Riot in Brooklyn over cops murdering 16 year old boy.

Does NY have a Gang Injunction? Perhaps that was the case in this situation. I know in certain parts of Los Angeles kids can't be out after a certain hour and they cannot be in groups - LAPD has the right to search them.

No we don't have that out here. What we do have is a stop and frisk policy. Which allows officers and undercovers to detain you search and lock you if they find anything incriminating or if you don't have proper identification. It's not a coincidence that this mostly happens in urban areas out here tho

LOL I suggest you take a look back at this country's history and refresh yourself. An NT'er is going to tell me that this nation hasn't systematically attempted to dismantle a race of people from it's inception and that it's all a conspiracy theory :rofl:

Like I skate nikes said you cats really are remedial.
Honestly, don't give me this bullshi. Putting aside the advantages that my mother and father gave me...

I grew up in the same neighborhood as him. I worked my *** off to go to the top schools. Right now I go to one of the best universities in the world. I worked HARD.

I grew up in the same neighborhood and I never needed a gun. Maybe I'm just a stronger human being than him, but there is always a way to get out of your "urban environment" without resulting to gang violence. If we had similar living conditions and I'm putting in work...why can't he?

Exactly. Or how about this? You can stay in your urban environment if you would like, but don't resort to violence. Act like a respectable human being.
I never understood why people destroy their own communities during a riot, I would at least move over to the town next door.

It's mob mentality, something that you can't really blame others for. I was thinking the same thing but once things start to go down, all the anger comes out
Honestly, don't give me this bullshi. Putting aside the advantages that my mother and father gave me...

I grew up in the same neighborhood as him. I worked my *** off to go to the top schools. Right now I go to one of the best universities in the world. I worked HARD.

I grew up in the same neighborhood and I never needed a gun. Maybe I'm just a stronger human being than him, but there is always a way to get out of your "urban environment" without resulting to gang violence. If we had similar living conditions and I'm putting in work...why can't he?

Mother and Father household that might have made a big difference in your upbringing. And just because you're from the neighborhood and lived there doesn't mean you was subjected to the ******** that occurs in it.

I know plenty of people that are doing good with their selves but they had a strong family foundation. How often is that the case out here. If you don't mind me asking what part of the bush are u from ?
Does NY have a Gang Injunction? Perhaps that was the case in this situation. I know in certain parts of Los Angeles kids can't be out after a certain hour and they cannot be in groups - LAPD has the right to search them.

No we don't have that out here. What we do have is a stop and frisk policy. Which allows officers and undercovers to detain you search and lock you if they find anything incriminating or if you don't have proper identification. It's not a coincidence that this mostly happens in urban areas out here tho

Well there you go - cops were exercising their right to stop and frisk them based on policy.

Most of this cops work the same area for years and get to know the "who's-who", and they might have recognized them from previous altercations and decided to see what they were up to - obviously up to no good.
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LOL I suggest you take a look back at this country's history and refresh yourself. An NT'er is going to tell me that this nation hasn't systematically attempted to dismantle a race of people from it's inception and that it's all a conspiracy theory :rofl:

Like I skate nikes said you cats really are remedial.

I don't need to. I've already have. There were terrible things done in the past.

Again, this is 2013. Excuses are for chumps and the weak. NO ONE IS HOLDING YOU BACK BUT YOURSELF.

And what is "remedial" the friggin word of the day or something?
Honestly, don't give me this bullshi. Putting aside the advantages that my mother and father gave me...

I grew up in the same neighborhood as him. I worked my *** off to go to the top schools. Right now I go to one of the best universities in the world. I worked HARD.

I grew up in the same neighborhood and I never needed a gun. Maybe I'm just a stronger human being than him, but there is always a way to get out of your "urban environment" without resulting to gang violence. If we had similar living conditions and I'm putting in work...why can't he?
how did you get so self righteous. "i'm successful, why isn't he? guess i'm a stronger human being"
okay you made it out the hood, laudable, but that doesn't qualify you to look down on others
you grew up with two parents, I won't make any assumptions about your family life, but don't be so quick to judge, you may not know the hardships in other people's lives
real spit.
low key, its a race war right here on NT.
a lot of ppl on here love hearing this kind of stuff happen to young black males.

i swear ya'll are remedial. :smh:
the rioting is to bring attention to the subject.
you dont know anything about history do you?

YEAH MAN. YOU GOT IT RIGHT. Looting a Rite Aid is definitely going to bring national attention to police brutality in NYC. YUP. REAL PRIME TIME.

I contend that you catch up on your history so you can realize what it really means to bring attention to racial and oppressive issues.

We're the remedial ones. SMH.
And what is "remedial" the friggin word of the day or something?

Yup. It's funny to see the ironic use of the word, considering that some of these NTers think looting local Rite Aids is the intelligent way of bringing attention to the "issue"
the same covert racists pop up in all these threads

and I'll refrain from judgement on this situation as I havent read enough but I will say ruining innocent shop keeprs stores is stupid as hell
clown logic

who decides what suspicious looks like?

or is black skin good enough?

I'm not familiar with the neighborhood, but is it a predominantly black neighborhood?

If so, by your logic, then EVERYONE would be getting pulled over. EVERYONE would be getting frisked.

No the kid that had the gun was the one who got stopped, and its the police fault.
Mother and Father household that might have made a big difference in your upbringing. And just because you're from the neighborhood and lived there doesn't mean you was subjected to the ******** that occurs in it.

I know plenty of people that are doing good with their selves but they had a strong family foundation. How often is that the case out here. If you don't mind me asking what part of the bush are u from ?

4 blocks from the 2,5 on Church. Being more specific, I've never lived with my mom and dad together. My father works internationally now, but we've always had a tight bond and I saw him weekly.
WTF are you talking about? Did the kid not pull a gun on a police officer? If he didn't, can you please post a link? "I don't care what no one says" is not evidence of the kid not pulling a strap, sorry.

If you "don't care" what no one says why are you asking for a link ? and why are you basing your views off of what the media is saying ? I think you are confused. Everything that is being put out there is coming from 2nd and 3rd person not the parties directly involved. We don't even know the cops involved names to determine if they have a past of their own but since kiki had "4 prior arrest no convictions but arrest" he's in the wrong.

how did you get so self righteous. "i'm successful, why isn't he? guess i'm a stronger human being"
okay you made it out the hood, laudable, but that doesn't qualify you to look down on others
you grew up with two parents, I won't make any assumptions about your family life, but don't be so quick to judge, you may not know the hardships in other people's lives

Yeah you do make a very good point. It's just growing up in this community it's difficult seeing this life every single day. Seeing girls you went to elementary school with pregnant is extremely discouraging and hurtful. I have friends that just aren't in college because they'd rather wear True Religion and Burberry boxers.

It gets to the point where you question human instinct. Obviously you will ALWAYS fail with crime in one form or another. So why not try to do something positive and actually work hard? If you fail, at least you did it with honesty and with respect. Human instinct tells you to succeed and you will never succeed with crime.

I just hate seeing it.
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The thinking of some of you guys man. Yes someone might rob you, someone might shoot you. So whats the solution? We gonna put a bullet in every "maybe" we can think of :pimp: thanks for protecting us. God knows how many people he could've killed... Or changed and saved as a doctor. But thats a risk we had to take :pimp:

Dude... the kid had a gun, and supposedly aimed at police...

It any case, it's sad to see such a young life end this early. But if he really did pull a gun at police, end of story. Race doesn't matter in this situation, man. Police would've done the same thing to anyone.
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can someone update the first page? Did they find a gun on kid?

Regardless, it's a shame to see a kid go so early.
I constantly see dudes calling police the problem. Cops aren't causing black on black crime. Cops aren't getting black boys and girls shot over what color your shoe laces are. Cops aren't handing teenagers guns and telling them to bang on anyone who looks at you funny.

Stop blaming the system and start taking responsibility.

Perhaps you should open a history book. Black street gangs formed due to the fact that a white police force did not protect and serve black communities, in fact they harmed and exploited the black communities. So when you are systematically forced into poverty by exclusionary laws, you are, at the same time, forced in to a high crime area in which police do not serve you. You can dig even further and read about the CIA and the explosion of crack cocaine into specifically targeted communities. All in all, it can be argued that cops are indeed responsible for black on black crime. :nerd:

I know the history man. I know about the CIA and crack, I know about Reagan, I know about where the gangs came from.

what does that have to do with NOW? who are these gang members protecting NOW when they're out there killing our own people? they're "protecting" their blocks and drug spots by shooting people who look JUST LIKE THEM over colors and streets they don't even own.

I will never ever say it's all our fault, but it's not all the systems fault either. 16 year old kid allegedly walking around strapped. I know it's "normal" for some areas, it's becoming increasingly more normal here where I live, but you have to see the problem with this. no child should ever have to feel the need to carry a weapon around like that. it's like where do we go from here? I can't trust the police and I can't even trust a random person because I might be wearing the wrong jacket in the wrong neighborhood?

of course it can be argued that we're where we are because of what has been done to us, but when do we do something about it? I'm all for that revolution but we can't have it if we can't even trust our brothers.

You're thinking black and white man. I can already see it.

Cops are not the only problem we face. Its perfectly normal to be outraged by cops murdering innocent people. But only pointing the finger at police is ridiculous and I see it constantly.

This kid was apparently in a gang right? this thread could have easily been about him shooting up a party with the same weapon he may or may not have aimed at the police.

I'm not seeing black and white, trust me I have more perspective than you know.

I never said cops were the only problem we face.

What I don't understand is why those other problems motivate dudes like you to stick up for these racist pigs.

A myriad of problems face our inner city communities where law enforcement also murder without regard for human life, the two aren't mutually exclusive.

I've seen your posts man, I know you have perspective. I'm not sticking up for the police. I've dealt with them, I've been profiled. I'm a black male with dreads in Virginia. confederate flags, schools and roads named after racists, I'm right in the middle of it :lol:

I'm just saying we can't just throw out "racism, evil cops" every time something happens. I've had friends locked up for doing completely stupid **** and mutual friends making shirts saying FREE whoever, **** the police, blah blah blah. like the family who's kid got jumped and beaten up with a bat in a parking lot wants to see that ****.

I cannot believe there's people in this thread saying a Rite Aid was looted and destroyed and it's manager beat up to call attention to this :lol: I know it's not funny but god damn.
Change thread title to "Blame Shift Bonanza"

:lol: :lol:

I hate that this stuff happens but I love reading these threads because you get to see a lot of different perspectives. there's people who have never experienced anything like this in real life, people who see this every day, people like me who have experienced it but moved to new areas where it's not the norm...

I hope for at least some it's a small learning experience reading these replies.
I'm not familiar with the neighborhood, but is it a predominantly black neighborhood?

If so, by your logic, then EVERYONE would be getting pulled over. EVERYONE would be getting frisked.

No the kid that had the gun was the one who got stopped, and its the police fault.

open a ny paper law abiding citizens on their way to and from work are victims of this same policy that you somehow think only targets criminals

I work in the nys government and their are lots of law abiding citizens that are more than tired of being harrassed because they " fit the description"
clown logic

who decides what suspicious looks like?

or is black skin good enough?

Maybe clown logic, but stereotypes for the most part are true. You can't tell me you don't know what a suspicious kid looks like, especially if they are in a group.

This isn't based off of skin as I have had plenty of white friends get stopped while they were in groups and looking suspicious.
I have friends that just aren't in college because they'd rather wear True Religion and Burberry boxers.

I just hate seeing it.

This mentality is the problem with these communities, not "the white man holding us down :smh:". Even when they get the opportunities, they CHOOSE to be ignorant and counterproductive.

Until high school, I grew up in a very low income area that had the good luck of being in the vicinity of the top schools in the district. I remember being made fun of so many times by people in my area because of my payless sneakers and being "soft" or "whitewashed" for focusing on studying, all by kids showing up to school in the newest Jordans and bragging about their hoodlum activities (meanwhile, they'd have to show up at school at 6 am for free breakfast cause they spent all their $ on looking fresh).

Instead of taking advantage of all the different classes and great teachers the schools had to offer, these kids spent their time and energy harrassing suburban white kids and other bull @#$%.
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