Seriously, what was your reaction when Obama won the elections


Nov 4, 2008
I felt like crying I thought their was never gonna be a black president
blank reaction...still hasnt hit me...maybe it will when i see this change happening.
Well I understand the progress people all think we made atleast in terms of racial advancement. But in reality if u think of him as a normal person like I do.He's just another president elected that makes lots of promises during his campaign . Now the question is, will he be like the others before and onlydeliver 10% of what he told the people? We will find out. Though I'll be honest, I'm not as optimistic as most are. Especially since I think thatpeople over estimate the power that the president really has in this country. Which besides being a figure-head isn't all that much.
I was with my girl.....
actually went to the bathroom for a sec....
12 am (Alantic Time) mom calls me the back of my mind i know its good news
I hear my mom yelling and crying at the top of her lungs saying that 'WE DID IT'
I got down on my knees
And gave it up to the LORD ....
At the exact moment I was telling my cousin to S TFU
dude was in my left year talking about some jordan 6 rings %@$%!%@+ while the first african american president is being elected

2008 shoeheads ftl
I was shocked that he actually won, not because I don't think that he doesn't deserve it but more so that there was no cheating and he didn't loseby some fluke. And also hoping that he stays safe out in this crazy world.
I teared up but didn't let a tear fall cuz my aunt was sitting next to me.

I'm white since that matters

I started calling and texting people, telling them that my President was Black while playing the song in the background.
I almost cried...still hard to believe. I was proud of my fellow Americans unlike after the last election
i was crying tears of joy. like....bawling... i hadn't wanted or cared about something so much in so long.... and when he made his speech i lost it again
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