***SF Giants 2009 Season Thread (88-74)***

OK, this is pure speculation and I'm just posting what I saw on McCovey Chronicles (probably the best Giants blog). I'm pretty sure this will never godown, but it's an off day so have at it.

We could be getting Rios and Halladay?
I don't know where he got the rumor but Evan Roberts of WFAN just reported that he's heard the Giants are discussing a blockbuster deal where they would send Jonathan Sanchez and prospects to Toronto for Roy Halladay and Alex Rios. I don't know who the prospects are, but the other day Roberts was trying to think of the name of the kid pitching prospect the Giants have, and he couldn't remember his name so you can't expect him to remember the names involved here.

Roberts was saying if the Giants pull this off the wildcard race would be over, and the Giants would probably even catch the Dodgers. I'm down with this in a big way as long as Bumgarner and Posey aren't involved, but you figure if the Giants take on this much salary, they should be able to hold on to their elite prospects. I would also expect them to take back a contract for this year like Randy Winn, although he could have them on his no trade list.
HAHA yea right, we would probably win the West with that trade. At least run away with the wild card. Never gonna happen
I dunno how reliable that source is, but I would imagine that the Jays would want Bumgarner in that deal. Maybe Sanchez, Alderson, +2 of our mid-tierprospects.
Originally Posted by chr1scross

was this mentioned?

Bruce Jenkins of the San Francisco Chronicle says no one will be watching Matt Holliday more closely than the Giants.

Billy Bean was on Chronicle live yesterday any know if he said anthing about him being on the market? I dont see Zito going anywhere as much as I'd likehim to leave.
I watched part of that segment on Chronicle live, but I don't remember him really shedding any light on the Holliday situation. They talked a lot aboutMoneyball and when the book came out (picking Chavez over Tejada, etc.). It seems like Beane is resigned to letting Holliday walk at the end of the season andtaking the 2 compensatory picks. Plus, our top trade pieces are pitchers and they have a good amount of young arms in the system.
Although adding Halladay to the rotation would pretty much pitch lights out, I'm not for adding Roy to the team. Pitching this season has been the strengthall year. We have the best bullpen in the league, we already have the solid rotation with Johnson being healthy. So, why would you want to upgrade a strengthwhen we have bigger problems to solve?

We are witnessing awesome performances from Linecum and Cain already and we don't know if we're going to have another opportunity like the one we havethis season. We don't know how the market will be next season, we don't know who'll be available, we don't know if we'll even be incontention next year and we don't even know how the offense will be next season. So, since the offense is still hot and the performances from Lincecum andCain are happening, why not get a big bat over Halladay?
I think most people would rather have a big bat over Halladay, but there aren't any huge bats floating around the rumor mill (yet).
Originally Posted by Tim Lincecum

Although adding Halladay to the rotation would pretty much pitch lights out, I'm not for adding Roy to the team. Pitching this season has been the strength all year. We have the best bullpen in the league, we already have the solid rotation with Johnson being healthy. So, why would you want to upgrade a strength when we have bigger problems to solve?

We are witnessing awesome performances from Linecum and Cain already and we don't know if we're going to have another opportunity like the one we have this season. We don't know how the market will be next season, we don't know who'll be available, we don't know if we'll even be in contention next year and we don't even know how the offense will be next season. So, since the offense is still hot and the performances from Lincecum and Cain are happening, why not get a big bat over Halladay?

Is there an echo in here?
As long as we are making moves to get better if its pitching so be.Imo the there are 3 spots set in stone. Tim, Matt and RJ. I'd really like to see Zitoskip a couple starts or work out of the bullpen. Sanchez and Sadowski would be 4 and 5
-A no-hitter and a couple of starts he's still not worth all that much.
I believe Sadowski was suppose to make tripple A start last week. I hope they have plans on calling him up.
Both Fred Levis and Keven Frandsen should be sent down. No reason to have sadowski in tripple A
Do you guys really think Sadowski is good? I only think that he got two wins because no one knew what he could throw. His third game, the batters knew what wascoming. I'd rather keep Sanchez in and see if he'd carry the momentum over.
I only played JV in 9th and 10th grade before I gave it up. I needed to get my grades up, plus I'm better at basketball. But Coach Ray is a prick and Iwasn't going to start hating the sport I love just because of him.

About John Donohue, yea, he was a little out of it at times, but he's a smart man and I respect him a lot. Great coach.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Do you guys really think Sadowski is good? I only think that he got two wins because no one knew what he could throw. His third game, the batters knew what was coming. I'd rather keep Sanchez in and see if he'd carry the momentum over.
Sanchez definitely deserves to be left in the starting rotation to see if he's actually turned the corner. But Sadowski didn't getknocked around too bad in his 3rd start. He just didn't get the corners and that's where he needs to pitch to stay effective. (Something Zito has yetto figure out in all his years with the Giants).
Originally Posted by Dr 715

I only played JV in 9th and 10th grade before I gave it up. I needed to get my grades up, plus I'm better at basketball. But Coach Ray is a prick and I wasn't going to start hating the sport I love just because of him.

About John Donohue, yea, he was a little out of it at times, but he's a smart man and I respect him a lot. Great coach.

Yea i thought about playing baseball, cause i played SS and OF in middle school, but i opted not too. But donohue is cool but weird and i heard he drinks whilethey are on road games like in SD or some where
. Also Ray is tough asnails, but he's a cool dude. I joke around with him about the Lakers all the time

[h3]TRADES: Pirates target extensions for two vets[/h3]With the trade deadline looming in the not-too-distant future, Dejan Kovacevic of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that the Bucs have started discussions with double-play combo Jack Wilson and Freddy Sanchez about contract extensions. Kovacevic writes, "There is a catch, one unusual in professional sports: If one player does not sign, the other probably will not, either. Wilson and Sanchez are best friends to the point of being virtually inseparable."

Looks like a Freddy Sanchez deal could be out of the question if they extend him.
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