Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation

Lol what? One person lets the dog loose and leaves, the other person is in trouble for not catching all the dogs yet? How does that logic work?

let’s also take into account the surge is in people refusing to take the widely available and free vaccine simply out of spite.

I Will fault any administration for what they do wrong but this isn’t even up for debate
Does this current administration not have all the tools to protect its citizens?
Does this current administration not have all the tools to protect its citizens?
They kind of have been putting those tools to use e.g. vaccines. Like what else can the fed do? You want FEMA camps for real? Cant say "**** the vaccine" and refuse to get it, then turn around and say the govt ain't doing **** to help. (Not you personally)
They kind of have been putting those tools to use e.g. vaccines. Like what else can the fed do? You want FEMA camps for real?
Referring back to the post I originally quoted, if the past administration had all the tools before vaccines were even an option, why doesn't this administration also have all the tools?
On some hostile nation steez….

This is Americas “golden ticket” to impede china’s quest for global superiority…..

best believe high level intelligence (CIA, MILITARY) is building the case as we speak.

china gonna pay.

Some technical bro jargon that even further supports lab leak theory:

anytime a contagion is released there is always patient zero or the initial “host” to whom the virus “jumped”

everytime the virus is passed from one person to the other, it changes slightly (variants for my folks in the byke) and biochemists can back track the origin of the virus by testing the earliest folks infected and seeing what varient of the virus they had…..

NONE of the people tested at the wet lab were patient 0….I think I had read they were able to determine that by the time the FIRST PERSON had contracted covid in the wet market it had jumped/evolved multiple times already……..

so they are STILL SEARCHING for patient 0

Initially employees from the lab had came out and said previous to the “wet market” incident that some scientists from the lab fell ill and were missing from work.

the truth will come out. The biology will eventually tell the story and so will the events that happened at the wet market. It’s only a matter of time.

china is trying their damndest to cover this up though.
Does this current administration not have all the tools to protect its citizens?
1. There are citizen openly denying the protection given.

2. The damage is done in some cases

3. the mess is out. It was easier to stop it than clean it up. Maybe prevent is a better word

4. do they have the tools? The answer is no to a degree. We can see the number of people finally vaccinated
1. There are citizen openly denying the protection given.

2. The damage is done in some cases

3. the mess is out. It was easier to stop it than clean it up. Maybe prevent is a better word

4. do they have the tools? The answer is no to a degree. We can see the number of people finally vaccinated
Weren't cases substantially down months ago with credit being given to the way this administration handled the situation? Now there is a resurgence and the claim is that they don't have the tools? Seems it may coincide with the mask mandate being lifted
There is a lot of layers of the onion to peel back on this and sadly, we all gotta come to terms with the fact our own government didn't give a single damn. BIG LEEMELONE BIG LEEMELONE posted that vanity fair article and I suggest folks with time actually read it.
Great question.

I guess we tend to believe them whenever what they are promoting lines up to what we want to be true?
Basically. But either way seeing as they have been caught in lies historically time and time again, there's no reason for me to believe they primarily act in the interest of its citizens esp. those of color.
Referring back to the post I originally quoted, if the past administration had all the tools before vaccines were even an option, why doesn't this administration also have all the tools?
When water is still in the bottle, you can keep it from spilling by using a cap.
Once the water has been spilled, using a cap will not put the water back in the bottle. You'll need sponges and funnels.
Weren't cases substantially down months ago with credit being given to the way this administration handled the situation? Now there is a resurgence and the claim is that they don't have the tools? Seems it may coincide with the mask mandate being lifted
And who is lobbing for the mandates to be lifted? Who made sure no mask mandate was going to happen? Who denied this was a thing to begin with? Like balldontlie206 balldontlie206 said, there’s so much to this.
After the 9/11 attacks, and the mysterious anthrax mailings that began a week later (which said, “TAKE PENACILIN [sic] NOW / DEATH TO AMERICA / DEATH TO ISRAEL / ALLAH IS GREAT”), the desire for biopreparedness became all consuming. Now there were emerging biothreats from humans as well as from the evolving natural world. Fauci’s anti-terror budget went from $53 million in 2001 to $1.7 billion in 2003. Setting aside his work toward an AIDS vaccine, which was taking longer than he’d foreseen, Fauci said he would be going all out to defend against a suite of known Cold War agents, all of which had been bred and perfected in American weapons programs many years before — brucellosis, anthrax, tularemia, and plague, for instance. “We are making this the highest priority,” Fauci said. “We are really marshaling all available resources.”

Vaccine development had to progress much faster, Fauci believed; he wanted to set up “vaccine systems” and “vaccine platforms,” which could be quickly tailored to defend against a particular emergent strain some terrorist with an advanced biochemistry degree might have thrown together in a laboratory. “Our goal within the next 20 years is ‘bug to drug’ in 24 hours,” Fauci said. “This would specifically meet the challenge of genetically engineered bioagents.” The first Project BioShield contract Fauci awarded was to VaxGen, a California pharmaceutical company, for $878 million worth of shots of anthrax vaccine.

By 2005, so much money was going toward biothreat reduction and preparedness that more than 750 scientists sent a protest letter to the NIH. Their claim was that grants to study canonical biowar diseases — anthrax, plague, brucellosis, and tularemia, all exceptionally rare in the U.S. — had increased by a factor of 15 since 2001, whereas funds for the study of widespread “normal” diseases, of high public-health importance, had decreased.

Fauci was firm in his reply: “The United States through its leaders made the decision that this money was going to be spent on biodefense,” he said. “We disagree with the notion that biodefense concerns are of ‘low public-health significance.’ ”

In 2010, by one count, there were 249 BSL-3 laboratories and seven BSL-4 laboratories in the U.S., and more than 11,000 scientists and staffers were authorized to handle the ultralethal germs on the government’s select pathogen list. And yet the sole bioterrorist in living memory who actually killed American citizens, according to the FBI — the man who sent the anthrax letters — turned out to be one of the government’s own researchers. Bruce Ivins, an eccentric, suicidal laboratory scientist from Ohio who worked in vaccine development at Fort Detrick, allegedly wanted to boost the fear level so as to persuade the government to buy more of the patented, genetically engineered anthrax VaxGen vaccine, of which he was a co-inventor. (See David Willman’s fascinating biography of Ivins, Mirage Man.) Fauci’s staff at NIH funded Ivins’s vaccine laboratory and gave $100 million to VaxGen to accelerate vaccine production. (The NIH’s $878 million contract with VaxGen, however, was quietly canceled in 2006; Ivins, who was never charged, killed himself in 2008.)

“The whole incident amounted to a snake eating its own tail,” wrote Wendy Orent in an August 2008 piece titled “Our Own Worst Bioenemy” in the Los Angeles Times. “No ingenious biowarrior from Al Qaeda sent the lethal envelopes through the U.S. postal system. An American scientist did.” What confirmed Ivins’s guilt, according to the FBI, was that there was a genetic match between the anthrax used in the killings and the strain held at Fort Detrick.

When water is still in the bottle, you can keep it from spilling by using a cap.
Once the water has been spilled, using a cap will not put the water back in the bottle. You'll need sponges and funnels.
Do you feel there's nothing this administration could've done better to prevent this current resurgence?
On some hostile nation steez….

This is Americas “golden ticket” to impede china’s quest for global superiority…..

best believe high level intelligence (CIA, MILITARY) is building the case as we speak.

china gonna pay.

Some technical bro jargon that even further supports lab leak theory:

anytime a contagion is released there is always patient zero or the initial “host” to whom the virus “jumped”

everytime the virus is passed from one person to the other, it changes slightly (variants for my folks in the byke) and biochemists can back track the origin of the virus by testing the earliest folks infected and seeing what varient of the virus they had…..

NONE of the people tested at the wet lab were patient 0….I think I had read they were able to determine that by the time the FIRST PERSON had contracted covid in the wet market it had jumped/evolved multiple times already……..

so they are STILL SEARCHING for patient 0

Initially employees from the lab had came out and said previous to the “wet market” incident that some scientists from the lab fell ill and were missing from work.

the truth will come out. The biology will eventually tell the story and so will the events that happened at the wet market. It’s only a matter of time.

china is trying their damndest to cover this up though.

Mind you they study thousands of different types of these ********at this place.

Wuhan lab’s classified work complicates search for pandemic’s origins

"A review of the lab’s public records and internal guidelines reveals the existence of unspecified classified projects and discussion of the lab’s responsibilities under China’s state secrets law. Some records mention protocols for disclosing information to foreigners and the sealing of some research reports for up to two decades."
I think i was banned from the covid thread for posting an article suggesting this :lol: .

either way, hella hilarious that once this geezer is about to lead us into WW3 NOW the government is ready to tell the truth. Trying to steer public perception of China, amazing to watch
ANYTHING against the mainstream public narrative is labelled a conspiracy so it is more easily dismissed.

This has always been going on. Now that there's more ways to share information, it allows us to see how some things or intentionally suppressed while others are higlighted and put to the forefront.

Its called News, but its no longer about equipping people so they can make informed decisions. Its about directing and encouraging behaviors and emotions.
If your vocabulary contains "the narrative" when talking about current events, I'm just gonna assume you don't know what you're talking about.

Articles as old as the pandemic about the positions of various agencies have been posted, but they keep getting ignored in favor of
directing and encouraging behaviors and emotions

We get it. Everybody is consciously lying to you, and you really know what's going on...
lmfaoo why do you dudes be so upset that people don't believe a media conglomerate that has proven for decades that it Lies & purposely tries to sway public opinion :lol: .
lmfaoo why do you dudes be so upset that people don't believe a media conglomerate that has proven for decades that it Lies & purposely tries to sway public opinion :lol: .

That's funny because the OP came back a year and half later to take a victory lap over a CNN article citing an intelligence review that gives credibility to the lab leak theory.
Certain people won't accept information unless they're told to believe it by a mainstream media source. All the information was available at the beginning of the pandemic but many just flat out refused to even consider the possibility. The vanity fair article (and numerous others) came out a month(s) before Biden's announcement but most didn't pay it any mind until Biden announced it. Now that it's been 'verified' people act like they never believed the bat theory and it's common sense that it originated in a lab.
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