Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation

If your vocabulary contains "the narrative" when talking about current events, I'm just gonna assume you don't know what you're talking about.

Articles as old as the pandemic about the positions of various agencies have been posted, but they keep getting ignored in favor of

We get it. Everybody is consciously lying to you, and you really know what's going on...
Finally, someone who gets it. Stay woke bro.
Believe this massive media conglomerate.. but not that massive media conglomerate

It's really fascinating how inconsistently that "question everything" ethos is applied

Distrust of traditional media is foundational to that whole scene, but you'll never see them more gassed up than when a mainstream outlet lends the tiniest bit of credence to one of their ideas
It’s a very simple concept to understand… if there has been ample other forms of media & reporting something for a long time & it checks out..... the only reason people will post the article from mainstream media, is to highlight how often mainstream media will be extremely late/completely suppress information & hope that people will start to recognize it.

Also given the subject matter at hand, this stance is extra hilarious because their sure was a lot of #trustthescience, until the science didn't back their narrative & it became #trustthesciencethatagreeswithus :lol:
It’s a very simple concept to understand… if there has been ample other forms of media & reporting something for a long time & it checks out..... the only reason people will post the article from mainstream media, is to highlight how often mainstream media will be extremely late/completely suppress information & hope that people will start to recognize it.

Also given the subject matter at hand, this stance is extra hilarious because their sure was a lot of #trustthescience, until the science didn't back their narrative & it became #trustthesciencethatagreeswithus :lol:

Since you apparently think that the lab leak theory is now the scientific consensus, can you tell me what "low confidence" means in regard to the intelligence community?
It's really fascinating how inconsistently that "question everything" ethos is applied

Distrust of traditional media is foundational to that whole scene, but you'll never see them more gassed up than when a mainstream outlet lends the tiniest bit of credence to one of their ideas
The way our government in-fights and the media is basically our “step-government”, I half believe all of it. I just use MY best judgment, wait and see on everything.
funny people sure weren't worrying about "low confidence" when they were badgering people about shut downs, vaccines & other parts of the pandemic :lol: .

Yes they were lol. There was a huge split when it came to the opinions on the effectiveness of the vaccine given how new it was.
Yes they were lol. There was a huge split when it came to the opinions on the effectiveness of the vaccine given how new it was.

And those who were against the vaccine, or against the effectiveness of shutdowns, or social distancing etc etc were called conspiracy theorist, selfish, crazy etc etc... We are not going to sit here & act like people who questioned the pandemics origin & handling were met with respectful discourse & understanding.

It was a bunch of people completely disregarding the numerous lies & overall immoral actions of the media/drug companies over the years, telling everyone to shut up & just listen to whatever these entities tell you

Truly amazing to watch

This was one of the majors distributors of the Vaccine J&J

"Racial and ethnic disparities in U.S. healthcare are rife, with Black women facing higher risks to their health from discrimination. CultureBanx reported this is something Johnson & Johnson preyed upon as it began distributing baby powder through a specially curated network of churches and beauty salons targeting Black & Hispanic communities.

Moreover, J&J launched a $300,000 radio advertising campaign in six markets with the prime goal of reaching “curvy Southern women 18-49 skewing African American.” To add insult to injury, an independent investigation discovered that the company knew for decades that asbestos was mixed in with the talcum."

These are the same type of corporations people were told to trust & not question :lol: because of "Science"
Ah yes those poor persecuted anti-vaxxers...widely know for their respectful demeanor and understanding minds
And those who were against the vaccine, or against the effectiveness of shutdowns, or social distancing etc etc were called conspiracy theorist, selfish, crazy etc etc... We are not going to sit here & act like people who questioned the pandemics origin & handling were met with respectful discourse & understanding.

I actually agree with this. What I don't agree with is what I quoted and responded to.

People were much more willing to do the mask and social distancing protocols. When it came to actual vaccination, the pendulum shifted. Like half of my network didn't want to get the shot.

The weirdos were the ones who were claiming microchips and this and that.
And those who were against the vaccine, or against the effectiveness of shutdowns, or social distancing etc etc were called conspiracy theorist, selfish, crazy etc etc... We are not going to sit here & act like people who questioned the pandemics origin & handling were met with respectful discourse & understanding.

It was a bunch of people completely disregarding the numerous lies & overall immoral actions of the media/drug companies over the years, telling everyone to shut up & just listen to whatever these entities tell you

Truly amazing to watch

This was one of the majors distributors of the Vaccine J&J

"Racial and ethnic disparities in U.S. healthcare are rife, with Black women facing higher risks to their health from discrimination. CultureBanx reported this is something Johnson & Johnson preyed upon as it began distributing baby powder through a specially curated network of churches and beauty salons targeting Black & Hispanic communities.

Moreover, J&J launched a $300,000 radio advertising campaign in six markets with the prime goal of reaching “curvy Southern women 18-49 skewing African American.” To add insult to injury, an independent investigation discovered that the company knew for decades that asbestos was mixed in with the talcum."

These are the same type of corporations people were told to trust & not question :lol: because of "Science"
i'm not on either side but people siding with organizations run by whites who are clearly racist is funny TO YA BOY :lol:
And those who were against the vaccine, or against the effectiveness of shutdowns, or social distancing etc etc were called conspiracy theorist, selfish, crazy etc etc... We are not going to sit here & act like people who questioned the pandemics origin & handling were met with respectful discourse & understanding.

It was a bunch of people completely disregarding the numerous lies & overall immoral actions of the media/drug companies over the years, telling everyone to shut up & just listen to whatever these entities tell you

Truly amazing to watch

This was one of the majors distributors of the Vaccine J&J

"Racial and ethnic disparities in U.S. healthcare are rife, with Black women facing higher risks to their health from discrimination. CultureBanx reported this is something Johnson & Johnson preyed upon as it began distributing baby powder through a specially curated network of churches and beauty salons targeting Black & Hispanic communities.

Moreover, J&J launched a $300,000 radio advertising campaign in six markets with the prime goal of reaching “curvy Southern women 18-49 skewing African American.” To add insult to injury, an independent investigation discovered that the company knew for decades that asbestos was mixed in with the talcum."

These are the same type of corporations people were told to trust & not question :lol: because of "Science"

Not only that but J&J recently lost the largest lawsuit in European history cause their baby powder causes cancer. Baby powder. But this new vaccine they just whipped up, 100% safe, nothing to worry about. Countless examples of companies putting out products that cause injury and death, they knew their products were harmful, its been proven they knew, and they put it out anyways, for profit. Its wise to be skeptical of these large conglomerates and the narrative they push.
I actually agree with this. What I don't agree with is what I quoted and responded to.

People were much more willing to do the mask and social distancing protocols. When it came to actual vaccination, the pendulum shifted. Like half of my network didn't want to get the shot.

The weirdos were the ones who were claiming microchips and this and that.

Got you i see where your coming from, People were definitely more defensive about the vaccine in real life. However I can't think of too many mainstream media companies or government agencies that were partial on the matter. It was either propaganda in support of the vaccination, or propaganda & fear tactics to scare people away from taking it.

I can;t say there was much public discourse that didn't come with a bias
Not only that but J&J recently lost the largest lawsuit in European history cause their baby powder causes cancer. Baby powder. But this new vaccine they just whipped up, 100% safe, nothing to worry about. Countless examples of companies putting out products that cause injury and death, they knew their products were harmful, its been proven they knew, and they put it out anyways, for profit. Its wise to be skeptical of these large conglomerates and the narrative they push.
J&J vaccine had some issues with it and was pulled promptly after that was out and was unavailable as a vaccine.
Not only that but J&J recently lost the largest lawsuit in European history cause their baby powder causes cancer. Baby powder. But this new vaccine they just whipped up, 100% safe, nothing to worry about. Countless examples of companies putting out products that cause injury and death, they knew their products were harmful, its been proven they knew, and they put it out anyways, for profit. Its wise to be skeptical of these large conglomerates and the narrative they push.

That was the strangest thing about the pandemic

Prior to this i think medical companies were the ONE thing literally every group in America was weary about. Black/whi, gay/straight, rich poor, dem/repub etc etc.... all demos encountered examples of the corruption within these large drug companies.

So for the country to go from that to people literally bragging about which company they took the vaccine from is insane :lol: . Everyone has watched as these companies have lobbied in Washington, broke countless laws, done plenty of immoral business.... and like that media got the public tofight in favor of these companies.
Got you i see where your coming from, People were definitely more defensive about the vaccine in real life. However I can't think of too many mainstream media companies or government agencies that were partial on the matter. It was either propaganda in support of the vaccination, or propaganda & fear tactics to scare people away from taking it.

I can;t say there was much public discourse that didn't come with a bias

I shut all media off and stayed out of the COVID thread as of like 4/2020, give or take.

It was just too overwhelming for me personally, with the death counts, images of sick people, etc. I deferred to my PCP 100% and didn't allow any type of media or politician to make any decisions for me.
I think there are certainly some people in the media, and establishment
who engaged in irresponsible and stupid "trust the science" rhetoric.

and cynically used "science" to insulate themselves from scrutiny.
I criticized this at the time.

but that does not mean that you should throw your lot in with the most mendacious, stupid, anti-vax kooks and scammers.

media has it's problems, it doesn't mean 4chan Qanaon level brain rot is the answer.
People want to forget really hard how corpses were getting loaded up in mobile freezers because the morgues were full.

They want to act like hospitals didn't cancel all non-elective surgeries because there was no room to take care of covid patients.

They want to talk with an insight nobody had when the virus was spreading everywhere.

Don't point to Sweden: they followed recommendations to practice social distancing; 73% of their population got both doses of the vaccine. And it still cost them their elderly population.

We know very well how y'all disingenuous asses would have behaved if there wasn't any mandates: hospitals would still be full today, and we would still have to work from home because few people would have taken the vaccines.
I saw a vaccine ad on YouTube stating covid was the third leading cause of death in 2020. I wanna know what the first two was.
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