Silver to $250 an oz...

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

what's the champions league?

Let me post real quick before this thread fades into BOLIVIAN...

There is definitely money to be made investing in precious medals and silver is def. a viable option for those who can't afford to get into gold. But the problem I have is that when purchasing these precious medals you have to pay so many surcharges. For example AMPEX already prices their gold above market value... Then on top of that they charge like a $50 fee just to process credit card transactions. GOLD closed at
[font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]$1430.20/oz and AMPEX was charging about $1520 to have an ounce shipped to me.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)] So someone explain to me how that is a good investment? The only way you could really PROFIT is if you plan on holding it for 2-3 years at least. And I live in a part of the country where everyone buys gold but no one seems to be selling it. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]2 years ago.... 24K gold 1 gram bars were going for $29-$35 on ebay... Look at the prices on there now. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]If you got in 2-3 years ago... You are eating REAL GOOD off gold.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]But I'm just posting about my experiences on purchasing physical gold.... As far as gold stocks and such I have no clue about any of that stuff.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Real talk tho,,, I'm just tryin to inform cats about the pros and cons of this stuff. I'm not tryin to start !%@* with any of you, let's just keep it movin and help0 each other get MONEY. NT stand up.[/color]
[/color][/font][font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica]
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

what's the champions league?

Let me post real quick before this thread fades into BOLIVIAN...

There is definitely money to be made investing in precious medals and silver is def. a viable option for those who can't afford to get into gold. But the problem I have is that when purchasing these precious medals you have to pay so many surcharges. For example AMPEX already prices their gold above market value... Then on top of that they charge like a $50 fee just to process credit card transactions. GOLD closed at
[font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]$1430.20/oz and AMPEX was charging about $1520 to have an ounce shipped to me.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)] So someone explain to me how that is a good investment? The only way you could really PROFIT is if you plan on holding it for 2-3 years at least. And I live in a part of the country where everyone buys gold but no one seems to be selling it. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]2 years ago.... 24K gold 1 gram bars were going for $29-$35 on ebay... Look at the prices on there now. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]If you got in 2-3 years ago... You are eating REAL GOOD off gold.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]But I'm just posting about my experiences on purchasing physical gold.... As far as gold stocks and such I have no clue about any of that stuff.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Real talk tho,,, I'm just tryin to inform cats about the pros and cons of this stuff. I'm not tryin to start !%@* with any of you, let's just keep it movin and help0 each other get MONEY. NT stand up.[/color]
[/color][/font][font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica]
I would also like to recommend buying extra can food and water. Seriously, because when shtf, you won't be rushing to the market.

Don't get me wrong. I got my stash too. But it looks like people are jumping in cuz it sounds good and they don't know whats going on.

Yes Ron Paul, Peter schiff and do provide some insightful information. And all are pretty much saying that all central banks are printing like crazy to pay for their expenses/ debts.

Gold is a good indicator for inflation. When you calulate the CPI for inflation, there is something missing. Food and energy. Thats whys when Berneke(sp) keeps saying we have no inflation. Well thats because the govt. removed food and energy when calulating the cpi. You might have notice the higher gas prices at the pump and at the market. Oil is traded in $. Everything is priced in $(Federal Reserve Notes).

Thats also the reason why everyone is rioting all over the world. Inflation. It takes more Fed Reserve notes to buy things. Peter Schiff explains these things in his vid and his radio show.

Silver is a whole other beast. Its extremely undervalued and the demand for physical silver is through the roof. Just look at the previous years the U.S. mint sold American silver eagles in 2010 compared to 2009. Silver is also consumed in electronics, solar power, and for the medical industry. But a lot electronics are throw away and not recycled. There is a excellent vid about this. I'll try to look for it. well pretty much we cant keep using silver for so long and not recycle it. There will be no silver left. The supply is there but its being consume.

Also heard Carlos Slims(sp) wants to get in silver. But cant. He'll cause a panic. He is one of many billionaires in the world that wants in.

Well. there you go. Get your knowledge first then dive in. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
I would also like to recommend buying extra can food and water. Seriously, because when shtf, you won't be rushing to the market.

Don't get me wrong. I got my stash too. But it looks like people are jumping in cuz it sounds good and they don't know whats going on.

Yes Ron Paul, Peter schiff and do provide some insightful information. And all are pretty much saying that all central banks are printing like crazy to pay for their expenses/ debts.

Gold is a good indicator for inflation. When you calulate the CPI for inflation, there is something missing. Food and energy. Thats whys when Berneke(sp) keeps saying we have no inflation. Well thats because the govt. removed food and energy when calulating the cpi. You might have notice the higher gas prices at the pump and at the market. Oil is traded in $. Everything is priced in $(Federal Reserve Notes).

Thats also the reason why everyone is rioting all over the world. Inflation. It takes more Fed Reserve notes to buy things. Peter Schiff explains these things in his vid and his radio show.

Silver is a whole other beast. Its extremely undervalued and the demand for physical silver is through the roof. Just look at the previous years the U.S. mint sold American silver eagles in 2010 compared to 2009. Silver is also consumed in electronics, solar power, and for the medical industry. But a lot electronics are throw away and not recycled. There is a excellent vid about this. I'll try to look for it. well pretty much we cant keep using silver for so long and not recycle it. There will be no silver left. The supply is there but its being consume.

Also heard Carlos Slims(sp) wants to get in silver. But cant. He'll cause a panic. He is one of many billionaires in the world that wants in.

Well. there you go. Get your knowledge first then dive in. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

I've got 14k in a CD... break it, pay the penalty and cop mad silver?
I am not sure if you're serious about this comment. You should do some personal research first before making impulsive decision.

   Silver is a whole other beast. Its extremely undervalued and the demand for physical silver is through the roof. Just look at the previous years the U.S. mint sold American silver eagles in 2010 compared to 2009. Silver is also consumed in electronics, solar power, and for the medical industry. But a lot electronics are throw away and not recycled. There is a excellent vid about this. I'll try to look for it. well pretty much we cant keep using silver for so long and not recycle it. There will be no silver left. The supply is there but its being consume.

  Yes. The US dollar is being devalued each and every day. So its not the value of silver that is rising, its the depreciating aspect of the dollar that is, thus you would need more dollars to purchase silver.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

I've got 14k in a CD... break it, pay the penalty and cop mad silver?
I am not sure if you're serious about this comment. You should do some personal research first before making impulsive decision.

   Silver is a whole other beast. Its extremely undervalued and the demand for physical silver is through the roof. Just look at the previous years the U.S. mint sold American silver eagles in 2010 compared to 2009. Silver is also consumed in electronics, solar power, and for the medical industry. But a lot electronics are throw away and not recycled. There is a excellent vid about this. I'll try to look for it. well pretty much we cant keep using silver for so long and not recycle it. There will be no silver left. The supply is there but its being consume.

  Yes. The US dollar is being devalued each and every day. So its not the value of silver that is rising, its the depreciating aspect of the dollar that is, thus you would need more dollars to purchase silver.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by cguy610

Not a bad idea to have some precious metals but for the most part they are to keep pace with inflation and not necessarily an investment. It sure beats holding cash though and for people that do not know much about investments, it is a good idea.

Silver has doubled in the past yr. Inflation isn't at 100 percent. Silver can make you rich my friend... It has the longest Intristic value known to man. Fiat currency is primarily made digitally. The outlook for the next few yrs is deficits more quantiatative easing(printing $) and higher taxes. Fiat currency cannot compete with 6000 yr history.
Silver will not make you rich.  I'm not trying to take a crap on your thread, just saying that you aren't going to get rich buying silver/gold.  Higher taxes will strengthen the dollar. 

You can't go wrong buying silver/gold, but you aren't going to get rich off of it. 
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by cguy610

Not a bad idea to have some precious metals but for the most part they are to keep pace with inflation and not necessarily an investment. It sure beats holding cash though and for people that do not know much about investments, it is a good idea.

Silver has doubled in the past yr. Inflation isn't at 100 percent. Silver can make you rich my friend... It has the longest Intristic value known to man. Fiat currency is primarily made digitally. The outlook for the next few yrs is deficits more quantiatative easing(printing $) and higher taxes. Fiat currency cannot compete with 6000 yr history.
Silver will not make you rich.  I'm not trying to take a crap on your thread, just saying that you aren't going to get rich buying silver/gold.  Higher taxes will strengthen the dollar. 

You can't go wrong buying silver/gold, but you aren't going to get rich off of it. 
Originally Posted by Futuristic

Anyone ever bought bars on eBay?

Yea. I have.

The only reason why I'd resort to ebay when it comes to buying silver, is getting the Engelhard bars. It seems that these bars are of greater value and always seem to be sold out quick whenever they're available at e-refineries.
Originally Posted by Futuristic

Anyone ever bought bars on eBay?

Yea. I have.

The only reason why I'd resort to ebay when it comes to buying silver, is getting the Engelhard bars. It seems that these bars are of greater value and always seem to be sold out quick whenever they're available at e-refineries.
After reading this statement at the end "Ironically,the catalyst this time may be realized when the financial system andthe global economy are found to be in better shape than most suspect,and that once the stimulus is slowly removed... surprise, surprise -life goes on and the markets function." You cannot believe anything this guy says to be true. Yeah the global economy will be found in better shape when half of Europe is going bankrupt, American cannot stop printing money, The Middle East is out of control and one of the biggest economies gets taken out overnight. Debts don't just get erased and vanish and the way America is choosing to deal with their debt problem is by printing more money (QE2). Whoever thinks the QE program is temporary is very clueless. QE will never end because the Fed is now 70% of the Treasury market. If they stop buying who will be buying? With no buyers the government can't raise the funds to cover its $1,500,000,000,000 deficit for this year and where will it get the funds to conver the $1,500,000,000,000 for next year? It is just impossible to keep printing money and keeping interest rates very low. Kenyesian Economics does not work and IMO is coming to an end and Hyperinflation very well may hit America and then we'll really see if you can sell those Tiffanys for $600 or even $50!

This little piece does a very good job at explaining the Feds QE program (QE2INFINITY)

Keeping the tent inflated

Sometimes physical analogies are the most helpful in understanding complex relationships. Let’s think of the economy as a large inflated tent. The extent of the tent’s inflation is the health of the economy. Under normal economic conditions the tent is fully inflated. In the course of time, events take place that cause the need for a correction to the economic system. New technology can come along which obsoletes old industries, bad investments and debt must be liquidated etc. When this happens a free market economy will correct itself. Capital tied up in failed industries will be reallocated and invested in new businesses. New jobs will ultimately be created and people will go back to work. Of course this reorganization takes place over time and this is what a recession is – a healing process for the economy. In our tent we can think of this as a tear that forms in the fabric. While this hole is being repaired, air escapes and the tent begins to sag a little. The extent of the drooping is the extent of the recession. Once fixed, the tent and the economy go back to normal.

QE is a wholly different method of keeping the tent propped up. It does not repair the hole, but rather attempts to keep the tent inflated by pumping more air in than is escaping through the hole. This is the new money being created and pushed into the economy to offset the credit destruction in the banking system. This is a dynamic process that must be maintained. The catch is that the hole doesn’t just stay a fixed size. The tear begins to lengthen allowing greater amounts of air to escape. The economic tent begins to sag until the volume of air being pumped in is increased to overcome the outflow. This is why QE can never end. To stop now, with such a large hole, would result in a severe and frightening recession. The tent would lose a tremendous amount of air in the time it takes to make such an extensive repair.

This process continues until eventually the hole is so large that the tent collapses around the massive flow of pumping air. This is the ultimate fate of money printing as policy – a currency crisis – the endless flow of new money loses purchasing power faster than it can be created. We are left with an inflationary depression in which savings are decimated and the standard of living of most Americans is dramatically lowered.
For the full article click here
After reading this statement at the end "Ironically,the catalyst this time may be realized when the financial system andthe global economy are found to be in better shape than most suspect,and that once the stimulus is slowly removed... surprise, surprise -life goes on and the markets function." You cannot believe anything this guy says to be true. Yeah the global economy will be found in better shape when half of Europe is going bankrupt, American cannot stop printing money, The Middle East is out of control and one of the biggest economies gets taken out overnight. Debts don't just get erased and vanish and the way America is choosing to deal with their debt problem is by printing more money (QE2). Whoever thinks the QE program is temporary is very clueless. QE will never end because the Fed is now 70% of the Treasury market. If they stop buying who will be buying? With no buyers the government can't raise the funds to cover its $1,500,000,000,000 deficit for this year and where will it get the funds to conver the $1,500,000,000,000 for next year? It is just impossible to keep printing money and keeping interest rates very low. Kenyesian Economics does not work and IMO is coming to an end and Hyperinflation very well may hit America and then we'll really see if you can sell those Tiffanys for $600 or even $50!

This little piece does a very good job at explaining the Feds QE program (QE2INFINITY)

Keeping the tent inflated

Sometimes physical analogies are the most helpful in understanding complex relationships. Let’s think of the economy as a large inflated tent. The extent of the tent’s inflation is the health of the economy. Under normal economic conditions the tent is fully inflated. In the course of time, events take place that cause the need for a correction to the economic system. New technology can come along which obsoletes old industries, bad investments and debt must be liquidated etc. When this happens a free market economy will correct itself. Capital tied up in failed industries will be reallocated and invested in new businesses. New jobs will ultimately be created and people will go back to work. Of course this reorganization takes place over time and this is what a recession is – a healing process for the economy. In our tent we can think of this as a tear that forms in the fabric. While this hole is being repaired, air escapes and the tent begins to sag a little. The extent of the drooping is the extent of the recession. Once fixed, the tent and the economy go back to normal.

QE is a wholly different method of keeping the tent propped up. It does not repair the hole, but rather attempts to keep the tent inflated by pumping more air in than is escaping through the hole. This is the new money being created and pushed into the economy to offset the credit destruction in the banking system. This is a dynamic process that must be maintained. The catch is that the hole doesn’t just stay a fixed size. The tear begins to lengthen allowing greater amounts of air to escape. The economic tent begins to sag until the volume of air being pumped in is increased to overcome the outflow. This is why QE can never end. To stop now, with such a large hole, would result in a severe and frightening recession. The tent would lose a tremendous amount of air in the time it takes to make such an extensive repair.

This process continues until eventually the hole is so large that the tent collapses around the massive flow of pumping air. This is the ultimate fate of money printing as policy – a currency crisis – the endless flow of new money loses purchasing power faster than it can be created. We are left with an inflationary depression in which savings are decimated and the standard of living of most Americans is dramatically lowered.
For the full article click here
Originally Posted by Beermann2

I would also like to recommend buying extra can food and water. Seriously, because when shtf, you won't be rushing to the market.

Don't get me wrong. I got my stash too. But it looks like people are jumping in cuz it sounds good and they don't know whats going on.

Yes Ron Paul, Peter schiff and do provide some insightful information. And all are pretty much saying that all central banks are printing like crazy to pay for their expenses/ debts.

Gold is a good indicator for inflation. When you calulate the CPI for inflation, there is something missing. Food and energy. Thats whys when Berneke(sp) keeps saying we have no inflation. Well thats because the govt. removed food and energy when calulating the cpi. You might have notice the higher gas prices at the pump and at the market. Oil is traded in $. Everything is priced in $(Federal Reserve Notes).

Thats also the reason why everyone is rioting all over the world. Inflation. It takes more Fed Reserve notes to buy things. Peter Schiff explains these things in his vid and his radio show.

Silver is a whole other beast. Its extremely undervalued and the demand for physical silver is through the roof. Just look at the previous years the U.S. mint sold American silver eagles in 2010 compared to 2009. Silver is also consumed in electronics, solar power, and for the medical industry. But a lot electronics are throw away and not recycled. There is a excellent vid about this. I'll try to look for it. well pretty much we cant keep using silver for so long and not recycle it. There will be no silver left. The supply is there but its being consume.

Also heard Carlos Slims(sp) wants to get in silver. But cant. He'll cause a panic. He is one of many billionaires in the world that wants in.

Well. there you go. Get your knowledge first then dive in. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.  for them food buckets
Originally Posted by Beermann2

I would also like to recommend buying extra can food and water. Seriously, because when shtf, you won't be rushing to the market.

Don't get me wrong. I got my stash too. But it looks like people are jumping in cuz it sounds good and they don't know whats going on.

Yes Ron Paul, Peter schiff and do provide some insightful information. And all are pretty much saying that all central banks are printing like crazy to pay for their expenses/ debts.

Gold is a good indicator for inflation. When you calulate the CPI for inflation, there is something missing. Food and energy. Thats whys when Berneke(sp) keeps saying we have no inflation. Well thats because the govt. removed food and energy when calulating the cpi. You might have notice the higher gas prices at the pump and at the market. Oil is traded in $. Everything is priced in $(Federal Reserve Notes).

Thats also the reason why everyone is rioting all over the world. Inflation. It takes more Fed Reserve notes to buy things. Peter Schiff explains these things in his vid and his radio show.

Silver is a whole other beast. Its extremely undervalued and the demand for physical silver is through the roof. Just look at the previous years the U.S. mint sold American silver eagles in 2010 compared to 2009. Silver is also consumed in electronics, solar power, and for the medical industry. But a lot electronics are throw away and not recycled. There is a excellent vid about this. I'll try to look for it. well pretty much we cant keep using silver for so long and not recycle it. There will be no silver left. The supply is there but its being consume.

Also heard Carlos Slims(sp) wants to get in silver. But cant. He'll cause a panic. He is one of many billionaires in the world that wants in.

Well. there you go. Get your knowledge first then dive in. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.  for them food buckets
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       
inventory accumilated doesnt equate to sales or profit , so your statement is voided... 
bye bye 
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       
inventory accumilated doesnt equate to sales or profit , so your statement is voided... 
bye bye 
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

what's the champions league?

Let me post real quick before this thread fades into BOLIVIAN...

There is definitely money to be made investing in precious medals and silver is def. a viable option for those who can't afford to get into gold. But the problem I have is that when purchasing these precious medals you have to pay so many surcharges. For example AMPEX already prices their gold above market value... Then on top of that they charge like a $50 fee just to process credit card transactions. GOLD closed at
[font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]$1430.20/oz and AMPEX was charging about $1520 to have an ounce shipped to me.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)] So someone explain to me how that is a good investment? The only way you could really PROFIT is if you plan on holding it for 2-3 years at least. And I live in a part of the country where everyone buys gold but no one seems to be selling it. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]2 years ago.... 24K gold 1 gram bars were going for $29-$35 on ebay... Look at the prices on there now. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]If you got in 2-3 years ago... You are eating REAL GOOD off gold.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]But I'm just posting about my experiences on purchasing physical gold.... As far as gold stocks and such I have no clue about any of that stuff.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Real talk tho,,, I'm just tryin to inform cats about the pros and cons of this stuff. I'm not tryin to start !%@* with any of you, let's just keep it movin and help0 each other get MONEY. NT stand up.[/color]
[/color][/font][font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica][font=Arial, Helvetica]
we aint trying to get rich off of it but were trying to make sure yall dont go broke. saving them dollars
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