Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation

Vaccine was/is a scam

Cry about it because a bunch of you about to flame me but it’s true :lol:

These emails establish a clear pattern: Mr. Flaherty, representing the White House, expresses anger at the companies’ failure to censor Covid-related content to his satisfaction. The companies change their policies to address his demands. As a result, thousands of Americans were silenced for questioning government-approved Covid narratives. Two of the Missouri plaintiffs, Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, are epidemiologists whom multiple social-media platforms censored at the government’s behest for expressing views that were scientifically well-founded but diverged from the government line—for instance, that children and adults with natural immunity from prior infection don’t need Covid vaccines.

Begs the question, if the government line isn't consistent with the science then whose agenda are they serving?
Begs the question, if the government line isn't consistent with the science then whose agenda are they serving?

The author purposely misconstrues complaints and requests for "censorship". I wonder what her agenda is

We all want experts to be able to discuss freely and they were despite the narrative this article attempts to paint

Even today people are confused about whether vaccines are effective. It's certainly not due to a lack of information

"Natural immunity" from catching a virus is not effective public health policy and therefore never promoted as such
This article is from a conservative source. I don't support the republican platform but the content of this article is factual and unbiased as far as I know

An Energy Department report attributing the covid-19 pandemic to an accidental laboratory leak is reigniting conservative criticisms of major social networks, which banned users early on from suggesting the coronavirus was man-made before reversing course months later.

The finding is not conclusive: the department made its judgment with “low confidence,” the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday, and four other agencies have said natural transmission started it.

But Republicans are now citing the assessment as proof that tech companies like Facebook and Twitter were far too quick to remove posts questioning the origins of the pandemic under their rules against covid-19 misinformation.

Ronna McDaniel
, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, and Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.):

The Energy Department joins the FBI in its assessment that the virus likely spread due to an accident at a Chinese laboratory, the Journal reported.

As the pandemic ramped up in 2020, major social networks rolled out a series of policy changes to curb misleading claims about the virus, including theories about its roots.

Twitter said early on in May 2020 that it would at least label disputed tweets about the virus, including on its origins. For months after the pandemic began, the theory that the virus originated in a lab was reported as unlikely by medical experts and intelligence officials, some of whom called it a conspiracy theory and blasted claims China created it as a bioweapon.

Facebook made a more explicit policy change in February 2021, announcing that it would remove “debunked claims about the coronavirus and vaccines” including that “COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured.” Like other platforms, Facebook said it made the decision after “consultations with leading health organizations,” like the World Health Organization.

But the company reversed the policy after new reporting at the time reinvigorated the debate around the so-called Wuhan lab-leak theory, as I first reported in May 2021.
“In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” a Facebook spokesperson told me at the time.

A YouTube spokesperson said then that such claims were not in violation of its policies because “there has not been consensus” on the virus’s origins.
After Elon Musk’s takeover, Twitter said in November that it is “no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy.” In a Twitter thread on Sunday, Musk appeared to express support for the theory that the coronavirus pandemic originated from a lab.

Last year, the company disclosed it had suspended over 11,000 accounts and removed nearly 100,000 pieces of content globally while the policy was in effect between January 2020 and September 2022. It’s not clear how many of those actions may have been tied to covid-19 origin claims.

The new findings are also fueling fresh GOP allegations that tech companies “colluded” with the federal government to stifle viewpoints about the coronavirus pandemic.
Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.), who as Missouri’s attorney general sued to get communications between Biden administration officials and social media companies around medical misinformation, said Sunday he plans to “to make sure this censorship never happens again.”

More on agendas and censorship:

The campaign they were concerned about was the launch of an international push to force the drug industry to share the intellectual property and patents associated with coronavirus vaccine development. Making the patents available, in turn, would allow countries across the world to swiftly manufacture generic vaccines and other low-cost therapeutics to deal with the ongoing pandemic.

But it shows the extent to which pharmaceutical giants engaged in a global lobbying blitz to ensure corporate dominance over the medical products that became central to combatting the pandemic. Ultimately, the campaign to share Covid vaccine recipes around the world failed.

IN NOVEMBER, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism published a lengthy report showing that pharmaceutical companies went to great lengths to stifle efforts to share pandemic-related patents and IP, including threats to the leadership of Belgium, Colombia, and Indonesia. The Intercept has also detailed the domestic lobbying push to block support for a special World Trade Organization waiver necessary for the rapid creation of generic pandemic medicine.

The largely successful assault against the creation of generic vaccines resulted in an unprecedented explosion in profit for a few select biopharmaceutical drug interests. Pfizer and BioNTech generated a staggering $37 billion in revenue from its shared mRNA vaccine in 2021 alone, making it one of the most lucrative drug products of all time.

Moderna, which made $17.7 billion from vaccine sales in 2021, recently announced its plan to hike the price of its Covid shot by about 400 percent.

The high cost of vaccines and concentrated ownership meant supplies in 2021 were hoarded in the European Union, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Japan, and other wealthy countries, while much of the developing world was forced to wait for excess vaccines the following year.

“For more than two years, a global movement has been speaking out against pharmaceutical greed and demanding that everyone, everywhere has the tools to combat pandemics,” said Maaza Seyoum, a campaigner for the People’s Vaccine Alliance.

“Whatever nasty tricks companies and governments pull,” she added, “we cannot and will not be silenced.”

Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now, noted that at the time of BioNTech’s censorship request, much of the world was under various lockdown orders, making digital forms of protest all the more vital for influencing public policy.

“To try and stifle digital dissent during a pandemic, when tweets and emails are some of the only forms of protest available to those locked in their homes, is deeply sinister,” he said.

Vaccine was/is a scam

Cry about it because a bunch of you about to flame me but it’s true :lol:
Hell yeah brother
I hope to see you at the next anti-mask rally
Idk if I’ll be able to make it though, I got pulled over in my confederate flag painted truck and got arrested because the cop (probably a libtard) wouldn’t accept the truth about vaccines
Facebook made a more explicit policy change in February 2021, announcing that it would remove “debunked claims about the coronavirus and vaccines” including that “COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured.” Like other platforms, Facebook said it made the decision after “consultations with leading health organizations,” like the World Health Organization.

But the company reversed the policy after new reporting at the time reinvigorated the debate around the so-called Wuhan lab-leak theory, as I first reported in May 2021.
“In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” a Facebook spokesperson told me at the time.

So Facebook removed covid lab stories that were based on no evidence and eventually reversed course? (still based on no evidence)

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Where did you get the no evidence part from?

The finding is not conclusive: the department made its judgment with “low confidence,”

In other words, they need more info, they still don't have it, and what they have can't lead them to a satisfactory conclusion.

Unless you can show that there was more salient evidence from three years ago that was suppressed, the conclusion above is still the one people should go by.
Where did you get the no evidence part from?

The belief of the FBI is not evidence. It's a judgment or conclusion. Same with DOE

I don't know what the FBI is basing their conclusion on if they won't reveal that information

And fine I get it, it's classified. But how can I or anybody possibly assess it?
The FBI's official position is lab leak with moderate confidence. 4 of the 8 agencies lean natural spread with low confidence. There is yet to be a consensus and both possibilities are still on the table and should be viewed with an open mind. There is no definitive conclusion.

So are all vaccines fraudulent or just the Covid vaccine?

And why stop there? What about other medical sciences?

Ask Big Sean, he’ll tell you magnesium healed his heart issues when the doc told him he needed surgery “and that’s how I know western medicine week”

Not saying I buy into that lol.
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