Russ Wilson and Ciara?

Whatever. I don't believe that. Every attractive woman has TONS of men that will be faithful to her until she dies. Hell some wouldn't even mess with chicks after she dies. For whatever twisted reason, they want the guy that's not fully interested in her and he has mad chicks on his jock.

They want a man that has a lot of women chasing him, but won't cheat.

They want a man that's not sensitive, but is sensitive when she needs him to be.

Same chick that'll complain about a lack of good ****** will **** with a known aint **** *****. Makes no sense :lol:
Until you realize that she don't want to do whats best for herself. She wanna do what's best for her ego.
She wanna be the one that tamed him and got him to settle down. Something all the others couldnt do thus making her better and special.

You acting like this is exclusive for females only
Everybody wants who they can't have. Dudes really acting like they having revelations :lol:
Truth, ask dude who cheated on Beyonce back in the day
Ask about Halley Berry 
"a womans struggle"......LOL. Bless your heart.

Bless your heart too boo but I was speaking in general
Ciara isnt struggling , yes she is a single mother but she is a single millionaire

That's great because I was speaking in general and not specifically Ciara as well. There is no such thing as a womans struggle....only a womans self-inflicted wounds. Show me a woman who's struggling and I'll show you a woman that didn't do something right.
Bruh (or sis) please. That's not up for discussion.

Yes it is.

Faithfulness is not based on how attractive the partner is

That's so wrong it's hilarious
Pretty chicks can get cheated on too but I think he meant that there's at least one guy out there who wouldn't. Which he's right about.
Of course there are guys who don't cheat. I'm not saying there isn't.

I'm saying the likelihood of someone cheating isn't related to how hot their partner is.
Pretty chicks can get cheated on too but I think he meant that there's at least one guy out there who wouldn't. Which he's right about.
Pretty, fine, or ugly.

Looks have absolutely nothing to do with whether a person cheats on their spouse 
I never said otherwise.
Dont usually say things like this but Russ my bad, Russell, looking mighty L7 in that pic.

I wonder if he got along with Beast Mode?
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"a womans struggle"......LOL. Bless your heart.

Bless your heart too boo but I was speaking in general
Ciara isnt struggling , yes she is a single mother but she is a single millionaire

That's great because I was speaking in general and not specifically Ciara as well. There is no such thing as a womans struggle....only a womans self-inflicted wounds. Show me a woman who's struggling and I'll show you a woman that didn't do something right.

You are so far beyond ignorant, it scares me that you might have the ability to breed children with your mentality.
So corny.

Rock he bought is savage asf tho! [emoji]9995[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] But she wants future deep down n vice versa
Thrill trying to bait folks with the Beyonce slander

Fax b.


Dudes be gassed because shes on TV, as people do most celebs. If Destiny's Child never happened and she just worked at Kids Footlocker in First Colony Mall, she would just be "fine". She wouldn't be considered epitome of "attractive black woman".
Fax b.


Dudes be gassed because shes on TV, as people do most celebs. If Destiny's Child never happened and she just worked at Kids Footlocker in First Colony Mall, she would just be "fine". She wouldn't be considered epitome of "attractive black woman".
If Beyonce worked at Kid's Footlock and was not famous... that would be the most attended Footlocker in the history of all of the Footlocker franchises.  Every single father and single and married man would be all over that Kid's Footlocker.

Beyonce is so over exposed now, we treat her as if she is ordinary now.  She is anything but that.  Over exposure will do that to women.
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