat. gold/silver is for wealth preservation. so what about "clipping" thats why you WEIGH THE COINS WHEN ITS USED and go by that price. hell if the coin used to weigh 31.1 grams and lost a few grams you go based on the new weight. we gotta worry about the gubbermint counterfeiting now right? thats the new way of "clipping" and they are doing a freaking awesome job on that. gold and silver is anti gubbermint and banks cause they cant manipulate it the way they can with fiat. there will be less malinvestments in the economy with it cause money is much scarcer. gubbermints wont have deficits cause they are restricted to their revenues.

what makes gold and silver money is that they have all the characteristics of money. fiat can be printed into oblivion, gold and silver cannot cause you cant print it out of thin air.

war? we are heading towards a global war now over FIAT MONEY AND DEBT. you cant say that dollars are money because they are debt. word to the federal reserve "note" on top of it. is it redeemable for anything from the originator of that note? NOPE.

edit: oh and why does banks and gubbermints all over the world HATE gold? why do they have to manipulate the price of it if fiat money is money? why they gotta invade libya to stop the gold dinar from happening?
Andy, good counterpoints. I would think everyone looks at it as a hedge, and insurance/wealth preservation.
Andy, good counterpoints. I would think everyone looks at it as a hedge, and insurance/wealth preservation.
10 yrs ago gold was around 300 dollars an oz....

That's a pair of foams and a nice dinner....

Today you can get a nice used car for an oz...

It's all on priorities... Gold will make you rich this time around simply because it will be scarce to the average individual...
10 yrs ago gold was around 300 dollars an oz....

That's a pair of foams and a nice dinner....

Today you can get a nice used car for an oz...

It's all on priorities... Gold will make you rich this time around simply because it will be scarce to the average individual...
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

-For all you conspiracy nuts, this is that NWO, one-world currency you all are afraid of.  How nice is it that they are broadcasting non-stop about the benefits of owning gold so mom and pop will be well prepared for the impending NWO takeover.
  NT usually knows a trap when it sees it.

Inevitable. But I've flipped sides on this. This world has to turn upside down in order to come  back full circle.
But not to get too far off topic. I agree with everything else  you said. When it comes to that point to where everything is hyperinflated, none of this will matter and it will come down to your abilities and brains to survive. Right now, the dollar is not worth anything, our government is headed down the drain. Metals are where it is at for now.

Also, the worth of the dollar and paper money can literally DISAPPEAR. The worth of Gold will not. Yes it is all perceived. But Gold has been at the top of the list since the beginning of civilization. 
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

-For all you conspiracy nuts, this is that NWO, one-world currency you all are afraid of.  How nice is it that they are broadcasting non-stop about the benefits of owning gold so mom and pop will be well prepared for the impending NWO takeover.
  NT usually knows a trap when it sees it.

Inevitable. But I've flipped sides on this. This world has to turn upside down in order to come  back full circle.
But not to get too far off topic. I agree with everything else  you said. When it comes to that point to where everything is hyperinflated, none of this will matter and it will come down to your abilities and brains to survive. Right now, the dollar is not worth anything, our government is headed down the drain. Metals are where it is at for now.

Also, the worth of the dollar and paper money can literally DISAPPEAR. The worth of Gold will not. Yes it is all perceived. But Gold has been at the top of the list since the beginning of civilization. 
Originally Posted by andycrazn

they are selling it for fiat. they arent buying it so im good.
@frank yea i guess so but the point of owning gold and silver isnt to have any gains on it like you do with other investments. its a true safe haven now that the swiss just went fiat. gold/silver is for wealth preservation. so what about "clipping" thats why you WEIGH THE COINS WHEN ITS USED and go by that price. hell if the coin used to weigh 31.1 grams and lost a few grams you go based on the new weight. we gotta worry about the gubbermint counterfeiting now right? thats the new way of "clipping" and they are doing a freaking awesome job on that. gold and silver is anti gubbermint and banks cause they cant manipulate it the way they can with fiat. there will be less malinvestments in the economy with it cause money is much scarcer. gubbermints wont have deficits cause they are restricted to their revenues.

what makes gold and silver money is that they have all the characteristics of money. fiat can be printed into oblivion, gold and silver cannot cause you cant print it out of thin air.

war? we are heading towards a global war now over FIAT MONEY AND DEBT. you cant say that dollars are money because they are debt. word to the federal reserve "note" on top of it. is it redeemable for anything from the originator of that note? NOPE.

edit: oh and why does banks and gubbermints all over the world HATE gold? why do they have to manipulate the price of it if fiat money is money? why they gotta invade libya to stop the gold dinar from happening?
So you are not trying to make money now?  Why are you trying to store your wealth in gold?  At some point you are going to have to convert it back into currency to get any kind of purchasing power.  Metals will never be a universally accepted currency.  I'm telling you bro, metals will not save you from this collapse you think is coming.

My comment about coin clipping was in reference to gold being a circulated currency.  Every single person and place of business is supposed to carry around a scale to weigh their money?  Even if that happened what are you gonna do with a coin that is a fraction of a gram short?  Tear a sleeve off the shirt they are trying to purchase, take a few slices out of their loaf of bread?  Just think logically man.  All this stuff you are talking about is not feasible.  I know you want to believe but use your melon.

You cannot walk into any place of business and pay in gold or silver so they do not have all the characteristics of money.  Any natural resource cannot be "printed into thin air", that does not make it money.  As I said, you could just as easily be talking about diamonds or plastic or wood or copper.  We are only talking about gold and silver because that is what is being marketed to the public and because gold used to back our currency when there was enough of it in existence to do so.

I am not saying dollars are money any more than gold or anything else people agree upon has value, is money.  I don't get why people all think gold has some intrinsic worth.  It's all perceived value.  It's worth comes from the same place the dollars worth comes from.  

Don't get me wrong I agree with you that the economy is messed up and the the system of money is flawed but I don't think you realize how horrible the conditions in this country would be if government spending was restricted to the amount of gold they had in their possession.  If wealth in this country was restricted to the amount of gold we were able to put into circulation peoples lives would be devastated.  Peoples lives may very well end up being devastated anyway but this will just speed up the process and if you ask me I think thats what they are aiming for.  You all are falling right into a trap.  Calling for your own demise.

devildog1776 wrote:
10 yrs ago gold was around 300 dollars an oz....

That's a pair of foams and a nice dinner....

Today you can get a nice used car for an oz...

It's all on priorities... Gold will make you rich this time around simply because it will be scarce to the average individual...

It can only get you a used car if you sell it.  Did you sell it?  When will you sell it?  Do you have a price target?  What is the max drawdown you are willing to take?  You realize it is possible for it to go right back to $300 or less right?  Not saying that it will but if you haven't done any analysis or came up with your own valuation method then you are pretty much just gambling.  Trying to look into a crystal ball.
Originally Posted by andycrazn

they are selling it for fiat. they arent buying it so im good.
@frank yea i guess so but the point of owning gold and silver isnt to have any gains on it like you do with other investments. its a true safe haven now that the swiss just went fiat. gold/silver is for wealth preservation. so what about "clipping" thats why you WEIGH THE COINS WHEN ITS USED and go by that price. hell if the coin used to weigh 31.1 grams and lost a few grams you go based on the new weight. we gotta worry about the gubbermint counterfeiting now right? thats the new way of "clipping" and they are doing a freaking awesome job on that. gold and silver is anti gubbermint and banks cause they cant manipulate it the way they can with fiat. there will be less malinvestments in the economy with it cause money is much scarcer. gubbermints wont have deficits cause they are restricted to their revenues.

what makes gold and silver money is that they have all the characteristics of money. fiat can be printed into oblivion, gold and silver cannot cause you cant print it out of thin air.

war? we are heading towards a global war now over FIAT MONEY AND DEBT. you cant say that dollars are money because they are debt. word to the federal reserve "note" on top of it. is it redeemable for anything from the originator of that note? NOPE.

edit: oh and why does banks and gubbermints all over the world HATE gold? why do they have to manipulate the price of it if fiat money is money? why they gotta invade libya to stop the gold dinar from happening?
So you are not trying to make money now?  Why are you trying to store your wealth in gold?  At some point you are going to have to convert it back into currency to get any kind of purchasing power.  Metals will never be a universally accepted currency.  I'm telling you bro, metals will not save you from this collapse you think is coming.

My comment about coin clipping was in reference to gold being a circulated currency.  Every single person and place of business is supposed to carry around a scale to weigh their money?  Even if that happened what are you gonna do with a coin that is a fraction of a gram short?  Tear a sleeve off the shirt they are trying to purchase, take a few slices out of their loaf of bread?  Just think logically man.  All this stuff you are talking about is not feasible.  I know you want to believe but use your melon.

You cannot walk into any place of business and pay in gold or silver so they do not have all the characteristics of money.  Any natural resource cannot be "printed into thin air", that does not make it money.  As I said, you could just as easily be talking about diamonds or plastic or wood or copper.  We are only talking about gold and silver because that is what is being marketed to the public and because gold used to back our currency when there was enough of it in existence to do so.

I am not saying dollars are money any more than gold or anything else people agree upon has value, is money.  I don't get why people all think gold has some intrinsic worth.  It's all perceived value.  It's worth comes from the same place the dollars worth comes from.  

Don't get me wrong I agree with you that the economy is messed up and the the system of money is flawed but I don't think you realize how horrible the conditions in this country would be if government spending was restricted to the amount of gold they had in their possession.  If wealth in this country was restricted to the amount of gold we were able to put into circulation peoples lives would be devastated.  Peoples lives may very well end up being devastated anyway but this will just speed up the process and if you ask me I think thats what they are aiming for.  You all are falling right into a trap.  Calling for your own demise.

devildog1776 wrote:
10 yrs ago gold was around 300 dollars an oz....

That's a pair of foams and a nice dinner....

Today you can get a nice used car for an oz...

It's all on priorities... Gold will make you rich this time around simply because it will be scarce to the average individual...

It can only get you a used car if you sell it.  Did you sell it?  When will you sell it?  Do you have a price target?  What is the max drawdown you are willing to take?  You realize it is possible for it to go right back to $300 or less right?  Not saying that it will but if you haven't done any analysis or came up with your own valuation method then you are pretty much just gambling.  Trying to look into a crystal ball.
lol what do you want people to tell you?

you work @ a bank or something?

what is it that you invest in since your SO wise?
lol what do you want people to tell you?

you work @ a bank or something?

what is it that you invest in since your SO wise?
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