Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

Ebay prices on in hand pairs are astronomical and preorders are crazy too but of course that will change soon that date has been announced and resell will probably drop to 350 on release date or maybe 300 if more pairs are made
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With as many eyes as he has been working on getting on these I just can't imagine that the numbers wouldn't be slightly higher
I am glad it is not a Friday drop. Some of us have jobs where the IT department doesn't look too highly on refresh rampages.
I am glad it is not a Friday drop. Some of us have jobs where the IT department doesn't look too highly on refresh rampages.

This. I work in ITSEC and we aren't even allowed to use the internet.

Also hope Ronnie drops each shoe by itself...
I am glad it is not a Friday drop. Some of us have jobs where the IT department doesn't look too highly on refresh rampages.

I'm in the same boat with the IT department, I just find the friday morning releases keep some of the kids and beasts at bay, good luck to everyone though either way! :nthat:
I'm in the same boat with the IT department, I just find the friday morning releases keep some of the kids and beasts at bay, good luck to everyone though either way!
New on NT so what's going on everyone. When I first started reading about these two I thought I'd go for the coves but I'm starting to sway more towards the mints...
Correct me of I'm wrong, but doesn't he normally, atleast with his past couple releases, have an in store day on a Friday or Saturday, and then have an online release the following Monday? It seems like product very rarely hits store and internet at the same time
Saturday drop makes it that much harder but oh well gotta live with it. Good luck to everyone who'll be trying to cop!
Correct me of I'm wrong, but doesn't he normally, atleast with his past couple releases, have an in store day on a Friday or Saturday, and then have an online release the following Monday? It seems like product very rarely hits store and internet at the same time

No…Its rather unusual that he has an online release after in-store. The norm is simutaneous release
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