Richest 17 year old on instagram

Why is there no middle ground...

If you criticize him, then you're inherently jealous?

Maybe you just don't think its cool to act that way...

Just cuz you don't like something means you're jealous?
so i got curious and looked through this kid instagram, and i find it saddening. this kid will probably never experience real friendship and enjoy his life like a real kid will. dude is like that stereotypical d-bag rich kid as portrayed on tv and in movies. I ain't even gonna flex i would love to have all that money he has but i wouldnt trade up my life for that. and i'm good with taking ish's in my regular "peasant low class" toilet water.
Why is there no middle ground...

If you criticize him, then you're inherently jealous?

Maybe you just don't think its cool to act that way...

Just cuz you don't like something means you're jealous?
Dude goes on instagram and calls people peasants and talks like he is about that life.

Would get clapped. 
Why is there no middle ground...

If you criticize him, then you're inherently jealous?

Maybe you just don't think its cool to act that way...

Just cuz you don't like something means you're jealous?

Its just interesting because NT loves Birdman for doing the same thing.

He's young with money of course hes gonna show it off :pimp:

I feel sorry for dude that he has to overcompensate for whatever he feels he is lacking by doing videos like this . . . over such a petty thing as someone saying that his money is "fake".​

As far as him enjoying his money . . . cool. We'd all do the same if our parents were wealthy, and if we were wealthy (actually wealthy, not upper middle class or rich, actually WEALTHY), then we'd give our kids what they ask for.​

However dude is asking for a beating by calling others broke when he did nothing to help contribute to that wealth.​

Surprised this thread is just about his money and not him using the n-word. :lol:

Not me. I know very rich people and they are some of the lamest kids I have ever met. I would never raise a kid to be a little *****. Thats what they are, little *******
Not saying this guy isn't rich, but if he is, it must've been very recent. Most kids who were born into an affluent lifestyle or who were raised in it earlier in life, don't really care much about their wealth to the extent of bragging about it.

Also, this guy doesn't summer anywhere? Hamptons, Northfork, amagansett, savanah?
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Dude placing bids himself
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Look at dude with fake *** Yeezys.

You giving away something like 40 grand in a week and you can't afford a legit check? I would've done that **** for free.

Look at dude with fake *** Yeezys.

You giving away something like 40 grand in a week and you can't afford a legit check? I would've done that **** for free.


All I do is get laughs from this kid. Every pic I click on. 
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I guess were all just a bunch of peasants :smh:

But this kid is what wrong with people. Yeah one day I hope to have as much money as him but ill never forget who I was and where I came from and whoever said it before I bet he doesn't have any friends just a bunch of @:!/&:$ trying to get some bread out of him
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