Saw the grimiest thing ever in my life last night

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yall aint check that dude?
IMO Ur just as big a clown as the thief.
this is the truth ol someone knocked out his getting their wallet stolen and im disgusted but too scared to do anything so im just goin to go home and post about it on niketalk type dude

Thats what i was saying to cause he a sucker wanna vent about it on niketalk when he had a chance to address the issue but went out like a coward

im sure you guys would have bodied son on the spot and then a dime would drop her draws on the spot to show appreciaton for your heroic actions. lets not forget op said this happened in the street after the club when the streets is FULL of people. so now hes a punk and a sucker cause he didnt do anything like tons of other people?

did it ever occur to you that maybe dude was brolic and op is frail? or maybe that he didnt know if dude was rolling with his peoples? or that someone grimey enough to go through a mans pockets while he could be dying is not the type of person you should try and be capn save a joe cause he might be just a wild !#% dude?

its so easy to judge people with 1/3 the facts over the internet.
Co-sign. It's so easy for you people to say this on a computer when you weren't even there when the situation was happening.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

I don't know what's worse. The story or you calling him the "N" word.

haha i got banned a few weeks ago for somethin like this but damn..homie pretty much spelled it out....and with the "ER" at the end...

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yall aint check that dude?
IMO Ur just as big a clown as the thief.
this is the truth ol someone knocked out his getting their wallet stolen and im disgusted but too scared to do anything so im just goin to go home and post about it on niketalk type dude

Thats what i was saying to cause he a sucker wanna vent about it on niketalk when he had a chance to address the issue but went out like a coward

im sure you guys would have bodied son on the spot and then a dime would drop her draws on the spot to show appreciaton for your heroic actions. lets not forget op said this happened in the street after the club when the streets is FULL of people. so now hes a punk and a sucker cause he didnt do anything like tons of other people?

did it ever occur to you that maybe dude was brolic and op is frail? or maybe that he didnt know if dude was rolling with his peoples? or that someone grimey enough to go through a mans pockets while he could be dying is not the type of person you should try and be capn save a joe cause he might be just a wild !#% dude?

its so easy to judge people with 1/3 the facts over the internet.

I dont know how yall dudes go thru life never standin up for yaselves or what yall believe in. if u take a L so what. %#!%@! so scared to get punchednowadays.

and OP said he was deep with his peoples too rite? All them watched ONE guy steal from someone damn near dying.

yall parents raisin a buncha cowards.
that why dude knew he could get away with riflin thru Guys pockets, cus society as a whole is so LAME, they let @%%% like this happen then complain about itlater. Child please
Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

its alll good fellas, homie said he was black

you guys kill me really I'm black as well and really we all say the N word well at least 90% of us...leave it to you guys to act self-righteous check allof the black NT Twitters and im sure you'll see the N word more than once...get over it.
Originally Posted by vezon

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yall aint check that dude?
IMO Ur just as big a clown as the thief.
this is the truth ol someone knocked out his getting their wallet stolen and im disgusted but too scared to do anything so im just goin to go home and post about it on niketalk type dude

Thats what i was saying to cause he a sucker wanna vent about it on niketalk when he had a chance to address the issue but went out like a coward

im sure you guys would have bodied son on the spot and then a dime would drop her draws on the spot to show appreciaton for your heroic actions. lets not forget op said this happened in the street after the club when the streets is FULL of people. so now hes a punk and a sucker cause he didnt do anything like tons of other people?

did it ever occur to you that maybe dude was brolic and op is frail? or maybe that he didnt know if dude was rolling with his peoples? or that someone grimey enough to go through a mans pockets while he could be dying is not the type of person you should try and be capn save a joe cause he might be just a wild !#% dude?

its so easy to judge people with 1/3 the facts over the internet.
Co-sign. It's so easy for you people to say this on a computer when you weren't even there when the situation was happening.

well if your not going to do anything about it then don't go posting about how disgusted you are about it, people get robbed everyday thats life boohoo hoo, but if something really disgusted me like op said it disgusted him i woulda spoke up on it there. then again when i go clubbin i always go withabout 4-5 people so that i don't end up in the position that the guy who got his wallet stolen ended up in.
Op maybe you should have done something instead of watching and posting it on nt if you care so much. You were probably too scared though since he was a"blank." So i guess that makes you the real punk in the situation.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yall aint check that dude?
IMO Ur just as big a clown as the thief.
this is the truth ol someone knocked out his getting their wallet stolen and im disgusted but too scared to do anything so im just goin to go home and post about it on niketalk type dude

Thats what i was saying to cause he a sucker wanna vent about it on niketalk when he had a chance to address the issue but went out like a coward

im sure you guys would have bodied son on the spot and then a dime would drop her draws on the spot to show appreciaton for your heroic actions. lets not forget op said this happened in the street after the club when the streets is FULL of people. so now hes a punk and a sucker cause he didnt do anything like tons of other people?

did it ever occur to you that maybe dude was brolic and op is frail? or maybe that he didnt know if dude was rolling with his peoples? or that someone grimey enough to go through a mans pockets while he could be dying is not the type of person you should try and be capn save a joe cause he might be just a wild !#% dude?

its so easy to judge people with 1/3 the facts over the internet.

I dont know how yall dudes go thru life never standin up for yaselves or what yall believe in. if u take a L so what. %#!%@! so scared to get punched nowadays.

and OP said he was deep with his peoples too rite? All them watched ONE guy steal from someone damn near dying.

yall parents raisin a buncha cowards.
that why dude knew he could get away with riflin thru Guys pockets, cus society as a whole is so LAME, they let @%%% like this happen then complain about it later. Child please

yea im a coward. once again you are on the internet passing judgment and making assumptions. you have no clue based on one post you read from me that i gothrough life not standing up for myself. nice try though Superman.

i dont know what world you live in, but on planet earth its a well known fact that the real Cowards out there don't throw hands anymore. maybe if we stilllived in a society where two MEN can throw hands one on one without people jumping in or someone coming back with a pistol cause they hands were weak i wouldconsider solving things with my fists more. however that is not the case anymore and i value my life way more than defending my beliefs in the streets and onthe interweb.
heres reply in simpler terms, If you or any of yall woulda sat back and let dude rifle thru that guys wallet, Yall ALL Cowards. I dont need to know nothingmore about you or anyone.

definition of
a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yall aint check that dude?
IMO Ur just as big a clown as the thief.
this is the truth ol someone knocked out his getting their wallet stolen and im disgusted but too scared to do anything so im just goin to go home and post about it on niketalk type dude

Thats what i was saying to cause he a sucker wanna vent about it on niketalk when he had a chance to address the issue but went out like a coward

im sure you guys would have bodied son on the spot and then a dime would drop her draws on the spot to show appreciaton for your heroic actions. lets not forget op said this happened in the street after the club when the streets is FULL of people. so now hes a punk and a sucker cause he didnt do anything like tons of other people?

did it ever occur to you that maybe dude was brolic and op is frail? or maybe that he didnt know if dude was rolling with his peoples? or that someone grimey enough to go through a mans pockets while he could be dying is not the type of person you should try and be capn save a joe cause he might be just a wild !#% dude?

its so easy to judge people with 1/3 the facts over the internet.

It's Nothing About heroics i was raised a certain way even tho i'm from the hood i got morals instilled in me i just don't tolerate certain stuffand this is 1 of them situations so by u saying what u said i know u live ya life not standing up for stuff that should be addressed scared to get ya *** beatfor what u believe in than something is wrong with u period
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

heres reply in simpler terms, If you or any of yall woulda sat back and let dude rifle thru that guys wallet, Yall ALL Cowards. I dont need to know nothing more about you or anyone.

definition of
a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.
I'mma just do the NT thing and call you a hater you didnt get to his wallet first.
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yall aint check that dude?
IMO Ur just as big a clown as the thief.
this is the truth ol someone knocked out his getting their wallet stolen and im disgusted but too scared to do anything so im just goin to go home and post about it on niketalk type dude

Thats what i was saying to cause he a sucker wanna vent about it on niketalk when he had a chance to address the issue but went out like a coward

im sure you guys would have bodied son on the spot and then a dime would drop her draws on the spot to show appreciaton for your heroic actions. lets not forget op said this happened in the street after the club when the streets is FULL of people. so now hes a punk and a sucker cause he didnt do anything like tons of other people?

did it ever occur to you that maybe dude was brolic and op is frail? or maybe that he didnt know if dude was rolling with his peoples? or that someone grimey enough to go through a mans pockets while he could be dying is not the type of person you should try and be capn save a joe cause he might be just a wild !#% dude?

its so easy to judge people with 1/3 the facts over the internet.

It's Nothing About heroics i was raised a certain way even tho i'm from the hood i got morals instilled in me i just don't tolerate certain stuff and this is 1 of them situations so by u saying what u said i know u live ya life not standing up for stuff that should be addressed scared to get ya *** beat for what u believe in than something is wrong with u period

thats cool mr doe boi. you go ahead with your hood mentality that your a coward if you dont choose to fight physically to prove how passionate you are aboutsomething. i guess martin luther king was a coward cause he wasnt busting white peoples heads open for civil rights. YOU HAVE OPENED MY EYES, FROM THIS DAY ONI WILL NOT HONOR THAT COWARD MLK. SUCKER DIDNT THROW A SINGLE PUNCH IN THE NAME OF PROGRESSING THE BLACK COMMUNITY.

wait up wait up wait up before we argue about how soft the o.p is ( i must say he's softer then baby poo) how the hell did the guy who got knocked out androbbed get thrown to the ground and knocked out by 2 girls. they must have been some big massive broads to do that to him
So u telling me MLK didn't stand up for what he believed in and died behind it ? Unlike u MLK stood up and spoke against what he felt was wrong now did uconfront the person while r after he took the persons wallet is the question sir ?
wait a sec...yall are trippin about dude using that word and it flys out of most folks mouth on here on the regular.
I dont get it
Originally Posted by JuJu

thats cool mr doe boi. you go ahead with your hood mentality that your a coward if you dont choose to fight physically to prove how passionate you are about something. i guess martin luther king was a coward cause he wasnt busting white peoples heads open for civil rights. YOU HAVE OPENED MY EYES, FROM THIS DAY ON I WILL NOT HONOR THAT COWARD MLK. SUCKER DIDNT THROW A SINGLE PUNCH IN THE NAME OF PROGRESSING THE BLACK COMMUNITY.



Now u dont have a leg to stand on. U made absolutely NO SENSE.
I hope your laughing at yourself otherwise youre trying too hard.

Martin Luther King took a Non-Violent apporach to solving problems. cowardly and non violence are 2 completely different things.
definition of
a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.

MLK was the definition of courage cus he stood up for what he believed in, had nothign to do with Violence. had to do with knowing right fromwrong and doing somethin about it.

I just assumed he was white the way he was trying to spell it all out. You know most would be like this ___ walked away.

He went alll the way with it
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