Serious Topic: For those of you who live in the hood.......

May 28, 2009
...The REAL hood. Like The Wire, well not really but kinda.

What do you do to stay positive? What are you going to do to get out (if you want to get out)? What is life REALLY like?

I was born in Camden, NJ and I thank the Lord that my mother got us outta there.
i lived in the "hood" for like 2 years (stayed with my grandparents) ...still kind of associated with it (family lives there)

just keep cool with your neighbors but not too cool if you understand what im saying....besides that just make sure you do your thing, and stay out oftrouble....thats as postive as it gets

EDIT- it wasnt as hood as The Wire...but still
they don't have computers, and if they do, its not for NT.

it's to either do something productive... or immensely wasteful
born the the southside of chicago, lived their until i was like 6 or 7
now i live in some weak +#% hoods
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

why are all these little kids so enamored by the hood

its not cool kids turn off the TV

I'm not even close to being a little kid enamored by the hood but ok.
I'm from the 'hood 'hood, but my mom moved us out when I was goin' to be a senior in HS. I was in one 'hood 'hood from birth to 6, thenmoved to the projects/'hood 'hood and lived there until I was 17. I've seen a lot and I've done some things, but the best way to keep your mindclear is to stay focused in the books. Me? I wasn't that focused in the books, and it didn't make it any better that when I came home from school, mymom and dad it was just me and my sister until around 8:30.

I was always outside, but my mom and dad taught me well enough not to make stupid choices that could endanger my life....well no, I've done somereckless/life endangerin' stuff, but I had better morals than a lot of other doods I was around. My in-home life was cool and calm, but durin' the day,I've gotten myself into trouble quite a few times....which got me in trouble in the house, but I learned.

I'm glad my mom and dad moved when they did, 'cause that's when I started gettin' into serious trouble involving the law at times. I was pissedabout it at first, 'cause I left all my friends back there, but the house we moved into was mad bigger and was way nicer than the old house. I visited afew times for like a year after I moved out, but I haven't been back since then. I still keep in touch with a few of my old boys, but some of them clockedout early, 2 of my friends are in jail right now, and there's one who really doesn't rock with me all like that anymore...we fought like 3 years afterI moved out 'cause his girl told him that I was bonin' her, meanwhile I didn't even know the broad.
oh well, she was ugly anyway [had a bodytho]. But yeah, me and him were fightin' the fair one, and his brother looked like he wanted to jump in, but he didn't. I don't have a problem withhis brother, but he's automatically not goin' to rock with me 'cause of his brother [I won the fight by the way, but I caught a nice one to theforehead.....pause.]
i dont live in the hood hood, but near it, and have homies who do. Not fun, they put there focus on something else rather than just be outside, selling stuff.They play football/basketball and just stay up. not easy to do tho. because i know people who have fallen into the trap of the hood which is selling, gettingin trouble acting reckless.
I'm from west Baltimore and to stay positive i just tried to keep myself outta trouble with sports, work, whatever. at times it felt like i would never getand it is still my permanent address but school keeps me away now. I just always hoped I could get up outta there, it's not really cool being around abunch of people who don't give a !#!@ about life no more. I felt like #%@$ was hopeless sometimes but if I gave up I would be in the same boat as theaverage hood %!!#$.
Born and raised on the border of North/West Oakland. I saw it all, a kid get sexually assualted, dudes getting jumped at the park after playing craps, Fatherskicking the !!$@ outta their kids and walking down the street to humiliate them. I had a boy whose mom was a prostitute. But you know what, I actually missliving there. Every now and then I find myself driving by my old neighborhood just to remenisce. One thing that will never leave you is your mentality andkeeping your guard up. You learn how to walk tough down the street and you don't let nobody fool you.
Lived in Oakland all my life, the 30s and 50s. I see everything that goes on, but I mind my business and do my own thing. I don't associate withindividuals who commit crimes or anything, and I try to surround myself with good people with the right morals. So now Im down in LA at an university. But yea,to Ruleofthirds, West Oakland is bad, glad i don't live there. My friend's mom, unfortunately was walking out her friend's house and got caught ina drive by, got popped in the head on 8th st n Adeline, by them Acorn ppl.
Real s**t... you just gotta focus up and ignore the negative...

Surround yourself wit a group of people that are about what you about... that believe what you believe...

Thats the program I followed to get where I needed to be...

Its not that hard to get up out as opposed to when I was younger...

I know a bunch of people that live in some slummy parts of Baltimore wit college degrees...

West Baltimore stand up...
Originally Posted by warriors510

Lived in Oakland all my life, the 30s and 50s. I see everything that goes on, but I mind my business and do my own thing. I don't associate with individuals who commit crimes or anything, and I try to surround myself with good people with the right morals. So now Im down in LA at an university. But yea, to Ruleofthirds, West Oakland is bad, glad i don't live there. My friend's mom, unfortunately was walking out her friend's house and got caught in a drive by, got popped in the head on 8th st n Adeline, by them Acorn ppl.

Damn that's sad, yeah the west all bad! Good to hear you made it out and that your in the right direction. I live in San Lorenzo now, still kinda hoodbut nothing like the O
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

they don't have computers, and if they do, its not for NT.

it's to either do something productive... or immensely wasteful
Damn near every house on my block got a computer. Computers aint aluxury no more. Theyre necessities.
Up to when I was 4 yrs old, I lived on East 21 Street about three blocks down from the Kenmore Theater in BK. After my 4th b-day my family moved to the SouthBX into some new private homes, right up the block from two projects. I have to say part of the reason I probably stayed out of trouble was because my motherreally didn't let me go out like that. Kids really get caught up all because of hanging out in the wrong crowds at young ages. I did well in school also,so I didn't get into anything I didn't need to. Back in the early 90s NYC was a warzone, its amazing how much crime has decreased.
Get out and go where to hide in the woods. Ha HA im going to the only state that matters . My state of mind.
Some real heartfelt stuff in this thread...I'm from sorta the hood (54th and Crenshaw/Leimert Park BRRRR) but it sounds like a lot of yall are from wayharder places and it's good to know yall have your heads on straight...stay safe
Just like most people said...u just gotta stay focused & positive and keep ur mind busy on other things. I was in school and had a job so I was barelyhome.

My pops & uncle were sellin and it made me see what type of people they were. I didn't wanna be apart of that and luckily it rang thru to my pops andhe actually made sure I stayed focused on books. My brother was amazed by it and he started slinging.
I am from a town in Massachusetts... called Worchester.. I dont live in the "hood" but i have ex-cons and crackheads living all over my neighborhood.

I havent heard a gunshot in my neighborhood and i have been living here for about 15 years. I see peraphenilia on the ground and things.

I have alot of homeless shelters surrounding my neighborhood.. and minorities are the dominant demographic....

My advice is to learn from your mom and dad listen to their advice and ALWAYS be involved in school.

School always presents opportunities for you to stay active and better yourself as a human being.

It's sad that we have "ghettos" in America and people making silly choices because of the thin line of "cool" & "loser"
Originally Posted by Nash

Some real heartfelt stuff in this thread...I'm from sorta the hood (54th and Crenshaw/Leimert Park BRRRR) but it sounds like a lot of yall are from way harder places and it's good to know yall have your heads on straight...stay safe
yeeaaa, I know that. I mean, people saw 'Boyz in the Hood' and thought we was duckin' and dodgin' bullets all the time but to behonest South Central wasn't all that bad
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