Rough 24 hours for Ayesha Curry, ha. SAS went at her neck, ha.

This couple went out of their way to be media darlings.
Ayesha went on this whole rant about being women being slutty and all this other non sense.
She understands the power of her social media posts. Because of that, she should've known better.

She deserves all the backlash she gets.
Bros are cats seriously hating on shorty?

I would love her so bad lol. She is so sweet looking.
I wonder if her cooking is good. food network giving minor celebs cooking shows.
It's funny to these fake feminist claim you hate women cuz you think she was a outta line. :lol: Man or women it was a dumb thing to say.

And people do call Marcus Vick stupid and people did say RG3 father was talking too much.
Try again

I don't think she should've of said anything either. I think pitting women against each other based on LOOKS from a grown *** man is a female move. People are called women haters when they took this opportunity to bash her and her family

Say she shouldn't of said that and keep it moving
This couple went out of their way to be media darlings.
Or did the media just follow a winning team?

There's a winning team every year.
Tell me about the things those couples do to get mainstream media coverage.

This couple is feeding the media.
You live and die by it, pa.

Can't ask to not get the attention now because it's not in your favor.
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Try again

I don't think she should've of said anything either. I think pitting women against each other based on LOOKS from a grown *** man is a female move. People are called women haters when they took this opportunity to bash her and her family

Say she shouldn't of said that and keep it moving
You missed what SAS said if you are saying he is the one that compared them, based on looks. If you are talking about people in this thread, nevermind
SAS was tip toeing around the topic of colorism., I don't watch the show so I don't know if this is something he usually talks about but it seemed like he was waiting for 

the opportutnity to bring this up.
Isn't helium Clinton a known feminist?
He will never look at this situation objectively.
How hard is it to look at what she said, which most agree shouldn't have been done, and say it was wrong and then move on from there?

SAS just added salt into the situation with the James Family comparison.
This is the Internet.
People don't just "move on"

A few weeks ago people wanted a mothers head on a spike because of a dead gorilla.
Isn't helium Clinton a known feminist?
He will never look at this situation objectively.
Whats objectively? I already said PLENTY of times she should not have tweeted but taking a tweet as a opportunity to let the hate and salt seep through is pathetic. We're talking about a tweet here and all of a sudden it leads to thinkpieces, Ayesha vs Savannah, light vs dark, he needs to control his woman blah blah. If you think all of that is warranted based off her reaction to foul calls we all thought were suspect then ok I guess :lol:
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Yeah he's doin his job, Bill O Rielly does his job too.

You can do your job terribly.

I don't care if people speak on it it's how.
How is he not good at his job?

He is essentially shock radio in the sports world.

WE are sitting her talking about HIM

That is the goal of shock radio.

Job well done
I guess it depends on your standards.

He accomplished his mission, in the corniest of manners.

I guess the end just doesn't always justify the means to me.

Most people don't look at it that way, though. I get I'm in the minority here.

Even after a year in which he was more inflammatory than ever, Stephen A. Smith has reportedly agreed to a deal with ESPN that will pay him somewhere in the range of $3.1 to $3.5 million per year.

extreme minority...
Isn't helium Clinton a known feminist?
He will never look at this situation objectively.
Whats objectively? I already said PLENTY of times she should not have tweeted but taking a tweet as a opportunity to let the hate and salt seep through is pathetic. We're talking about a tweet here and all of a sudden it leads to thinkpieces, Ayesha vs Savannah, light vs dark, he needs to control his woman blah blah. If you think all of that is warranted based off her reaction to foul calls we all thought were suspect then ok I guess :lol:

It was along time coming.

Out of all nba player wives, why do we see so much of this one?
Shorty was doing post game interviews with her man.
How many times we seen that from Lebron wife? Kobe's wife?

To be so bold as to tweet that the nba is rigged, that should be taken seriously.
It's not even a matter of "control your woman".
If she wants to go out of her way to be the most famous basketball wife, then she's going to have to accept everything that comes with it.

If I'm the NBA I'm extremely pissed off about her comments.
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I don't know why, she don't play for the NBA

Blaming her for getting so much attention :lol:

she took a direct shot as da integrity of da game under da whitest spotlight during da NBA finals...

ya really surprised she got raked over da coals? a broad that comes outta pocket?
It's funny to these fake feminist claim you hate women cuz you think she was a outta line. :lol: Man or women it was a dumb thing to say.

And people do call Marcus Vick stupid and people did say RG3 father was talking too much.

I think it's the response to her that some people have an issue with. Dudes were calling RG3 daddy an idiot etc but people telling Currys furry temptress to get back in the kitchen, blah blah women this blah blah etc.

People were itching for steph or his wife to slip up because people thought they were too perfect. They both had a meltdown and now people are getting their rocks off. People don't like to see people doing too well. Back to back mvp, wife rustling the jimmies of slutty dressing thots, daughter that's making more than half of nt before she can add double digit numbers. Fine sister, fine mom, dad/brother both in the league at some point, 73-9, that jealousy Bruh.
Sas is a clown to me. He's got the right initials too because son is hella sassy.

Agreed. Last week it was relationship goals, this week they want her to shut up. People found out she had an opinion (that a lot of people have had for years) and didn't like it.

Breaking news, woman defends her man and gets a bit emotional. More on that later.

This guy gets it :lol:
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