Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

a lot of the times, Supreme severely under weigh my packages. I think I had something that was supposed to be 6lbs but UPS says it was 1lb. I don't concern myself with the weight of the packages. Guessing the weight won't change the contents inside. If Kith (or Supreme) says they shipped these items in this package, I'm expecting those items. I've never (knock on wood) had a company say they're shipping these items and those items weren't in the package. Even if in that worst case scenario, it's not like you're getting robbed from these companies. There are so many options to either get your money back or get the items missing. 
Listen, we just want everyone who got multiples to feel crappy for a few days.

Didn't you hit on multiples as well ?
Core Fleece sizing, 5'11", fat, went XL, a bit short, either way I should lose weight lol
That sucks that they're a little short. Do you feel like when you raise your arms that you're having to pull the hoodie back down to readjust it over your pants? If that makes any sense? Just one of my pet peeves about some clothing. I actually like the longer shirts these days for the aforementioned reason.

P.S. you're in ice cold Canada. If it was as cold as it is there, down here, I wouldn't want to go to the gym either. 
 I don't mind it being in the 60s, maybe 50s. Anything colder than that on a consistent basis. No thank you lol
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What's a fair price for the trail boosts? I wanted both them and the UB, but went all in for the UB and missed the TB. Looking for a size 10.
The speculation is that eventually these "KITH exclusive" Linens will see a wider release next year. I hope thats the case. I refuse to pay resale for these
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