Riot in Brooklyn over cops murdering 16 year old boy.

Yo the amount of cops and helicopters out here is crazy. Got it looking like San Andreas
I can't even drive out here in flatbush with out being nervous of getting pulled over.

Cop cars on every single corner you turn for maybe one square mile.
Then they are just pulling over random people who haven't made any driving violations.

Once the car looks decent and the person behind the wheel doesn't look over 40 , it looks like you are getting pulled.

Those riots definitely have opened a disgusting can of worms.

Btw that NY post article is horrible.

keep us updated

I love hearing from people at the scene what it looks/feels like
Damn, martial law now?

I got friends who live minutes away. I gotta ask how's it for them at the moment.
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For those who believe that police departments are impartial in how they use their very broad discretion in applying the law, consider this.

Police departments are largely made up of fairly young men, men of color (in big cities) and most are not extremely well paid and yet when police have discretion in applying the law, they give the benefit of the doubt to older, wealthy, white women and they give no quarter to young, poor and black men (obviously other groups will fall somewhere in between on this spectrum). The more you have in common, demographically with a police officer, the more likely you are to be treated poorly by them.

Individual officers are not any more likely to be dumb, brutal or racist when compared to the non police population but their individual qualities matter little compared to the institutional will of the police departments. The Police department is where the unjust laws, spawned by politics, are put into practice, they are the weapon of choice for the soccer moms, the rich old men, the well connected CEO's, the influential real estate developer and others who have a disproportionately loud voice in the formation of our laws.

Given the power of institutional forces, the police department will act in a racist manner even if every single officer is not a racist and even if every single officer is not white. Laws and politics are about the balance of civic power and young black men have very little of that and they are therefore imprisoned, beaten, humiliated, "stopped and frisked" and eventually butchered on a regular basis. There crime was, in truth, being powerless politically and their crime, in the eyes of the law, one of dozens of statues that exist so that the powerful may victimize the powerless with impunity.
For those who believe that police departments are impartial in how they use their very broad discretion in applying the law, consider this.

Police departments are largely made up of fairly young men, men of color (in big cities) and most are not extremely well paid and yet when police have discretion in applying the law, they give the benefit of the doubt to older, wealthy, white women and they give no quarter to young, poor and black men (obviously other groups will fall somewhere in between on this spectrum). The more you have in common, demographically with a police officer, the more likely you are to be treated poorly by them.

Individual officers are not any more likely to be dumb, brutal or racist when compared to the non police population but their individual qualities matter little compared to the institutional will of the police departments. The Police department is where the unjust laws, spawned by politics, are put into practice, they are the weapon of choice for the soccer moms, the rich old men, the well connected CEO's, the influential real estate developer and others who have a disproportionately loud voice in the formation of our laws.

Given the power of institutional forces, the police department will act in a racist manner even if every single officer is not a racist and even if every single officer is not white. Laws and politics are about the balance of civic power and young black men have very little of that and they are therefore imprisoned, beaten, humiliated, "stopped and frisked" and eventually butchered on a regular basis. There crime was, in truth, being powerless politically and their crime, in the eyes of the law, one of dozens of statues that exist so that the powerful may victimize the powerless with impunity.

:lol: :lol:
Watch your mouth.

I don't see anybody in these communities lending their voice for the voiceless.

Except for that John Liu from queens and he ONLY helps Asians. And that's all good, nothing wrong with what that... Rep for your people....

Let him be ridiculous and loud and sometimes off target but be damned if he ain't the LAST of a dying breed...

Respect his gangster.
Uhhh..Al Sharpton is a douchebag. Where is that 1 voice that speaks up for all people? Al Sharpton wouldnt show up to a black mans doorstep without you paying him top dollar. Respect his hustle but dude is a money lovin douche. F Al sharpton. 
So now theirs a martial law in Brooklyn, People cant even voice their displeasure with the way things our. We have a constitution & rights that can just be shut off at the snap of a finger and its ******g disgusting i'm sick & tired of this man.

Cops do whatever the **** they want and their are no consequences.
So now theirs a martial law in Brooklyn, People cant even voice their displeasure with the way things our. We have a constitution & rights that can just be shut off at the snap of a finger and its ******g disgusting i'm sick & tired of this man.

Cops do whatever the **** they want and their are no consequences.

There is a lot wrong on both sides of this. I'm curious as to your POV on the "rioting?"
I'm in no way shape or form condoning the "riot" (breaking in of a rite aid pharmacy) :rolleyes

But this is more about the bigger picture. How did it become acceptable to absolutely cut off the media, tell people they can't protest whatsoever, and everyone just stands and watches as if its routine. Growing up in the Bronx NY i KNOW how some of these cops act once one person gets belligerent, they go into full Rome mode and start treating everyone in the area as if their criminals.
From the NY Post

Blame Kimani Gray
Last Updated: 12:04 AM, March 14, 2013
Ignoring the obvious causes: City Councilman Jumaane Williams at Tuesday’s hearing, where he blamed Commissioner Kelly for Gray’s death.

A 16-year-old aspiring sociopath pulls a gun, aims it at cops and is shot to death in response.

Actions have consequences.

Then his friends, to mark his passing, go on to trash the neighborhood — looting a pharmacy and beating at least two innocent people in the process.

You’d almost think it was Chicago. But no, it was East Flatbush, Brooklyn. And who was to blame for all the mayhem? Why, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, of course. Silly even to ask.

At least that’s Brooklyn City Councilman Jumaane Wlliams’ take, as expressed during a budget hearing Tuesday at City Hall.

Williams very precisely drilled into Kelly, taking great care to avoid specific accusations, but also leaving no doubt that he holds the commissioner fundamentally responsible for everything. Not the kid with the gun, not the culture that led to the initial confrontation and certainly not the punks who ran riot in its aftermath.

And, no doubt, Williams will explain in great detail today just how it was that Kelly & Co. instigated last night’s rolling anti-cop temper-tantrum along Brooklyn’s Church Avenue. It should be a tiresome tale.

Certainly he was in full throat Tuesday: “”t was more than just one incident” he barked at Kelly — which, from the councilman’s point of view, no doubt seems true.

From the perspective of the two cops suddenly staring down the barrel of a .38-caliber revolver, however, it very much was one incident — with life-and-death implications. And that’s how it turned out: two cops alive; one youthful, but lethally armed, criminal dead.

Better that nobody had died, of course. Even better if 16-year-old Kimani Gray — an apparent gang member with a hefty criminal record — had left his gun at home Saturday night. Or, at the very least, that he’d tossed it in a gutter instead of pointing it at police officers.

Certainly this adds up to a profound personal tragedy — for the kid, obviously; for his family, and certainly for the cops, who must live with the outcome for the rest of their lives.

But as a matter of public policy, the shooting was a textbook vindication of the Bloomberg administration’s aggressive stop-and-frisk anti-illegal-gun practices.

The tactic is every liberal’s bugbear these days — Jumaane Williams most of all. It’s premised on the perfectly reasonable assumption that experienced street cops develop a sixth sense about who’s carrying and who isn’t. Arrest enough of the former, and soon you’ll have a lot more of the latter.

It’s not flawless, by any means. The majority of those stopped turn out to be clean as a whistle.

But then there are the Kimani Grays of the world, who can be lethal beyond imagination — and they trump.

Indeed, the reality of contemporary urban crime speaks to the program’s efficacy — as even a casual glance at the bloody, stop-and-friskless cities of Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Detroit will illustrate.

As Kelly put it last fall: “If we had Chicago’s murder rate, [New York’s homicide] total would be 1,224. If we had Philadelphia’s, 1,483; at Baltimore’s rate, 2,338 — and at Detroit’s, 3,635.”

In the event, New York finished the year with 419.

That’s not good enough for Williams, who’s been chewing on Kelly’s leg over stop-and-frisk for years.

Sad to say, he’s not alone. All of the Democratic mayoral candidates — while walking various rhetorical tightropes — have made it clear that when Mike Bloomberg exits, stop-and-frisk as an effective anti-gun policy won’t linger either.

Clearly, Kimani Gray was oblivious, but thousands of others understand — many from bitter experience — that going out with a gun can bring down upon them a world of hurt. So far fewer of them do it here than elsewhere. Thanks, essentially, to stop-and-frisk.

This won’t last if policy changes effected by a new mayor, or edicts imposed by the federal courts, make packing a gun as intrinsically risk-free here as it is in Chicago and Detroit.

Those are the stakes — Jumaane Williams’ contrary views notwithstanding.

NY Post is trash. Notorious ignorant news paper, i wouldn't read any social commentary from them ever.

Watch your mouth.

I don't see anybody in these communities lending their voice for the voiceless.

Except for that John Liu from queens and he ONLY helps Asians. And that's all good, nothing wrong with what that... Rep for your people....

Let him be ridiculous and loud and sometimes off target but be damned if he ain't the LAST of a dying breed...

Respect his gangster.
Uhhh..Al Sharpton is a douchebag. Where is that 1 voice that speaks up for all people? Al Sharpton wouldnt show up to a black mans doorstep without you paying him top dollar. Respect his hustle but dude is a money lovin douche. F Al sharpton. 

his show on MSNBC says otherwise. i can't comment on his tax trouble, but the dude focuses on issues on his show that are impartial to race religion or w.e. now granted its MSNBC, a liberal station. but he does speak the truth. and when the unemployment was higher last year, every show he dedicated like the last 10-15min having company reps on air to talk about what jobs they have open.

i would like to know how long his money is no including his MSNBC contract..:nerd:

It's funny you guys keep saying he's a criminal when his 1st case was 5 months ago and that was 3 of the 4 charges he was joyriding in a car and it got thrown out

Again you clowns need to speak what you know. If these cops were so innocent why hasn't Kelly stepped up for them yet instead even he has said he's leaving the case to the Brooklyn DA

They also have 7 witnesses who said he did not have a gun in his hand

cmon son he's been arrested and charged with crimes. whether one sticks or not doesn't negate the fact that the kid had a rap sheet and was a known offender. don't make it seem like the kid was an angel, there's a right way to go about dealing with cops walking up to you and a wrong way.

his own mother on NPR this morning couldn't even dismiss the gun claim. because she knows, from his pattern of previous misdeeds, it is def possible he had a gun. kid was reckless. all she said was that the NYPD didn't need to shoot him 7 times...which is kind of a pointless comment imo, because all it takes is 1 bullet to kill. kid could've died either way.
Like someone posted before, in real life, people don't just shoot 1 time and the bad guy falls down. This boy could of potentially killed the both of them and laughed about it with his boys. I don't blame them one bit for shooting him 7 times to leave no doubt that he wasnt gonna turn around and shoot them back. Protect your neck
So now theirs a martial law in Brooklyn, People cant even voice their displeasure with the way things our. We have a constitution & rights that can just be shut off at the snap of a finger and its ******g disgusting i'm sick & tired of this man.

Cops do whatever the **** they want and their are no consequences.

And what would your reaction be if rioting was going down and the cops just stood back?

There's 2 POVs for this. The cops didn't decide to all of the sudden start Martial Law.

There's nothing wrong with protesting against injustice, but then people are going to exploit that, and use that as an excuse to riot and loot and cause problems. Just like they did already >D

Like someone posted before, in real life, people don't just shoot 1 time and the bad guy falls down. This boy could of potentially killed the both of them and laughed about it with his boys. I don't blame them one bit for shooting him 7 times to leave no doubt that he wasnt gonna turn around and shoot them back. Protect your neck

This is the most important factor people don't understand about the police.

They are trained to put down, not hurt, slow down, disarm. This didn't the movies, they Int shooting duke in the knee.

A suspect that posed a threat is still a threat to the public and the police officers.

Why do you think they still put handcuffs on someone they just put down? Because what if that person is faking, or not down and pulls out another gun and harms again?

Learn procedures before you complain.
Like someone posted before, in real life, people don't just shoot 1 time and the bad guy falls down. This boy could of potentially killed the both of them and laughed about it with his boys. I don't blame them one bit for shooting him 7 times to leave no doubt that he wasnt gonna turn around and shoot them back. Protect your neck

And what would your reaction be if rioting was going down and the cops just stood back?

There's 2 POVs for this. The cops didn't decide to all of the sudden start Martial Law.

There's nothing wrong with protesting against injustice, but then people are going to exploit that, and use that as an excuse to riot and loot and cause problems. Just like they did already >D
This is the most important factor people don't understand about the police.

They are trained to put down, not hurt, slow down, disarm. This didn't the movies, they Int shooting duke in the knee.

A suspect that posed a threat is still a threat to the public and the police officers.

Why do you think they still put handcuffs on someone they just put down? Because what if that person is faking, or not down and pulls out another gun and harms again?

Learn procedures before you complain.

Martial law doesn't need to be instated to end a couple of teenagers breaking into a goddamn Rite Aid. This isnt the Watts Riots we are talking about here, Arrest can be made, barricades can be put up fine.

why are the police suddenly given the right to tell the rest of the world (by blockage of media) that we can't see what's going on there and we have to believe only what they report. One store was broken into and i'm sure the hundreds of other people out their weren't looting or rioting but because the word "Riot" was used in the media people are now going to be led to believe its some kind of war zone out their & police should be allowed to act however they want.

this is the same kind of actions that made a man lose his mind and go on a killing spree and instead of discussing the reasons behind him doing this the media used it as a ratings bonanza and painted it out as good cops vs bad guy
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Its really annoying me when I see so many people disregard where it says the kid begged for his life and where it says that it has been all but confirmed officially that he didn't have that gun.

The kid had a rap sheet, sure. But so does the NYPD
what makes their word so much more lucrative than everyone else?

And honest question, say he pointed at them do you think that a 16 year old could be standing after 6 shots for them to require a 7th shot?
Especially when 3 entered his back?
Doesn't tally up in my opinion.
The fact of the matter is that whether he had a gun or not, had a rap sheet or not, Got shot on camera while smiling at a cop it doesn't matter because they ALWAYS get off. This is my problem with this particular case its every time this happens people side with the cops and i'm ****** sick of it.
Was an actual gun recovered? Why are we going on 3-4 days of this story, and him having a gun is still "alleged?"
Was an actual gun recovered? Why are we going on 3-4 days of this story, and him having a gun is still "alleged?"
cause the cops claimed he had a gun on him, and the witnessess (including his friends) said he didn't have a gun on him.
Well the police report claims that the officers jumped out the car badge around there neck. Kiki then pulled out and pointed the .38 at Officer Cordova 1st than at sergeant Mourad and than back at officer Cordova.

Now that doesn't even make sense to me

Also officer Cordova shot another guy in the chin that was in possession of a weapon and also has 2 open cases against him but they won't put that out there I bet
Well the police report claims that the officers jumped out the car badge around there neck. Kiki then pulled out and pointed the .38 at Officer Cordova 1st than at sergeant Mourad and than back at officer Cordova.

Now that doesn't even make sense to me

Also officer Cordova shot another guy in the chin that was in possession of a weapon and also has 2 open cases against him but they won't put that out there I bet

Thanks for sharing that because i haven't heard a peep about that but i damn sure have heard about the 16 year olds "rap sheet" every time the case is bought up
real talk, they not doing a damn thing in honor of their "friend". At least if they did most of us wouldn't be so quick to say 1 down, xxxxxx to go. They displaying the behaivor that got him shot in the first place.
Well the police report claims that the officers jumped out the car badge around there neck. Kiki then pulled out and pointed the .38 at Officer Cordova 1st than at sergeant Mourad and than back at officer Cordova.

Now that doesn't even make sense to me

Also officer Cordova shot another guy in the chin that was in possession of a weapon and also has 2 open cases against him but they won't put that out there I bet
Cops don't have "open cases". Stop making **** up.
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