RIP George Floyd

if that $600 bonus doesn't get extended past July 31 the tension levels are gonna explode in America. If you were barely getting by and now you're dirt broke, you're not gonna sit home being content with your situation. They say the most dangerous people are the ones who have nothing to lose. And if people no longer have a home or a sustainable income, they will absolutely have nothing to lose.

Are there talks of it extending?
Yes. There's a bill placed forth.

The WH wants to lower the emergency bit to 250-300.

They want people to go back to jobs that no longer exist, during a pandemic.

That's not enough money egit for a lot of people to survive on. Cities will burn.

Im living off that extra 6, a stack a week aint bad for myself. I could see how its a problem for people with families.
Why tho?

2nd slide, bruh with the WW2 army hat should've hit son with the Dudley Death Drop through a table.

Why tho?

2nd slide, bruh with the WW2 army hat should've hit son with the Dudley Death Drop through a table.

Dude deserved to get stomped out which appears evident by this photo. But it also looks like they saved him from getting killed. UK population is as racist as America when it comes to black men and if this KKK wannabe got killed at that protest, it would give the government an excuse to kill protestors and call it protecting the public.
Dude deserved to get stomped out which appears evident by this photo. But it also looks like they saved him from getting killed. UK population is as racist as America when it comes to black men and if this KKK wannabe got killed at that protest, it would give the government an excuse to kill protestors and call it protecting the public.
Damn, that makes sense.
hold up
lets also talk about the ****ty jobs public defenders do
when they be chilling with the cops and judges at lunch time
Public defenders don’t get paid OT for frivolous charges nor do they have the power to manifest these same charges. I understand where you’re going with this but it’s off the mark here. And this lady isn’t a public defender.
A very compelling explanation of why police should be defunded

This is straight facts. In NYC, since the NYPD is so financially corrupt, cops treat their salaries as $X with overtime. So if you ask someone you know in the NYPD how much they make, they'll say I make like $80k with overtime. When Without overtime their salary is way less (about $20-30k less if they're within their first 3/4 years on the force.)

An example of milking overtime was me being arrested for a suspended license last year. I was unaware it was suspended (didn't pay a DMV fee which led to a suspension) and got pulled over. Cop ran my license and comes back saying it was suspended and he has to detain me. I cooperate because I'm not trying to die over a DMV fee, and they made it seem like it'll be a quick process. This dude takes SEVEN HOURS to process me. I got out fuming because I knew the guy was taking his sweet *** time with the paperwork. I speak to my friend who works in NYPD and he told me a minor infraction like a suspended license is normally processed within 1-2 hours but because I was arrested in an area that's normally quiet, the cop was milking the situation to get more OT since it's a rare opportunity for them.
This is straight facts. In NYC, since the NYPD is so financially corrupt, cops treat their salaries as $X with overtime. So if you ask someone you know in the NYPD how much they make, they'll say I make like $80k with overtime. When Without overtime their salary is way less (about $20-30k less if they're within their first 3/4 years on the force.)

An example of milking overtime was me being arrested for a suspended license last year. I was unaware it was suspended (didn't pay a DMV fee which led to a suspension) and got pulled over. Cop ran my license and comes back saying it was suspended and he has to detain me. I cooperate because I'm not trying to die over a DMV fee, and they made it seem like it'll be a quick process. This dude takes SEVEN HOURS to process me. I got out fuming because I knew the guy was taking his sweet *** time with the paperwork. I speak to my friend who works in NYPD and he told me a minor infraction like a suspended license is normally processed within 1-2 hours but because I was arrested in an area that's normally quiet, the cop was milking the situation to get more OT since it's a rare opportunity for them.
Legalized embezzlement :angry:
I’m all for hitting them where it hurts, which is definitely their wallets. I bet you they’ll be less shooting of unarmed black folks. Threaten their pension along with serious jail time if proven that they acted recklessly/callously. Defund the police.
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