Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

cuz they look nowhere near as dope as they did in the mega enhanced kith pix (as usual)...

i mean, they looked navy in those pix, not purple (i woulda preferred navy).

i was all about them until i saw real life pix of them (plus realizing they have a plain, boring red, instead of infrared) and then they became an easy, easy pass.
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Believe it or not, the high risk look better in person than in pics IMO
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a lot of people ranked the volcanos as one of the top 5 sneakers of the year. it makes me a bit more happy that i was able to cop a pair
I love it when people accidently admit to being hypebeasts
The **** you talking about? Check your join date and post count then take your *** back to the JB thread. I don't even know how my post was anything hypebeast related.
ahhh join date... the deciding factor when anyone has an opinion

oh ... and your post did have a whiff of hypebeastiality
stopped by and checked out the sweatpants at Kith Manhattan.

Not impressed.

I have a couple of the Nike Tech Pack sweats (the $80 ones) and they blow away the KITH sweats in terms of materials and quality IMO, and they are 30 dollars less and don't have any ridiculously loud logos on them either.
The **** you talking about? Check your join date and post count then take your *** back to the JB thread. I don't even know how my post was anything hypebeast related.
lmao. i dont need to really prove anything to anyone here. but i can tell you i am 35 and have been collecting shoes longer than most. now, allow me to explain just why your post outed you as a hypebeast sir; the fact that a shoe you own was on a top 10 list made you like them more than before is pretty much the definition of hype. its ok though little buddy. i still love you and hope you have a happy new year :smile:
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