RIP George Floyd

It differs state by state. The blanket statement that felons cannot vote is false.

And the blanket statement that you made, that I responded to - "Felons can vote. " is false.

This kind of lack of regard for black life seems ingrained in a lot of people, not even just cops :smh:

Kid threw a piece of bread at another kid and lost his life and future for it...|l

They need a whole lot more than a firing for murdering a child under their 'care'
He made sure to mention they were lesbians because it is no secret the Black community isn't the most welcoming to homosexuality. We gotta call a spade a spade. If there were 5 influential leaders of a movement and 1 of them was an openly gay man, there would be a percentage of Black Americans that would choose not to support it because of his sexuality.
Yeah with this though the black community not being welcoming stems from the effects of racism and slavery, folks need to understand the history of that. Look up "buck breaking" if you're unaware. Gotta deal with that first we even start judging black people for that.
No it isn't.

LMAO, yes it is. You've already responded to my previous post showing it varies by state, and said yourself it varies by state.

And not even to mention, we're not even getting into the completely and utterly racist history of felony disenfranchisement laws in this country. I'm not sure what your point is here, but these laws were garbage from jump, a completely thinly veiled way of trying to prevent black people from voting.
LMAO, yes it is. You've already responded to my previous post showing it varies by state, and said yourself it varies by state.

And not even to mention, we're not even getting into the completely and utterly racist history of felony disenfranchisement laws in this country. I'm not sure what your point is here, but these laws were garbage from jump, a completely thinly veiled way of trying to prevent black people from voting.

Sad man, all I'm trying to do is let other felons know we can vote and you're trying to attack me. Gotta do better bro.
Sad man, all I'm trying to do is let other felons know we can vote and you're trying to attack me. Gotta do better bro.

Well if that's your point, then we're on the same page. It seemed like you were trying to downplay the issue. This issue (felony disenfranchisement) is pernicious and should never have happened in the first place. It's yet another component of white supremacy. So we're on the same page here and just had a minor misunderstanding. Lets move forward! Anything in the way of people being able to vote should be removed. Goes back to that comment about taxation without representation.
I see what he's saying about the BLM movement not representing the True struggles of the Black community but then what movement does he support? That's why things will never change. People like to point out the flaws but don't want to provide a solution.

People will say "oh this is trash. This isn't how it should be" but don't tell you what needs to be done for it to be correct. I don't believe BLM is the end-all, be-all to racism in America. But when your only contribution is YouTube interviews what are you doing to start a movement you feel better serves the community?

Are you assuming or do you know? That's a strong statement to make.

Because he's contributed a lot more than that.
He made sure to mention they were lesbians because it is no secret the Black community isn't the most welcoming to homosexuality. We gotta call a spade a spade. If there were 5 influential leaders of a movement and 1 of them was an openly gay man, there would be a percentage of Black Americans that would choose not to support it because of his sexuality.

What community is accepting of homosexuality?

I wish we would stop with that guilt trip. As if we're more homophobic than white, asian or latino people.

And DeRay is gay, it's your decision if you want to follow him or not.

Usually not one for vigilante justice but in cases where the law has shown they don't have much interest in bringing the victims justice and have actively covered things up, I don't really blame communities for taking things into their own hands...
Well if that's your point, then we're on the same page. It seemed like you were trying to downplay the issue. This issue (felony disenfranchisement) is pernicious and should never have happened in the first place. It's yet another component of white supremacy. So we're on the same page here and just had a minor misunderstanding. Lets move forward! Anything in the way of people being able to vote should be removed. Goes back to that comment about taxation without representation.

Yeah man I wasn't trying get in a measuring contest with you. Im actually a fan of letting felons have firearms depending on the crimes they were "convicted" of. That may open up a can of worms here but oh well.
Are you assuming or do you know? That's a strong statement to make.

Because he's contributed a lot more than that.

i mean I haven't seen or heard of him doing anything to help the Black community in recent memory. I didn't see him lead a protest or start organizations in struggling communities or anything like that. If you've seen something like that that you'd like to share then by all means, I would like to see and educate myself.
The craziest part is that these police are STILL murdering and abusing black people while all eyes are on them. You’d think weeks of civil unrest would at least make them act more low key for the moment. Absolutely no fear of consequences or being put on blast on social media. That’s how much power these evil bastards feel that they have :smh:
The craziest part is that these police are STILL murdering and abusing black people while all eyes are on them. You’d think weeks of civil unrest would at least make them act more low key for the moment. Absolutely no fear of consequences or being put on blast on social media. That’s how much power these evil bastards feel that they have :smh:
cant stop traditions
and racism, is a sad one
Need to all be immediately fired and have their pension put back into the city. Anyone who heard these statements and said nothing should be fired also.

Get these folks outta here.

If I made statements anywhere close to that about regular people, let alone some god damn cops, I’d be under investigation for extremist ideology.
Man being from Wilmington this is way overdue to come out. Crazy how they're putting the new police station 25 yards from the last large project housing in the city.
All I can do is pray for my guys back home.

It definitely is an issue. I didn't see any white anger when "things were fine". Things were never ******* fine, but it was fine to them when they could still go to their favorite vegan cafe to buy $8 coffee. Virus aside, 2020 is not "so ******* crazy". Black people were living in this kind of fear forever. Posting a black square doesn't do ****, sharing cool quotes on FB doesn't do **** - how about post specific actions you've done to help the black community. Whether that's community service, monetary donations or a god damn book about the ugly history of racism in this country.

You should be ashamed of yourself if you're a white person who goes to these ******* protests and pose for a photo. Props to the white brethrens like Tim Wise who have been fighting the good fight their entire lives.
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