RIP George Floyd

I come to realize that a lot of cats are only mad about the protests cause they won't be able to enjoy much of the leisures of society. The nice little coffee shops and ******** where they can go take their Instagram pictures. This is disrupting their comfort. They find comfort in racism. Much of these individuals are here on NT. They could give a **** about black people and their plight. They just want to hear our music to nod their heads to and to steal and emulate our culture. Trying to be down, but never actually being down. That's why I'm leary of these fake **** mother ****ers.
watching sage steele on sportscenter talking about the latest in the flloyd case :smh::smh:
It's trash. Brown people are Indians. From India. These people want to be white and accepted by the white people. They don't want to be minorities. You can't have pale skin and call yourself brown when it's convenient.

nah you’re trippin. Plenty of brown folks who ride for your cause. there are definitely sellouts especially the Hindu nationalists who do try to blend in. but I’m Muslim and every person at my masjid including black and white support BLM. I work with an organization in south side that provides support at least 8 predominantly black Masjid’s is led by a brown dude. Theres a refugee center with predominantly Somalis & Sudanese where they provide every kind of support education driving job training etc.

post 9/11 Muslims been getting plenty of hate and there’s no hiding. we rock our beards khufis and the sisters in their hijab.
Bruh literally lied to kick it. He was probably pledging allegiance in his head.

Reminds me of ray ray lol smh
Never got how it ever became accepted that a dozen or so states could proudly display symbols of literal treason that glorify the architects of the bloodiest war, in terms of American lives lost, in history in the first place :lol: :smh:

I'm from VA.... Plenty of schools have confederate names and such, crazy is an understatement. All of that **** should've not happened and at the same time should have been changed YEARS AGO. More has to be done in that region. Way more....
idk I just thought it was funny when John Mayer said he had 1. never even heard of it til than lol
To my knowledge when someone says that it’s generally a black person saying to a white person you’re good money in my book, cool peoples. It is not a physically pass identifying you’re good in a particular hood lol
Yup, that’s why suburban schools have more resources and school districts/zones are drawn in certain ways...The white flight left most city public schools for dead, everything is planned by them ppl to stay on top and keep the foot on the neck of the rest of us...Just sometimes they try to get slick wit it...You can tell what it is with the schools cuz even when they move back into the city, the kids never go to the local schools always private or somewhere away from their neighborhood zone
Did a paper on gentrification a few years back & boy I was not ******* w/ white ppl for a minute. Stopped watching The Office n all that :lol:
watching sage steele on sportscenter talking about the latest in the flloyd case :smh::smh:

nah you’re trippin. Plenty of brown folks who ride for your cause. there are definitely sellouts especially the Hindu nationalists who do try to blend in. but I’m Muslim and every person at my masjid including black and white support BLM. I work with an organization in south side that provides support at least 8 predominantly black Masjid’s is led by a brown dude. Theres a refugee center with predominantly Somalis & Sudanese where they provide every kind of support education driving job training etc.

post 9/11 Muslims been getting plenty of hate and there’s no hiding. we rock our beards khufis and the sisters in their hijab.
I'm not speaking against middle eastern people or muslim. My comment was solely about the Latin community claiming 'brown' skin when it's convenient...while also claiming white and also not ******* with us and working with the police to round up black people in some neighborhoods.

Tbh, we need a better definition of the brown community. Who all is under that? It was to my understanding and a few other in here, when we hear brown, we think of people of Indian decent, from India, not native American. That's what they refer to themselves as.

What's the option on the Scantron?
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