***SF Giants 2009 Season Thread (88-74)***

Freddy Sanchez.

Wish he would've played at the AS game though.
Originally Posted by Dr 715

Freddie Sanchez, although a good hitter (over .300 for most of his career I believe) is not going to save our offense.
word! im not buying this whole freddie sanchez rumor! he may help our decent defense at 2nd, but as for the offense, not too much..
i was more interested in that victor martinez/jermaine dye rumor....players who have HR power in their presence will def. help out alot more than a freddiesanchez if you want runs scored...

if the giants want to stay in playoff contention and go deep into the playoffs or maybe the WS, i think they should trade for a guy w/ HR presence..althoughbig panda is showing it now, it wouldnt hurt to get another one..
I think Sanchez would definitely help (although Uribe has been hitting well as of late), but I have to agree that a power bat would be nice.
Originally Posted by UsedToBeCool

I think Sanchez would definitely help (although Uribe has been hitting well as of late), but I have to agree that a power bat would be nice.
I have to agree here. Sanchez is nice, but I want a middle of the order guy.
Victor Martinez is a leader in the clubhouse for Cleveland and I don't think they would move him. I think it would take more than we should give up to gethim.
Originally Posted by UsedToBeCool

Victor Martinez is a leader in the clubhouse for Cleveland and I don't think they would move him. I think it would take more than we should give up to get him.

Cosign Dye it shouldn't really take that much dudes 35 so he has a couple more years left. He's a Bay Area native so he'd be coming home.Rowand.Dye.Winn kinda old but better than what be have. That leaves us with Andre.Fred.Nate off the bench


Brian make it happen
How's somebody like Vernon Wells? Is he available? He was good a few years ago but his production has fallen. I don't know, I don't pay attentionto him as much as I should.

If he can return to his 2006 form, that'd be great. And yeah, he's starting to heat up now. Could be a sign of things to come from him.

^ His number use to be so mch better. I could see Toranto taking offers for him.
Dye would be better for the short trem. Wells thus long trem
Okay, this needs to be said.

Chances are, we will need to "overpay" to get a productive player to fill our needs. We don't have power bats on the farm to say we'll justwait a season or two. What we do have, as always it seems, are pitchers. Buster Posey is not going to carry a team offensively (word to Freddie Sanchez, Ithink they're similiar offensive players). So we'll need to give up prized prospects to get a good bat. If not, we're wasting Lincecum'sdominance and Cain's best season as a professional. Zito has been bad, but good for his standards. Maybe Sanchez has figured it out and will be moreconsistent from here on out. Affeldt has been a great pen guy and Romo has what it takes to bridge the gap between the starters and Wilson. What I'm sayingis this: the first half of this season has gone about as well as it could have. Why not make a push when things are going our way? Give up Alderson. +%%@ him.Because who knows where we'll be next season?
^For sure. Package Alderson with some other prospects for a middle of the order guy. Im down. I think Alderson will be an average, at best, pitcher in thebigs.
^That's exactly what I'm saying. But Sabean is a huge chicken**** wussy who doesn't want to risk another Pierzynski type trade. This is the lastyear of his contract if I'm not mistaken...
The thing with the Pierzynski trade.....sure it backfired. But at the time, it was a great trade. We gave up Nathan, who had a breakout in 2003 I believe, butwas completely average for the years up to then, Liriano who was hurt, and Bonser who STILL hasnt made an impact in the majors for an All Star Catcher.

Lets roll the dice here. I like our team. I dont love it.
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