San Francisco Niketalkers, is this really how you guys are living?

Went to Cali in 2016 and couldn't believe how many were living in tents on the streets. It was like a whole community and it was seemingly normal. This was LA not sure how SF is
Went to Cali in 2016 and couldn't believe how many were living in tents on the streets. It was like a whole community and it was seemingly normal. This was LA not sure how SF is
Same ****, they just get moved around often.
Yeah, a lot of middle-aged people I work with surprised the **** out of me when they said they only go to Berkeley or Marin for outdoor ****. I kind of like it though, so they can stay the hell out of areas that still feel familiar.

True. I remember my friend brought one of his white techie friends down to Little Saigon in San Jose, and you would've thought we brought him to mid 90s East Oakland based on the look on his face (despite everything being renovated, 1.5-2 million homes nearby, etc). I'm kind of glad they have that type of reaction so they dont ruin the remaining cultured neighborhoods throughout the Bay
Went to Cali in 2016 and couldn't believe how many were living in tents on the streets. It was like a whole community and it was seemingly normal. This was LA not sure how SF is

Bro I even have homeless people here in Switzerland. Same dudes everyday asking me for change.
For example, when my girlfriend moved here from Indonesia, she thought San Jose, Oakland, San Mateo, Fremont, etc. were very far and different from each other, but then when she got a hang of the area, she compared it to "Ok, SF is like North Jakarta, while San Jose is South Jakarta (those two areas are about 45 mins-1 hour away from each other)" wife never left SF growing up. When I met her 10 years ago, she though Sacramento was right behind Oakland. Haha. She never even heard of Fairfield before and even the smaller cities going toward Vallejo like Hercules, Rodeo and Crocket. I grew up in El Sobrante but just say Richmond because that is the more known city. People always give me that crazy face when I tell them I grew up in Richmond but little do they know, I grew up in the pic below.

A lot of friends in Oakland moved to the South in 2014/2015.
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I’ve heard of people driving from Coalinga to work in SF smh. Crazy and not worth it IMO. Don’t care how much you making and saving on a house note. That’s like 3+ hours at least. Straight up taking hours off your life trying to do that commute lol.

I know someone driving from Patterson to Santa Clara everyday too. Their excuse is that they doesn’t drive at prime times when there’s traffic. I’m like bruh... that’s way too far lol.
@moderndarwin Actually those transplants that you're talking about has made SF a lot less diverse than when I was growing up in the 90s etc. Most of those ppl that are working at all the startups that moved from the east coast or midwest etc. all have pretty much the same type of background, they tend to be white and come from anywhere from at least upper middle class to rich families that spent an insane amount of money for private schools for them their whole lives all the way up to the Ivy League/Private univerisity they graduated and then went to work at a Bay Area Startup, tech company or VC firm. They love those Patagonia jackets sfc415 sfc415 hit it on the head with that, and they love living in the Marina, Russian Hill etc. if they live in SF and take the Chariot to commute to SOMA to work. They love taking trips to Southeast Asia or Machu Picchu for IG pictures etc. etc. it goes on.

So accurate.
It's funny you mention Kensington, I remember catching the wrong bus from Berkeley to get to El Cerrito and it drove through Kensington. I was asking myself where the hell am I? From that day forward, I starting taking it since it was a relaxing route.
sounds like the 7, used to take that bus all the time into berkeley back in the day.
Chariot....who thought something like that would have made sense in SF. Crazy people want to spend more money to not get on buses because they think it's inconvenient. Similar thing happened to a boba place near me in the Fillmore. Quicklys was in there for the longest but it didn't do to well and always had sort of a dirty feel. Then another boba place opened and they revamped it and that still didn't do that well. Then 2 years back, Boba Guys open there and charge way more than your average and clean it up even more and I kid you not, there is literally a line everyday for kids/adults to get boba drinks that essentially taste the same as the others.
Chariot....who thought something like that would have made sense in SF. Crazy people want to spend more money to not get on buses because they think it's inconvenient. Similar thing happened to a boba place near me in the Fillmore. Quicklys was in there for the longest but it didn't do to well and always had sort of a dirty feel. Then another boba place opened and they revamped it and that still didn't do that well. Then 2 years back, Boba Guys open there and charge way more than your average and clean it up even more and I kid you not, there is literally a line everyday for kids/adults to get boba drinks that essentially taste the same as the others.
Is that the spot on Stockton St.?
I’ve heard of people driving from Coalinga to work in SF smh. Crazy and not worth it IMO. Don’t care how much you making and saving on a house note. That’s like 3+ hours at least. Straight up taking hours off your life trying to do that commute lol.

I know someone driving from Patterson to Santa Clara everyday too. Their excuse is that they doesn’t drive at prime times when there’s traffic. I’m like bruh... that’s way too far lol.
Yeah, I had a co-worker who lived in Fresno and commuted into SF. I said 'why' and his reason was the cost of living and and having a bigger home.

Not sure how I'll handle a long commute again. But if it has to be done, I'll do it.
I consider these transplants to be nothing but glorified tourists.

People who move in for some job and a paycheck and don't care about about the history and/or the culture of the people already living and thriving there. Christopher Columbus syndrome. Disgusting.

Businesses and landlords know they can exploit these people with money because they're willing to pay any amount to be in a "trendy, hip" city where they cater to "foodies" and $15 cocktail bars as compared to where they lived before.

I'm sure a lot of these people/companies are nice but they're completely clueless and ignorant of the communities they move into. They make no effort to integrate and instead want the communities to cater to their way of living and since they have the expendable income, the city just bends over for them.

Essentially what I'm saying is that while there has always been an influx of people in SF because it is a Port city, there was a time when it attracted those who EMBRACED an alternative way of living (i.e. not addicted to money) such as graphitti artists, painters, filmmakers, poets, sculptors, musicians, etc which made the city CULTURALLY RICH and enhanced its legacy. Those types no longer have any way of making a living in the city which is why there has been a mass exodus of truly interesting people (IMO). Not to mention the natives who have established their own history, customs and communities who have to suddenly move somewhere else. (Grocers, bakers, clothing, etc)

Instead we have an influx of carbon copy women with yoga mats and entitled tech workers who perpetuate cookie cutter corporate culture. The saddest part of this, is that major cities everywhere in the country are experiencing this mass homogenization but here its hyper accelerated because of the technological sector.
I’ve heard of people driving from Coalinga to work in SF smh. Crazy and not worth it IMO. Don’t care how much you making and saving on a house note. That’s like 3+ hours at least. Straight up taking hours off your life trying to do that commute lol.

I know someone driving from Patterson to Santa Clara everyday too. Their excuse is that they doesn’t drive at prime times when there’s traffic. I’m like bruh... that’s way too far lol.
I thought people driving from sac to the bay was a far commute but Coalinga? Fresno? That’s a hard pass from me. 3 hours each way, 8 hour shift, 1 hour lunch, 1 hour to get ready (probably less). That’s 16 of the 24 hours gone due to work reasons. You work like that for a lifetime and you can’t even enjoy the fruits of your labor when your shift is over. I can’t, I just can’t.
Gotta love that coded "it brought hard working people" language. As if the people out were just out here doing nothing

:lol: Dude seems to be the same type of character I described in a previous posting that I met at that company party.
Chariot....who thought something like that would have made sense in SF. Crazy people want to spend more money to not get on buses because they think it's inconvenient. Similar thing happened to a boba place near me in the Fillmore. Quicklys was in there for the longest but it didn't do to well and always had sort of a dirty feel. Then another boba place opened and they revamped it and that still didn't do that well. Then 2 years back, Boba Guys open there and charge way more than your average and clean it up even more and I kid you not, there is literally a line everyday for kids/adults to get boba drinks that essentially taste the same as the others.

them chariot drivers are wreckless. throw in scoot drivers, ubers/lyfts, taxis, etc it's a nightmare driving. chariot tried for the longest to call themselves a tech company and not a transportation company. they were illegally making their own stops and blocking the streets
quickly been selling boba tea. the damn drink isnt anything special, it's just boba charges a higher end and markets it well to
I drop off a colleague who’s born and raised in the haight.
Homies on rent control and f’s with the newbies schooling them on the history of the neighborhood. These folks give no dambs and have no sense of CULTURE
them chariot drivers are wreckless. throw in scoot drivers, ubers/lyfts, taxis, etc it's a nightmare driving. chariot tried for the longest to call themselves a tech company and not a transportation company. they were illegally making their own stops and blocking the streets
quickly been selling boba tea. the damn drink isnt anything special, it's just boba charges a higher end and markets it well to
Uber/Lyft drivers have no common sense, is it that hard to pull off to the side, perhaps block someones driveway instead of stopping traffic :smh:
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