Sacramento Kings off-season thread

I don't think I would actually want the Kings to take Asik, what's he making next year?? Like $15 mil or something? That's insane :lol:

I guess the NO Saints tried to break our indoor noise world record and they only got to 122 decibels :lol:
^ I'm saying

Idk how they could pull that off though
unless the Rockets are somehow interested in Thornton, Jimmer, and Thompson
I'm sure the Maloof's could figure out a way. Cash considerations maybe?
Awesome game. I don't give a **** if we lose every game as long as we compete and are fun to watch I'll live with it
Great game tonight. I had a feeling all these tough games against playoff calibur teams were going to payoff some time. We've only played 2 east teams so far so 30+ wins is still within reach given how bad those teams are. Idk if I should be excited about improvement and wins or slightly disappointed that we'd be out of the Wiggins/Parker sweepstakes :\

I scheduled an appointment for 7pm at the Apple Store on Wednesday so I won't make it to Gay's debut |I

RCK you'll be glad to know I didn't go to the Seahawks game yesterday because those prices were out the *** more expensive than I anticipated. So I'll be going to at least 4 more Kings games this year, but I absolutely refuse to not make it to the stick on the 23rd :lol:
Asst coach Micah Nori is on the KHTK right now... sounds like the staff is definitely aware of how not  to use Gay. So thats offers a little hope that he'll help out the squad
I wonder what J Ross and Kayte Christensen think of him when he speaks basketball. To me he's similar to Magic Johnson, always stating the obvious but lacking further in depth analysis. I swear anyone one of us could take his job.
It's not even the fact that he doesn't offer much depth or analysis or just sweeping generalizations every chance he can; it's that I hear him talk, and to me it sounds like he thinks he is a basketball genius who had some sort of illustrious NBA career with the Kings. When in reality he played like 50 games total for this franchise and in the league :lol:

I can take Magic because he at least has a rap sheet and is an icon and therefore deserves minimum attention and respect from me as a basketball fan. Henry Turner has/is neither of those and my eardrums feel disrespected when I hear him speak.

Plus whenever I see him walking around the concourse during games, he thinks his **** don't stink. I just mean mug the **** out of him whenever I see him.

Also, Mitch Richmond has already called him out on not being a high flyer. So he is lying about his nickname because I will take The Rock's word>Henry Turner The Not So High Flyer.
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Yeah. No debut tonight for the new kings. :frown: grievous's results won't come in until tomorrow morning.
i guess this will give Malone another chance to see who he wants to bench when Rudy comes in, between D-Will and JT
I feel kinda bad for outlaw. He comes in games prepared most times yet he always gets put I the back burner for someone else. Dude never gets to shine.
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