RIP George Floyd

Probably been discussed in here plenty of tomes

call me cynical, but I don’t think much change will come from this

we had a guy shoot up 30 preschoolers and Nothing changed

we saw tamir rice and p Castille get killed on camera...

if those events didn’t change anything, why should this one?

:smh: :smh:
Probably been discussed in here plenty of tomes

call me cynical, but I don’t think much change will come from this

we had a guy shoot up 30 preschoolers and Nothing changed

we saw tamir rice and p Castille get killed on camera...

if those events didn’t change anything, why should this one?

:smh: :smh:

I know with a lot of companies, it probably isn’t genuine and sincere.

But my job has made it very clear all week that we need to stand up against racism, and that it is not okay for us to be silent. It feels sincere and I hope it is.
I really do hope things are going to change for the better.
If you'd like to join us, we just set up a group fundraising page here:

Donate to Community's Fundraiser for The Bail Project, Inc.
Join our thousands of donors who are helping us post bail for people who can't afford it, reuniting families and restoring the presumption of innocence – one person at a time.The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund is on a mission to combat mass incarceration and reshape the pretrial...

It's better.

Respect. Donated

Hold up, he died?

He's in serious/stable condition last I heard
I would like to apologize to all of you for the service outage we experienced in the past 24 hours. A full statement is available here:

I also wanted to let all of you know about the community fundraiser we've started for to support protesters and criminal justice reform.

Since our ad free subscription program was implemented in the fall, we collected 1,816.63 in subscription fees. (It's not a round number because we lose money due to payment processing fees.)
To start things off, we donated that entire amount (and a little extra to reach a number of symbolic significance, 1865, to

If you'd like to join us, we just set up a group fundraising page here:

Donate to Community's Fundraiser for The Bail Project, Inc.
Join our thousands of donors who are helping us post bail for people who can't afford it, reuniting families and restoring the presumption of innocence – one person at a time.The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund is on a mission to combat mass incarceration and reshape the pretrial...

Anyone who donates $100 or more will receive an exclusive NT Pocket Tee. These will not be sold.

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Just contact me with proof of your donation, your preferred shirt size, and a shipping address. Make sure you donate through our group fundraising page so your contribution is reflected in our community total.

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If you have an alternative suggestion for how we can stay online aside from advertising, let me know.

It's better.
Nice pocket tee and good mission. Is there a time limit to donate and time limit or quantity limit on t shirt?
A lot of thoughts

initial reflections :

feels like a lot of damage control / appeasement by some cities. That BLM avenue means literally nothing . Writing blm on the floor legally means nothing

police departments need reform. Any scenarios?

also ,a lot of incidents where cops are beating up protestors straight up. Insane , and a shame . And its happening all over more than media can cover
There's an entire generation of people who hate cops because they were someone they know have had negative interactions with cops and they've seen so many instances of police brutality (especially as of late).

Unfortunately, I think this is going to be one of the long-term takeaways of the last couple of weeks. George Floyd's death along with police brutality to follow (that couple in Atlanta being pulled out of their car and tased for no reason or the elderly man in Buffalo who was pushed down by the cops and suffered concussion, peaceful protesters in Dallas being tear gased, etc.) Though unrelated Breonna Taylor was killed in her bedroom during a no-knock warrant that accidentally went to the wrong house (and the cops had the audacity to charge her boyfriend for shooting back at them). These images don't engender confidence in Police and don't make you think "these the guys I should call when I need help"

Cops can't arrest everyone and for whatever gains they're making and stopping these protests, they're taking two steps backwards in winning the hearts and minds of people.
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