RIP George Floyd

“There’s a lot of white people that look at me and a lot of successful black executives as not ‘black,’ ” Mr. Bibbens said. “They see black people on TV, and they see me, and they say, those are two different types of black people. They can’t have similar experiences. They must have done something different. The truth is, we have similar experiences.”

The most interesting part of the article was seeing the lack of empathy exhibited by many of the readers, which should expected considering that the target audience of the WSJ is those who are currently plundering the country.
nice try
The person who said "some black may people go to the protests because they want to be woke"
I would like to say "nice try" to you, but I don't think you have it in you. Your response to white people taking insta selfies to show they participated in a BLM movement for likes was "oh black people do it too". I have receipts.
You epitomize what all lives matter is about. Let me help you out here - white people who go to protests for some online followers have no ******* skin in the game in whether any reform happens or not. They go on with their lives. Every black person in those protests are directly effected by the outcomes of this movement. It's not even close to being the same thing.

Get that through your non critical thinking brain.
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The person who said "some black may people go to the protests because they want to be woke"
I would like to say "nice try" to you, but I don't think you have it in you. Your response to white people taking insta selfies to show they participated in a BLM movement for likes was "oh black people do it too". I have receipts.
You epitomize what all lives matter is about. Let me help you out here - white people who go to protests for some online followers have no ****ing game in whether any reform happens or not. They go on with their lives. Every black person in those protests are directly effected by the outcomes of this movement. It's not even close to being the same thing.

Get that through your non critical thinking brain.
What a reach
Pull these receipts and Do ya thing tho

like I said, some might not wanna hear it
But there’s no lie in what i said
Just like there there no lie in your comment about these protests about social injustice

Education is 100% the most powerful tool to get people to join the cause and have a real impact rather than chant in the street for a day or two then go home back to their normal privileged life. a lot of people don't know the governments involvement in stopping prior Racial inequality movements, they don't know America's impact on oppression all over the country, and often don't know about police brutality unless it's a high profile killing.

When you start directing them to older stories of police violence, often times they're shocked they didn't hear about it from their MAGA parents.

Never heard of this lady but it seems most who “channel” the dead say almost the exact same thing about love, peace, forgiveness. There’s lady who I’m waiting on to do a reading on Floyd but even she said it would be too soon and in bad taste. Curious to see what she says about it when she decides to do it.
Mace and rubber bullets might be the cure for the rona cause of mit sure as hell wasnt the natty ice and white claws Being consumed on the Florida beaches
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