Riot in Brooklyn over cops murdering 16 year old boy.

Are there not black cops on the force or something?...lulz

The way some of ya throw the race card around is mind obliterating.

Crazy thing is these little knuckleheads can care less if you are the same color as them, they will hurt you and those you love with no remorse, tat happens far more often than these "race crimes" committed by the NYPD.

I constantly see dudes calling police the problem. Cops aren't causing black on black crime. Cops aren't getting black boys and girls shot over what color your shoe laces are. Cops aren't handing teenagers guns and telling them to bang on anyone who looks at you funny.

Stop blaming the system and start taking responsibility.

Are there ****** cops? Yeah. But there are ****** regular people too. If cops hadn't shot him, if dude was really bout that gang life, someone who looked very similar to him could have put him in a box too.
Cliff notes of this thread: If you don't take full sympathy on every case of a minority getting shot by the cops you grew up in a 50 bed mansion in the Hamptons with 3 butlers and maids to clean your penis on a daily basis.

Meanwhile the only people killing black kids are other black kids.
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Names? Occupation? Sources. :lol: dudes still believe if you just try hard you can do it. Fyi the overwhelming majority never leave their class. Im on mobile but i thought this was common knowledge
Here's the thing some of you more sheltered NTers need to understand. The persons killed by the police ALWAYS has a gun or other weapon aimed at the officer. ALWAYS. Even when they didn't, they did. Never in the history or policing has an officer ever unjustly murdered someone, never. This is their stance and they run with it every single time. Additionally, prosecuting a cop is career suicide for any DA or prosecutor so.... in this country, murder is excusable as long as you have a badge.
Does that mean this specific kid was innocent? I don't see how it does. If you want to talk about overall injustice fine, because it does happen everyday...but this specific situation doesn't strike me as police brutality.

And I'm far from sheltered. So skip all of that.

Cliff notes of this thread: If you don't take full sympathy on every case of a minority getting shot by the cops you grew up in a 50 bed mansion in the Hamptons with 3 butlers and maids to clean your penis on a daily basis.
Pretty much sums it up. I think we can lock this thread now.
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I constantly see dudes calling police the problem. Cops aren't causing black on black crime. Cops aren't getting black boys and girls shot over what color your shoe laces are. Cops aren't handing teenagers guns and telling them to bang on anyone who looks at you funny.

Stop blaming the system and start taking responsibility.

Are there ****** cops? Yeah. But there are ****** regular people too. If cops hadn't shot him, if dude was really bout that gang life, someone who looked very similar to him could have put him in a box too.

What do I need to take responsibility for?

Why is being outraged by cops murdering black men in cold blood blaming the system?
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I constantly see dudes calling police the problem. Cops aren't causing black on black crime. Cops aren't getting black boys and girls shot over what color your shoe laces are. Cops aren't handing teenagers guns and telling them to bang on anyone who looks at you funny.

Stop blaming the system and start taking responsibility.

Are there ****** cops? Yeah. But there are ****** regular people too. If cops hadn't shot him, if dude was really bout that gang life, someone who looked very similar to him could have put him in a box too.

What do I need to take responsibility for?

Why is being outraged by cops murdering black men in cold blood blaming the system?

You're thinking black and white man. I can already see it.

Cops are not the only problem we face. Its perfectly normal to be outraged by cops murdering innocent people. But only pointing the finger at police is ridiculous and I see it constantly.

This kid was apparently in a gang right? this thread could have easily been about him shooting up a party with the same weapon he may or may not have aimed at the police.
You're thinking black and white man. I can already see it.

Cops are not the only problem we face. Its perfectly normal to be outraged by cops murdering innocent people. But only pointing the finger at police is ridiculous and I see it constantly.

This kid was apparently in a gang right? this thread could have easily been about him shooting up a party with the same weapon he may or may not have aimed at the police.

Let's be honest here, this wouldn't have been news worthy. It's funny a lot of people out here who think they are "about that inner city struggle life" don't understand just how violent some of these communities are until you have worked in a trauma bay. It happens everyday, and isn't made as big of a deal on the news. The public only cares if a cop shoots someone, or a kid shoots up a white school before it becomes discussion worthy. :\
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This is ridiculous. I live a few minutes from there, and I am so ashamed.

First of all, this kid got what he deserved. 16 years old with a loaded gun? Who are you kidding. No one should be defending this boy because obviously he was a criminal. I feel no remorse for this kid or his family. They should have done a better job on mentoring this kid. I'm just glad he didn't hurt anyone innocent.

Secondly, why would you riot in your own community? How is disrupting the flow of a local Rite Aid and stealing going to send a message to NYPD in relation to their police brutality? This only gives the NYPD more reason to enforce stricter search policies. Like there couldn't be a more civil approach to a memorial?

I'm so tired of people calling out racism for every single thing. If this kid didn't have a gun then there most likely wouldn't be a problem. Look at the cause before you look at the effect.

This is disgraceful and upsetting.

NTers ALWAYS post @#$% like "I always carry. If dude touches me in any way, I'm sending him to the afterlife" then get mad when cops protect themselves after being threatened.

Look, there are many scumbag cops who harrass innocent people, but you have to be a complete dumb @#$ to put yourself in this specific situation anyway. Don't give me that "He wasn't raised right, he didn't have opportunities :frown:" bull @#$%. People all over the world come here with absolutely nothing and aren't walking around pulling out guns on a daily basis. People like this add absolutely 0 value to society (unless you count harrassing/tormenting members of their own communities), so why feel any sympathy for them? Ridiculous
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I constantly see dudes calling police the problem. Cops aren't causing black on black crime. Cops aren't getting black boys and girls shot over what color your shoe laces are. Cops aren't handing teenagers guns and telling them to bang on anyone who looks at you funny.

Stop blaming the system and start taking responsibility.

Perhaps you should open a history book. Black street gangs formed due to the fact that a white police force did not protect and serve black communities, in fact they harmed and exploited the black communities. So when you are systematically forced into poverty by exclusionary laws, you are, at the same time, forced in to a high crime area in which police do not serve you. You can dig even further and read about the CIA and the explosion of crack cocaine into specifically targeted communities. All in all, it can be argued that cops are indeed responsible for black on black crime. :nerd:

Does that mean this specific kid was innocent? I don't see how it does. If you want to talk about overall injustice fine, because it does happen everyday...but this specific situation doesn't strike me as police brutality.

Did I say he was innocent? Does it even matter? My point was that you will never know if he is innocent or not because if he was the cops have no issue planting a weapon or otherwise distorting the facts. Cops are never wrong when their *** is on the line. This specific situation doesn't strike you as brutality and neither will any other situation as long as you have a group which refuses to ever take responsibility for their actions feeding you the "facts".
I'm came in here to say what's been said 100x already - if you put yourself in that "situation", be prepared to deal with the consequences.

I empathize with the boy's family, but I don't have any sympathy for the boy whatsoever.
Perhaps you should open a history book. Black street gangs formed due to the fact that a white police force did not protect and serve black communities, in fact they harmed and exploited the black communities. So when you are systematically forced into poverty by exclusionary laws, you are, at the same time, forced in to a high crime area in which police do not serve you. You can dig even further and read about the CIA and the explosion of crack cocaine into specifically targeted communities. All in all, it can be argued that cops are indeed responsible for black on black crime. :nerd:

Ding ding ding.
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You're thinking black and white man. I can already see it.

Cops are not the only problem we face. Its perfectly normal to be outraged by cops murdering innocent people. But only pointing the finger at police is ridiculous and I see it constantly.

This kid was apparently in a gang right? this thread could have easily been about him shooting up a party with the same weapon he may or may not have aimed at the police.

I'm not seeing black and white, trust me I have more perspective than you know.

I never said cops were the only problem we face.

What I don't understand is why those other problems motivate dudes like you to stick up for these racist pigs.

A myriad of problems face our inner city communities where law enforcement also murder without regard for human life, the two aren't mutually exclusive.
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It seemed like he was bout dat life

That video posted about the bloods and crips is super embarrassing. :x

Their parents are probably no better, they will raise children with the same defeatist mentality. A seemingly endless cycle of learned helplessness and victimization.
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You guys tend to over look the bigger picture. This is how cases get dropped in court. What were the cops reason for jumping out on 5 teens in front of a residential residence ?

Was there a complaint called or was it profiling ?
Ding ding ding.

Here we go. Jesse Ventura is on high alert. Are there hidden agendas? Of course there are, but to think its systematically holding you down in 2013 is just plain ignorance. I don't care who you are, where you are from, in TODAYS day and age you can make what you want out of life. It might not be the ideal situation, but you can change the negativity in your life.

I'm sick of these holding us back arguments. Man the F up and do you.
So because he slapped another teen when he was 15 its means he was about that life lol

Most of you guys don't live in the urban environment so you are not subjected to whats going on in these communities. So how could you comprehend why a 16 year old or anyone for that matter needs an gun for.

With that being said instead of some you guys bashing those for having to adapt to their living conditions. You should give thanks to your parents and families for providing you with a stable foundation to be able to live better than most.
You guys tend to over look the bigger picture. This is how cases get dropped in court. What were the cops reason for jumping out on 5 teens in front of a residential residence ?

Was there a complaint called or was it profiling ?

probably looked suspicious as hell. They were right...
You guys tend to over look the bigger picture. This is how cases get dropped in court. What were the cops reason for jumping out on 5 teens in front of a residential residence ?

Was there a complaint called or was it profiling ?

Does NY have a Gang Injunction? Perhaps that was the case in this situation. I know in certain parts of Los Angeles kids can't be out after a certain hour and they cannot be in groups - LAPD has the right to search them.
real spit.

low key, its a race war right here on NT.

a lot of ppl on here love hearing this kind of stuff happen to young black males.

i swear ya'll are remedial. 

the rioting is to bring attention to the subject.

you dont know anything about history do you?
Remedial? Explain the purpose of destroying the property of bystanders? The property of people who are probably indifferent to what is occurring outside of their immediate friends and family. So that they'll be frustrated and potentially grow a bias against the people who committed crimes against them?

Someone died. The loss of life is nothing to take lightly, but when a person points a weapon at anyone, they're playing with death. It goes for both police and civilians. 
So because he slapped another teen when he was 15 its means he was about that life lol

Most of you guys don't live in the urban environment so you are not subjected to whats going on in these communities. So how could you comprehend why a 16 year old or anyone for that matter needs an gun for.

With that being said instead of some you guys bashing those for having to adapt to their living conditions. You should give thanks to your parents and families for providing you with a stable foundation to be able to live better than most.

Honestly, don't give me this bullshi. Putting aside the advantages that my mother and father gave me...

I grew up in the same neighborhood as him. I worked my *** off to go to the top schools. Right now I go to one of the best universities in the world. I worked HARD.

I grew up in the same neighborhood and I never needed a gun. Maybe I'm just a stronger human being than him, but there is always a way to get out of your "urban environment" without resulting to gang violence. If we had similar living conditions and I'm putting in work...why can't he?
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