Sacramento Kings off-season thread

DMC was forcing it tonight.

Malone needs to let Ray get some minutes. You can't expect Isaiah to play like this all the time.
Isaiah needs to go back to 6th man role. a PG chucking 20 shots and getting 2 assists in 41 minutes in ridiculous. not to mention his "defense"

Ray Mac needs to play over Jimmer. that guy is awful

and Jason Thompson.... jesus man. 
Honestly, it doesn't matter much. Jimmer/Ray are only gonna play like 5-10 minutes combined a game anyways 
we will just lose more if that happens 

Do yall think IT will resign with us if we drafted Marcus Smart or brought in a starting caliber PG and he knew he was getting moved back to the bench?
we will just lose more if that happens :lol:

Do yall think IT will resign with us if we drafted Marcus Smart or brought in a starting caliber PG and he knew he was getting moved back to the bench?

If we bring in a legit PG, then IT better put up with being a sixth man or he can walk.

As far as Jimmer is concerned, he just isn't an NBA caliber player. He will be out the league within two years.
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IT doesn't come off as a guy that disrupts chemistry. But, I think he'd request a trade or just flat out leave. It'd be sad to see him go but I wouldn't blame him, though. Right now If we're talking trades I think the perfect fit for him at this point would be Chicago. They need him, they'll love him.
We need a 'Basic Game' Andre Miller, Kirk Hinrich, etc. type of backup PG. That turnover Jimmer had vs Phoenix almost made me break the TV
^same here bro. Hearing about sign lady and also the EIR out for the new arena was def good news today.
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